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[p. 90]


A = Annual Report. B = Bulletin. C = Contributions to North American Ethnology. I =Introductions. M = Miscellaneous Publications. P = Publications of the Institute of Social Anthropology.

Kamia, The, of Imperial Valley (Gifford) B 97.
Karsten, Rafael. Blood revenge, war, and victory feasts among the Jibaro Indians of eastern Ecuador. B 79.
[p. 91]
Karuk Indian myths (Harrington) B 107.
Karuk Indians of California, Tobacco among the (Harrington) B 94.

    Hopi, drawn by native artists (Fewkes)

A 21, 3.

    Tusayan (Fewkes)

A 15, 245.

    Zuñi (Bunzel)

A 47, 837.
Kathlamet texts (Boas) B 26.
Kehoe, Thomas F. Stone tipi rings in north-central Montana and the adjacent portion of Alberta, Canada: Their historical, ethnological, and archeological aspects. B 173, Anthrop. Pap. No. 62.
Kelley, A. R. A preliminary report on archeological explorations at Macon, Ga. B 119, Anthrop. Pap. No. 1.
Kelly, Isabel, and Palerm,Angel. The Tajín Totonac: P 13.

    Part 1. History, subsistence, shelter, and technology.

Kiatuthlanna, eastern Arizona, The ruins at (Roberts) B 100.
Kidder, Alfred II. The archeology of VenezuelaB143, vol. 4, pp. 413-438
Kidder, Alfred Vincent, and Guernsey, Samuel J. Archeological explorations in northeastern Arizona. B 65.
Kilpatrick, Anna Gritts, and Kilpatrick, Jack Frederick:
    Chronicles of Wolftown: Social documents of the North Carolina Cherokees, 1850-1862.
B 196, Anthrop. Pap.No. 75.
    See also Kilpatrick, Jack Frederick.
Kilpatrick, Jack Frederick: B 196, Anthrop. Pap. No. 77.
    The Wahnenauhi manuscript: Historical sketches of the Cherokees, together with some of their customs, traditions, and superstitions, edited and with an introduction by.
    and Kilpatrick, Anna Gritts. Eastern Cherokee folktales: Reconstructed from the field notes of Frans M. Olbrechts.
B 196, Anthrop. Pap. No. 80.
    See also Kilpatrick Anna Gritts.
Kiowa Indians, Calendar history of the (Mooney) A 17, 129.
Kiowa language, Vocabulary of the (Harrington) B 84.
Kipp's Post (32MN1) in the Garrison Reservoir, North Dakota, The archeology of a small trading post (Woolworth and Wood). B 176, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No.20.
Kirchhoff, Paul:

    Food-gathering tribes of the Venezuelan Llanos.

B 143, vol. 4, pp. 445-468.

    The Caribbean Lowland tribes:The Mosquito, Sumo, Paya, and Jicaque.

B 143, vol. 4, pp. 219-229.

    The Guayupé and Sae

B 143, vol. 4, pp. 385-391.

    The Otomac

B 143, vol. 4, pp. 439-444.

    The Patángoro and Amaní

B 143, vol. 4, pp. 339-348.

    The social and political organization of the Andean peoples.

B 143,vol. 5, pp. 293-311.

    The tribes north of the Orinoco River

B143, vol. 4, pp. 481-493.
[p. 92]

    The Warrau

B 143, vol. 3, pp. 869-881.

    See also Métraux, Alfred, and Kirchhoff, Paul.

Kivett, Marvin F. The Woodruff ossuary, a prehistoric burial site in Phillips County, Kansas. B 154, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 3.
Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon, The (Gatschet) C 2.
Kluckhohn, Clyde. The Ramah Navaho B 196, Anthrop.Pap.No.79.
Kroeber, A. L.:


B 143, vol. 5, pp. 411-492.

    Handbook of the Indians of California

B 78.

    The Chibcha

B 143, vol. 2, pp. 887-909.
Kroll, W. J. Report on the composition of Indian copper beads found at the McNary Dam, Oregon (appendix 3). B 166.
Kubler. George:
    Indian caste of Peru, 1795-1940, The: A population study based upon tax records and census reports.
P 14.
    Quechua in the Colonial world, The
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 331-410.
Kupferer, Harriet Jane. The "Principal People,"1960: A study of cultural and social groups of the Eastern Cherokee. B 196,Anthrop. Pap. No. 78.
Kurath, Gertrude Prokosch.

    An analysis of the Iroquois Eagle Dance

B 156, 223.
    Effects of environment on Cherokee-Iroquois ceremonialism, music, and dance.
B 180, pp. 173-195.
    Iroquois music and dance: Ceremonial arts of two Seneca Longhouses.
B 187.
    See also Fenton, William N., editor.
Kurz, Rudolph Friederich. Journal of Rudolph Friederich Kurz. Translated by Myrtis Jarrell, edited by J. N. B. Hewitt. B 115.
Kutsche, Paul, and Fogelson, Raymond D. Cherokee economic cooperatives: The Gadugi. B 180, pp. 83-123.
Kutenai tales (Boas and Chamberlain) B 59.
Kwakiutl Indians, Ethnology of the (Boas) A35, 43.
Kwakiutl language. See Bulletin 40 (pt. 1).

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