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[p. 48]


(All volumes of this group are out of print.)

Contributions to North American ethnology, by J. W. Powell, Geologist in Charge, Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, U. S. Department of the Interior. 4o. Vols. 1-3.

Contributions to North American ethnology, by J. W. Powell, Director, Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution. 4o. Vols. 4-7, 9.

    Volume 1, 1877:
      Part I. Tribes of the extreme Northwest, by W. H. Dall. Pp. 1-156, illus.

        On the distribution and nomenclature of the native tribes of Alaska and the adjacent territory.

        On succession in the shell-heaps of the Aleutian Islands.

        On the origin of the Innuit.

        Appendix to part I. Linguistics.

          Notes on the natives of Alaska (communicated to the late George Gibbs, M. D., in 1862), by His Excellency J. Furuhelm, late Governor of the Russian-American colonies.

          Terms of relationship used by the Innuit: a series obtained from natives of Cumberland inlet, by W. H. Dall.

          Vocabularies [by George Gibbs and W. H. Dall].

          Note on the use of numerals among the T'sim si-an', by George Gibbs, M. D.

      Part II. Tribes of western Washington and northwestern Oregon, by George Gibbs, M. D. Pp. 157-361, pocket map.

        Appendix to part II. Linguistics.

          Vocabularies [by George Gibbs, Wm. F. Tolmie, and G. Mengarini].

          Dictionary of the Niskwalli [Niskwalli-English and English-Niskwalli], by George Gibbs.

    Volume 2, 1890 [1891]:
      The Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon, by Albert Samuel Gatschet. 2 vols.

    Volume 3, 1877:
      Tribes of California, by Stephen Powers. 635 pp., frontispiece, 44 figs. (incl. 42 pls.), 3 pp. music, pocket map.

        Appendix. Linguistics, edited by J. W. Powell. Pp. 439-613.

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    Volume 4, 1881:
      Houses and house-life of the American aborigines, by Lewis H. Morgan. XIV+281 pp., frontispiece, 56 figs. (incl. 28 pls.).

    Volume 5, 1882:
      Observations on cup-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures in the Old World and in America, by Charles Rau. 112 pp., 61 figs. (forming 35 pls.). 1881.

      On prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets, by Robert Fletcher, M. R. C. S. Eng., act. asst. surgeon, U.S. Army. 32 pp., 9 pls., 2 figs. 1882.

      A study of the manuscript Troano, by Cyrus Thomas, Ph.D., with an introduction by D. G. Brinton, M. D. [The graphic system and ancient method of the Mayas.] XXXVII+237 pp., 9 pls., 101 figs., 25 small unnumbered cuts. 1882.

    Volume 6, 1890 [1892]:
      The Cegiha language, by James Owen Dorsey. XVIII+794 pp.

    Volume 7, 1890 [1892]:
      A Dakota-English dictionary, by Stephen Return Riggs, edited by James Owen Dorsey. X+665 pp.

    Volume 8, Not published.

    Volume 9, 1893 [1894]:

      Dakota grammar, texts, and ethnography, by Stephen Return Riggs, edited by James Owen Dorsey. XXXII+239 pp.

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