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Insecta. Neuroptera. Ephemeridæ and Odonata (1892-1908) by A. E. Eaton and Philip P. Calvert

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Displaying 1 to 10 of 10 Matches

Tab. 1
Lachlania (1 species) ; Homoeoneuria (1 species) ; Euthyplocia (1 species) ; Hexagenia (1 species) ; Choroterpes (2 species) ; Thraulus (1 species) ; Tricorythus (1 species) ; Leptohyphes (1 species)

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Tab. 2
Hetaerina (11 species)

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Tab. 3
Hetaerina (4 species) ; Thaumatoneura (1 species) ; Pseudostigma (2species) ; Amphipteryx (1 species) ; Lestes (4 species) ; Cora (1 species)

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Tab. 4
Argia (62 species)

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Tab. 5
Paraphlebia (2 species) ; Philogenia (3 species) ; Heteragrion (3 species) ; Hesperagrion (1 species) ; Enallagma (2 species) ; Anisagrion (1 species) ; Acanthagrion (1 species) ; Telebasis (5 species) ; Leptobasis (1 species) ; Ceratura (1 species) ; Ischnura (1 species) ; Neoneura (2 species) ; Protoneura (5 species) ; Palaemnema (4 species)

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Tab. 6
Hesperagrion (1 species) ; Palaemnema (1 species) ; Neoneura (1 species) ; Protoneura (1 species) ; Perithemis (1 species)

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Tab. 7
Progomphus (2 species) ; Erpetogomphus (16 species) ; Philogenia (2 species) ; Progomphus (1 species) ; Gomphoides (5 species) ; Cyanogomphus (2 species)

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Tab. 8
Epigomphus (4 species) ; Anax (1 species) ; Aeshna (6 species) ; Gynacantha (5 species) ; Oplonaeschna (1 species) ; Argia (4 species) ; Cannaphila (1 species) ; Brechmorhoga (2 species) ; Micrathyria (1 species) ; Dythemis (2 species)

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Tab. 9
Ephidatia ; Uracis ; Tholymis ; Micrathyria ; Nephepeltia ; Orthemis; Erythrodiplax ; Macrothemis ; Tauriphila ; Rhodopygia ; Platyplax

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Tab. 10
Lestes ; Argia ; Dythemis ; Gynacantha ; Neoneura ; Erpetogomphus ; Argiallagma ; Enallagma ; Telebasis ; Protoneura ; Anisagrion ; Gomphoides ; Brechmorhoga

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