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Instruments for Science, 1800-1914: Scientific Trade Catalogs in Smithsonian Collections
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A Smithsonian Institution Libraries Digital Collection
Standard Company Name: James Green
Company Name: James Green
Title: Catalogue of Mathematical and Optical Instruments / Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus
Imprint: United States (Baltimore, MD: 1844)
Pagination and Size: 12 p.; 22 x 17 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; English
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: air pumps, barometers and drawing instruments
Notes: Item Number: 51638. Includes prices.
Subject Area: Physics ; Chemistry ; Optics
Digital Availability: HTML Page

Standard Company Name: James Green
Company Name: James Green
Title: Catalogue of Mathematical and Optical Instruments / Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus
Imprint: United States (Baltimore, MD: 1844)
Pagination and Size: 12 p.; 22 x 17 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; English
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: air pumps, barometers and drawing instruments
Notes: Item Number: 51788. Includes prices.
Subject Area: Physics ; Chemistry ; Optics
Digital Availability: HTML Page | PDF (Printer Friendly)