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A = Annual Report. B = Bulletin. C = Contributions to North American Ethnology. I =Introductions. M = Miscellaneous Publications. P = Publications of the Institute of Social Anthropology.

[p. 104]
Nambicuara, The (Lévi-Strauss) B 143, vol. 3, pp. 361-369.
Narcotics, Stimulants and (Cooper) B 143, vol. 5, pp. 525-558.
Natick dictionary (Trumbull), with introduction by Edward Everett Hale. B 25.
Native Brotherhoods, The: Modern intertribal organizations on the Northwest Coast (Drucker). B 168.
Native tribes and dialects of Connecticut: A Mohegan-Pequot diary (Speck). A 43, 199.
Navaho, An analysis of sources of information on the population of the (Johnston). B 197.
Navaho, The Ramah (Kluckholm). B 196, Anthrop. Pap. No. 79.
Navaho community, Shonto: A study of the role of the trader in a modern (Adams). B 188.
Navaho houses (C. Mindeleff) A 17, 469.
Navaho National Monument, Arizona, visit to (Fewkes). B 50.
[p. 105]
Navajo ceremony, The mountain chant: A (Matthews) A 5, 379.
Navajo Indians, Ceremonial of Hasjelti Dailjis and mythical sand painting of the (J. Stevenson). A 8, 229.
Navajo silversmiths (Matthews) A 2, 167.
Navajo weavers (Matthews) A 3, 371.
Nelson, E. W. The Eskimo about Bering Strait A 18, 3.
Neuman, Robert W.:
    Archeological salvage investigations in the Lovewell Reservoir area, Kansas.
A 185, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 32.
    The Good Soldier site (39LM238), Big Bend Reservoir, Lyman County, South Dakota
B 189, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 37.
Newman, Marshall T. Indian skeletal remains from the Doering and Kobs sites, Addicks Reservoir, Texas. B 154, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 4, Pt. 2.
    and Jennings, Jesse D. and Willey, Gorden R. The Ormond Beach Mound, East Central Florida.
B 164, Anthrop. Pap. No. 49.
    and Snow, Charles E. Preliminary report on the skeletal remains from Pickwick Basin, Alabama.
B 129, pp. 393-507.
    and Stewart, T. D. Anthropometry of South American Indian skeletal remains.
B 143, vol. 6, pp. 19-42.
    Anthropometry of the Umotina, Nambicuara, and Iranxe, with comparative data from other Northern Mato Grosso tribes.
P 15, 128.
    Indian skeletal material from the Berrian's Island cists (45-BN-3), lower McNary Reservoir, Washington (appendix 1).
B 166.
New Mexico:
    Excavations in the Chama Valley (Jeancon)
B 81.
    Illustrated catalogue of collections from, in 1879 (J. Stevenson)
A 2, 307.
      in 1880 (J. Stevenson)
A 2, 423.
      in 1881 (J. Stevenson)
A 3, 511.
    Isleta (Parsons)
A 47, 193.
    Isleta Paintings (Parsons)
B 181.
    Jemez Plateau, Antiquities of the (Hewett)
B 32.
    Rio Grande Valley, The physiography of the (Hewett, Henderson, and Robbins)
B 54.
    upper Gila and Salt River valleys, Antiquities of the (Hough).
B 35.
    See also Roberts, Frank H. H., Jr.
    Ethnographical survey of the Miskito and Sumu Indians of Honduras and (Conzemius).
B 106.
    The archeology of Costa Rica and (Strong)
B 143, vol. 4, pp. 121-142.
Nichols, Frances S., compiler. Index to Schoolcraft's "Indian tribes of the United States." B 152.
Nickerson, Norton H. and Hou, Ding. Maize from the Dodd and Phillips Ranch sites. B 158, 180.
Nimuendajú, Curt:
    Little-known tribes of the lower Amazon
B 143, vol. 3, pp. 209-211.
[p. 106]
    Little-known tribes of the lower Tocantins River region.
B 143, vol.3, pp. 203-208.
    The Cayabí, Tapanyuna, and Apiaca
B 143, vol.3, pp. 307-320.
    The Cowahíb, Parintintin, and their neighbors
B 143, vol.3, pp. 283-297.
    The Maué and Arapium
B 143, vol.3, pp. 245-254.
    The Mura and Pirahá
B 143, vol.3, pp. 255-269.
    The Tucuna
B 143, vol.3, pp. 713-725.
    The Turiwara and Arua
B 143, vol.3, pp. 193-198.
    Tribes of the lower and middle Xingú River
B 143, vol.3, pp. 213-243.
    and Métraux, Alfred. The Amanayé
B 143, vol.3, pp. 199-202.
    See also Métraux, Alfred, and Nimuendajú, Curt.
Niskwalli, Dictionary of the (Gibbs) C 1(pt. 2), 285.
Nomads of the long bow: The Siriono of eastern Bolivia (Holmberg). P 10.
Nootka and Quileute music (Densmore) B 124.
Nootkan tribes, The Northern and Central (Drucker) B 144.
Norris Basin in eastern Tennessee, An archaeological survey of the (Webb). B 118.
North Alaskan Eskimo, The: A study in ecology and society (Spencer). B 171.
North Carolina:
    Peachtree Mound and village site (Setzler and Jennings).
B 131.
    Peachtree Site, Skeletal material from (Stewart)
B 131, 81.
North Chilean Coast, The cultural sequence of the (Bird) B 143, vol. 2, pp. 587-594.
North Chilean Coast, The historic inhabitants of the (Bird) B 143, vol. 2, pp. 595-597.
North Colombian Lowlands, Tribes of the (Hernández de Alba) B 143, vol. 4, pp. 329-338.
Northern and Central Nootkan tribes, The (Drucker) B 144.
Northern Highland tribes, The: The Lenca (Stone) B 143, vol. 4, pp. 205-217.
Northern Ute music (Densmore) B 75
Northwest, extreme, Tribes of the (Dall) C 1, 1.
Northwest Coast, Archeological survey on the northern (Drucker). B 133, Anthrop. Pap. No. 20.
Notes on Fox mortuary customs and beliefs (Michelson) A 40, 351.
Notes on the Buffalo-head dance of the Thunder gens of the Fox Indians (Michelson). B 87.
Notes on the Fox society known as "Those who Worship the Little Spotted Buffalo" (Michelson). A 40, 497.
Notes on the Fox Wapanowiweni (Michelson) B 105.
Notes on the natives of Alaska (Furuhelm) C 1, 111.
Numbers, measures, weights, and calendars (Bennett) B 143, vol. 5, pp. 601-610.
Numbers, Primitive (McGee) A 19, 821.
Numeral systems of Mexico and Central America (Thomas). A 19, 853.
Numerals, Note on the use of, among the T'sim si-an' (Gibbs). C 1, 55.

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