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Instruments for Science, 1800-1914: Scientific Trade Catalogs in Smithsonian Collections
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Standard Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke, Prãcisions-Mechaniker und Optiker
Title: Physikalische Apparate, Chemische Instrumente und Gerätschaften / (ca. 800 Abbildungen enthaltend)
Imprint: Germany (Berlin: 1887)
Pagination and Size: 186 p.; 27 x 20 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; German
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: balances, rheostats and voltmeters
Notes: Item Number: 51666. Price list No. 11; prices; index; explanations of notes; abbreviations of notes; pictures of factory.
Subject Area: Chemistry ; Electricity
Digital Availability: HTML Page

Standard Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Title: Röntgen-Apparate und - Instrumentarien.
Imprint: Germany (Berlin: 190-)
Pagination and Size: 54 p.; 30 x 21 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; German
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: radiological equipment
Notes: Item Number: 51665. Includes price list No.16; contents.
Subject Area: Physics ; Electricity ; Medical Apparatus
Digital Availability: HTML Page | PDF (Printer Friendly)

Standard Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Title: Physikalische Apparate / (über 1600 Abbildungen enthaltend)
Imprint: Germany (Berlin: 190-)
Pagination and Size: 384 p.; 31 x 22 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; German
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: weights, pulleys and balances
Notes: Item Number: 51667. Includes prices (List No.18); forward; subject index; name index; item index; photograph of laboratory..
Subject Area: Physics ; Chemistry ; Education
Digital Availability: HTML Page

Standard Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Title: DerSprechende Flammenbogen und die Telephonie ohne Draht vermittelst Lichtstrahlen / Zwei Instrumentarien zur Demonstration
Imprint: Germany (Berlin: 1897)
Pagination and Size: 8 p.; 31 x 22 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; German
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: transformers and telephones
Notes: Item Number: 51664. Document No. 102; Includes prices.
Subject Area: Electricity ; Engineering
Digital Availability: HTML Page

Standard Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Title: Neues Wohlfeiles Instrumentarium zur Demonstration der Versuche von Hertz über die Eigenschaften der elektrischen Wellen / Strahlen elektrischer Kraft
Imprint: Germany (Berlin: 189-)
Pagination and Size: 6 p.; 31 x 22 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; German
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: oscillator and resonator
Notes: Item Number: 51663. Document No 106; Includes price list.
Subject Area: Electricity ; Education
Digital Availability: HTML Page | PDF (Printer Friendly)

Standard Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Title: Projektionen mit dem Universal-Schul-Projektions-Apparat Type NOR.
Imprint: Germany (Berlin: 190-)
Pagination and Size: 96 p.; 25 x 18 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; German
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: projection equipment
Notes: Item Number: 51662. Includes index; price list; description of instruments; use of equipment; endorsement letters inserted; equipment list inserted; preprinted return address postcard inserted.
Subject Area: Education
Digital Availability: No images currently available (about image availability)

Standard Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Title: Catalogue No. 10 of Physical Instruments / for use in Teaching or Experimenting in the various Sciences
Imprint: Germany (Berlin: 1885)
Pagination and Size: 160 p.; 26 x 18 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; English
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: turbines, model steam engines and agricultural ploughs
Notes: Item Number: 51732. Includes preface; testimonials; prices; index; advertisements; drawings inserted.
Subject Area: Physics ; Education ; Engineering
Digital Availability: HTML Page

Standard Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Title: Röntgen-Apparate und - Instrumentarien / Sonder-Preisliste No. 16
Imprint: Germany (Berlin: 19--)
Pagination and Size: 54 p.; 30 x 21 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; German
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: ammeters, X-ray tubes and turbines
Notes: Item Number: 52513. Includes content; introduction; description of instruments; prices and price list; Extrastrom-Apparat flier inserted.
Subject Area: Physics ; Electricity ; Medical Apparatus
Digital Availability: HTML Page | PDF (Printer Friendly)