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Journal of Matthew Stirling

Edited and annotated by Paul Michael Taylor
Asian Cultural History Program
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution

July 28th

This morning we found the river had dropped about 3 feet during the night and we now have a respectable bank in front of camp. Last night we held a conference and decided that le Roux and I with Saleh, Ipoei and five Dyaks would try and penetrate to the Central mountains by way of our river. It will be a risky trip, as we can bring no soldiers and have only one rifle and two side arms available and must once more pass through our small river. We will bring food for a couple of weeks and see what comes of it. The whole project may be {p. 191} impossible as the river may run out of a swamp in the plain which it will be impossible to cross. On the other hand, it may come close to some headwater stream of the Van Daalen or Rouffaer or may lead directly to the mountains. We will go prepared to continue and if it is possible, will do so. Dick and Stanley with 5 more Dyaks will come along in the other canoe with additional supplies, as far as we can go with canoes and will then return with their Dyaks and canoe.

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