Catalog Information
Company Name:
Peter Henderson & Co. |
Catalog Title:
Bulbs, Plants, Seeds (1892) |
Publication Information:
New York, NY United States |
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Catalog Number:
17605 |
Catalog Information
Company Name:
Peter Henderson & Co. |
Catalog Title:
Manual of Everything for the Garden (1896) |
Publication Information:
New York, NY United States |
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Catalog Number:
01473 |
Catalog Information
Company Name:
Peter Henderson & Co. |
Catalog Title:
Manual of Everything for the Garden (1897) |
Publication Information:
New York, NY United States |
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Catalog Number:
10131 |
Catalog Information
Company Name:
Peter Henderson & Co. |
Catalog Title:
Wholesale Catalogue of Vegetable Seeds (1898) |
Publication Information:
New York, NY United States |
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Catalog Number:
10126 |
Catalog Information
Company Name:
Peter Henderson & Co. |
Catalog Title:
Manual of Everything for the Garden (1899) |
Publication Information:
New York, NY United States |
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Catalog Number:
10133 |
Catalog Information
Company Name:
Peter Henderson & Co. |
Catalog Title:
Everything for the Garden 1913 (1913) |
Publication Information:
New York, NY United States |
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Catalog Number:
0002 |