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Journal of Matthew Stirling

Edited and annotated by Paul Michael Taylor
Asian Cultural History Program
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution

June 14th

[V2: crossed out and marked "Omit": Today has been a day largely spent in trying to adjust our somewhat strained diplomatic relations with Van Leeuwen. Stanley is in favor of sending a long telegram to the Indian Committee stating our grievances. I am not sure that it is the best thing to do. Although we feel that there have been movements afoot to take the running of the expedition out of our hands I do not feel that [it] is the diplomatic thing to bring them up. Both Stanley and I had a long talk with van Leeuwen today, but the lines did not agree any too well. We all feel however that the matter should be settled in the next day or two.]

This afternoon Leroux and I went out hunting with a couple of Dyaks but didn't have any luck. We went into the east bank of the river across from Havik Island. There were plenty of birds of paradise and crowned pigeons making a racket all around us, but it is astonishing how difficult it is to see them. The tracks of pigs and cassowary were plentiful but we did not sight any. The arm of the river on the east side of the island is now practically dry, consisting of a large gravel bar. We waded across the river to this bar where our canoe came to meet us to bring us home. Early this afternoon Anji Ipoei returned with his canoe transport from Batavia camp, after another quick trip up and back.

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