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[p. 72]


A = Annual Report. B = Bulletin. C = Contributions to North American Ethnology. I =Introductions. M = Miscellaneous Publications. P = Publications of the Institute of Social Anthropology.

Early history of the Creek Indians and their neighbors (Swanton) B 73.
Early man. See Man, early.
Early Pueblo ruins in the Piedra district, southwestern Colorado (Roberts). B 96.
Earthworks, the circular, square, and octagonal, of Ohio (Thomas). B 10.
Eastern Cherokee folktales: Reconstructed from the field notes of Frans M. Olbrechts (Kilpatrick) B 196, Athrop. Pap. No. 80.
Eastern Indians, Physical anthroplogy of the (Hrdlicka). B 62.
Eastern Woodlands community typology and acculturation (Witthoft). B 180, pp. 67-76.
Economics, primitive, A study in American. The wild rice gatherers of the Upper Lakes: (Jenks). A 19, 1013.
Ecuador, Eastern, Blood revenge, war, and victory feasts among the Jibaro Indians of (Karsten). B 79.
Ecuador, Province of Imbabura, The Quichua-speaking Indians of (Gillin). B 128, Anthrop. Pap. No. 16.
Ecuador, The archeology of (Collier) B 143, vol. 2, pp. 767-784.
[p. 73]
Ecuador, The historic tribes of (Murra) B 143, vol. 2, pp. 785-821.
Effects of environment on Cherokee-Iroquois ceremonialism, music, and dance (Kurath). B 180, pp. 173-195.
El Limón, and early tomb site in Coclé Province, Panama (Stirling). B 191, Anthrop. Pap. No. 71.
Eliot's Indian Bible. See Bulletin 13.
Emerson, N. B. Unwritten literature of Hawaii B 38.
Empire's children: the people of Tzintzuntzan (Foster and Ospina). P6.
Engineering (Bennett) B 143, vol. 5, pp. 53-65.
Eskimo, Central, The (Boas) A 6, 399.
    See also Point Barrow; Ungava district.
Eskimo about Bering Strait, The (Nelson) A 18 (pt. 1), 3.
Eskimo language, Bibliography of the (Pilling) B 1.
    See also Bulletin 40 (pt. 1).
Esthetology, or the science of activities designed to give pleasure (Powell). A 19, LV.
Ethnoarcheology of Crow Village, Alaska (Oswalt and VanStone). B 199.
    of the Tewa Indians (Robbins, Harrington, Freire-Marreco).
B 55.
    of the Thompson Indians of British Colombia (Steedman).
A 45, 441.
    of the Zuñi Indians (M. C. Stevenson)
A 30, 31.
    See also Plants.
Ethnogeography of the Tewa Indians (Harrington) A 29,29.
Ethnographical material on the Jivaro Indians, Historical and (Stirling). B 117.
Ethnographical survey of the Miskito and Sumu Indians of Honduras and Nicaragua (Conzemius). B 106.
Ethnography, grammar, and texts, Dakota (Riggs) C 9.
Ethnography of Hispaniola, The (Ciguayo) B 143, vol. 4, pp. 539.
Ethnography of Hispaniola, The (Taino) B 143, vol. 4, pp. 522-539.
Ethnography of Puerto Rico, The (Hostos) B 143, vol. 4, pp. 540-542.
Ethnography of the Chaco (Métraux) B 143, vol. 1, pp. 197-370.
Ethnography of the Fox Indians (Jones) B 125.
Ethnography of the Huron Indians, 1615-1649. (Tooker) B 190.
    of Central America, The post-Conquest: An introduction (Johnson).
B 143, vol. 4, pp. 195-198.
    of the Caddo Indians, Source material on the history and (Swanton).
B 132.
    of the Ciboney, The (García Valdés)
B 143, vol. 4, pp. 503-505.
    of the Kwakiutl (Hunt and Boas)
A 35, 43.
    of the Ungava district (Turner)
A 11, 159.
[p. 74]
Ethnopsychiatry and suicide, Mohave: The psychiatric knowledge and psychic disturbances of an Indian tribe (Devereux). B 175.
Ethnozoology of South America, Fauna and (Gilmore) B 143, vol. 6, pp. 345-464.
Ethnozoology of the Tewa Indians (Henderson and Harrington). B 56.
Evans, Clifford:

    A ceramic study of Virginia archeology. With appendix, An analysis of projectile points and large blades (Holland).

B 160.
    and Meggers, Betty J.
      Archeological investigations at the mouth of the Amazon.
B 167.
      Archeological investigations in British Guiana, South America.
B 177.
Evolution of language (Powell) A 1, 1.
Ewers, John C.:

    Blackfoot Indian pipes and pipemaking

B 186, Anthrop. Pap. No. 64.

    Hair pipes in Plains Indian adornment, a study in Indian and White ingenuity.

B 164, Anthrop. Pap. No. 50.

    The horse in Blackfoot Indian culture, with comparative material from other western tribes.

    editor. Of the Crow Nation, by Edwin Thompson Denig.
B 151, Anthrop. Pap. 33.
Excavation of a site a Santiago Ahuitzotla, D. F. Mexico (Tozzer). B 74.
Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955 (Drucker, Heizer, and Squier). With appendixes by Jonas E. Gullberg, Garniss H. Curtis, and A. Starker Leopold. B 170.
Excavations at Texarkana Reservoir, Sulphur River, Texas (Jelks). B 179, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 21.
Excavations in the Chama Valley, New Mexico (Jeancon). B 81.
Excavations in the McNary Reservoir Basin near Umatilla, Oregon (Osborne). B 166.
Exploration of an Adena Mound at Natrium, West Virginia (Solecki). B 151, Anthrop. Pap. No. 40.
Exploration of the Burton Mound at Santa Barbara, California (Harrington). A 44, 23.
Explorations along the Missouri River Bluffs in Kansas and Nebraska (Fowke). B 76, 151.
Explorations, archeological, at Macon, Ga. (Kelly) B 119, Anthrop. Pap. No. 1.
Expression, Philology, or the science of activities designed for (Powell). A 20, CXXXIX.

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