INDEX ANIMALIUM / Charles Davies Sherborn


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1 pg pg/txt References to "Cuvier, Leçons Anat. Comp.," refer to table not page.
2 p p/t Lacepède in a letter dated 1831 signed "b. g. é. l. cte de lacepède" : this spelling and accentuation should be adhered to. Yes
3 pg pg/txt Zeber should read "Zeder."
4 p p/t *Acus (Pisces), P. L. S. Müller, Del. Nat. II. 1767, 141.
5 pg pg/txt Aedemera A. G. Olivier, Entom. III. 1795,—see "Oedemera".
6 p p/t albicans Lanarius, Daudin : —should read "lanarius Falco, var. albicans".
7 pg pg/txt albicollis Otus, Daudin : —should read "otus Strix, var. albicollis".
8 p p/t albus Buteo, Daudin : —should read "buteo Falco, var. albus".
9 pg pg/txt albus Falco, Daudin : —should read "Chrysaetos Falco, var. albus".
10 p p/t americanus Sacer, Daudin : —should read "sacer Falco, var. americanus".
11 pg pg/txt Anadema dele "err. pro Diadema".
12 p p/t †Anchyceros A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 45.—Col.
13 pg pg/txt annotata Tipula, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, III. 1768, errata.
14 p p/t †Anomala L. H. von Bloch in Becker, Plau. Grund. 1799, 119.—Hym.
15 pg pg/txt Antribus A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris, 1785, 136.—vide Anthribus.
16 p p/t *Aptenodyta J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 559.
17 pg pg/txt *Aptenodytes J. F. Miller, Icon. Anim. pl. 23 (1778).
18 p p/t aruensis Vespa : —should read "I. 1787".
19 pg pg/txt †Asper J. C. Schaeffer, Pisc. Bavar. 1761, 69.—P.
20 p p/t ater Milvus, Daudin : —should read "milvus Falco, var. ater".
21 pg pg/txt aureus Gypaetos, Daudin : —should read "alpinus Gypaetos, var. aureus".
22 p p/t austriacus Milvus, Daudin : —should read "milvus Falco, var. austriacus".
23 pg pg/txt *Balanus Da Costa, Brit. Conch. 1778, 249 ; Bock in Boddaert, Natuurbeschouwer, II. 1781, 44 ; F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gevers. 1787, 478. Yes
24 p p/t *B[ipes] B. G. E. de Lacepède, Quad. Ovip. &c. I. 1788, Syn. Meth.
25 pg pg/txt borealis Corax, Daudin : —should read "corax Corvus, var. borealis".
26 p p/t boschadis Festuca : —should read "Festucaria".
27 pg pg/txt *Brentus Panzer in Drury, Exot. Ins. 1785, 159.
28 p p/t †Calandra B. S. Barton, N. H. Pennsyl. 1799, 19.—A.
29 pg pg/txt candida Corone, Daudin : —should read "corone Corvus, var. candida".
30 p p/t candidus Corax, Daudin : —should read "corax Corvus, var. candidus".
31 pg pg/txt castaneus Gypaetos, Daudin : —should read "alpinus Gypaetos, var. castaneus".
32 p p/t Cataphractus (Pisces), F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gronov. 1778, 56.
33 pg pg/txt Cateretes = Kateretes : —Illiger in Kugelann. Käfer Preuss. 1798, 395.
34 p p/t cayennensis Accipiter, Daudin : —should read "nisus Falco, var. cayennensis".
35 pg pg/txt *The asterisk means that the reference is earlier than that given in the main index.
36 p p/t †The dagger means that the generic word was omitted in the main index ; the species are therein included. Yes
37 pg pg/txt †Centrogaster M. Houttuyn, Verh. Holl. Maat. Weet. Haarlem, XX. (2) 1782, 333.—P.
38 p p/t †Cete J. G. Schneider, Beytr. nat. Wallfisch. 1795, 135.—M.
39 pg pg/txt cinereus Buteo, Daudin : —should read "buteo Falco, var. cinereus".
40 p p/t *Clava T. Martyn, Univ. Conch. I. 1784, fig. 12.—G.
41 pg pg/txt clerica Corone, Daudin : —should read "corone Corvus, var. clerica".
42 p p/t †Clytus J. N. Laicharting, Tyrol, Ins. II. 1784, 88.—Col.
43 pg pg/txt Colliurus should read Colliuris, C. de Geer, Hist. Ins. IV. 1774, v & 80.
44 p p/t *Corallium Marsigli in Müller, Del. Nat. I. 1766, 128.—Cor.
45 pg pg/txt *Cossyphus A. G. Olivier, Ency. Meth. VI. (Ins.), 1791, 121.—Col.
46 p p/t crucirostra Corax, Daudin : —should read "corax Corvus, var. crucirostra".
47 pg pg/txt *Cynocephalus (Mamm.), E. Geoffroy & Cuvier, Mag. Ency. III. (12), 1795, 462.
48 p p/t †Dagysa J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3131.—Moll.
49 pg pg/txt decemmaculata Buprestis, P. Rossi, Mant. Ins. II. 1794, 101.
50 p p/t domestica Martes, Pinel : —delete this entry.
51 pg pg/txt *Dorippe F. Weber, Nomen. Fabricii, 1795, 93.
52 p p/t †Dorylus J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 365.—Hym.
53 pg pg/txt dschindschicus v. gingicus.
54 p p/t Elephorus = Elophorus : —G. Paykull, Fauna Suec. I. 1798, 240.
55 pg pg/txt †Euryala F. Weber, Nomen. Fabricii, 1795, 94.—Cr.
56 p p/t eurytus Papilio, Fab. 1793 : —should read "eurytris".
57 pg pg/txt fulicaria Columbus : —should read "Columba".
58 p p/t Fungidora should read "Fungivora".
59 pg pg/txt †Fungites Martini, Berlin Mag. I. 1765, 268.—Cor.
60 p p/t *Fusus P. L. S. Müller, Del. Nat. I. 1766, 129.
61 pg pg/txt Galleruca = Galeruca : —J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. I. (2), 1792.
62 p p/t †Gallina Linnaeus in Hasselquist, Palast. 1762, 327.—A.
63 pg pg/txt gallinarius Buteo, Daudin : —should read "buteo Falco, var. gallinarius".
64 p p/t †Gazella P. S. Pallas, Nov. Comm. Petrop. XIII. 1769, 468.—[? used generically.]
65 pg pg/txt Gobiomaroides should read "Gobiomoroides".
66 p p/t Gobiomarus should read "Gobiomorus".
67 pg pg/txt graminis-canini Phalaena, J. G. Gladbach in Kuehn, Kurz. Anleit. Ins., ed. 2, 1783, 155 [n. n.]. Yes
68 p p/t gravidus Cataretes should read "Cateretes".
69 pg pg/txt *Harpa P. S. Pallas, Spic. Zool. X. 1774, 33.
70 p p/t Helmintholithus it has been found convenient to quote these groups.
71 pg pg/txt Helodes = Elodes : —G. Paykull, Fauna Suec. II. 1799, 84 ; III. 1800, 451.
72 p p/t †Hydroides J. E. Gunnerus, K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift. IV. 1768, 52.—Ver.
73 pg pg/txt †Ibex P. S. Pallas, Spic. Zool. XI. 1776, 31.—M. [? used generically].
74 p p/t *Idotea F. Weber, Nomen. Fabricii, 1795, 94.
75 pg pg/txt iomaculata Buprestis : —should read "decemmaculata".
76 p p/t *Ips C. de Geer, Mem. Ins. V. 1775, 194.
77 pg pg/txt italicus Otus, Daudin : —should read "otus Strix, var. italicus".
78 p p/t Iulus vide Julus.
79 pg pg/txt Lacertus = Lacerta : —B. G. E. de Lacepède, Quad. Ovip. &c. I. 1788, Syn. Meth.
80 p p/t lacteus Accipiter, Daudin : —should read "nisus Falco, var. lacteus".
81 pg pg/txt lasiurus Nycterus : —should read "Nycteris".
82 p p/t *Leucophra O. F. Müller, Zool. Dan. II. 1784, 97.
83 pg pg/txt *Ligniperda P. S. Pallas, Spic. Zool. IX. 1772, 6.
84 p p/t Lygdus = Lyctus : —J. C. Fabricius, Actes Soc. H. N. Paris I. (1), 1792, 33.
85 pg pg/txt *Machla A. A. H Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 67.
86 p p/t Macrocephalus Swederus, is an Hemipteron.
87 pg pg/txt *Milvus C. Nozeman in Nozeman & Houttuyn, Ned. Vogel. I. (177-), 15.
88 p p/t miniata Serratula, C. F. Schulze, Dresdnisches Mag. II. 1765, 460.
89 pg pg/txt minor Leopardus, T. Pennant : —delete this entry.
90 p p/t †Monotama G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. I. 1792, no. 24.—Col.
91 pg pg/txt Musidora should read "Musivora".
92 p p/t Myrmeleo = Myrmeleon : —P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. I. 1771, 469.
93 pg pg/txt naevius Buteo, Daudin : —should read "buteo Falco, var. naevius".
94 p p/t Necrophorus = Nicrophorus : —Hausmann, Entom. Bemerk. 1799, 33.
95 pg pg/txt nigra Serratula, C. F. Schulze, Dresdnisches Mag. II. 1765, 460.
96 p p/t *Notocanthus M. E. Bloch, Abh. böhm. Ges. Wiss. 1787 (1788), 278.
97 pg pg/txt †Nyctemene J. M. Bechstein in Pennant, Uebers. 4 füss. Thiere, II. 1800, 615 & 736.—M.
98 p p/t *Oliva T. Martyn, Univ. Conch. III. 1789, fig. 111.
99 pg pg/txt *Orbis P. L. S. Müller, Del. Nat. II. 1767, 141.—P.
100 p p/t *Orthocera (Rhiz.), A. Modeer, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. XVII. 1796, 63.
101 pg pg/txt *Orycteropus G. Cuvier, Tabl. élém. 1798, 144.
102 p p/t *Otus T. Pennant, Ind. Zool. 1769, 3.
103 pg pg/txt *Pecten P. Osbeck, Reise Ost-Ind. China, 1765, 391.
104 p p/t pennatus Buteo, Daudin : —should read "buteo Falco, var. pennatus".
105 pg pg/txt petosius should read "petosiris".
106 p p/t †Physis J. A. Scopoli, Del. Insub. I, 1786, 46.—Ver.?
107 pg pg/txt *Pithecus E. Geoffroy and Cuvier, Mag. Ency. III. (12), 1795, 462.
108 p p/t podae Aranea vide "R. P. Podae, p. 840".
109 pg pg/txt prima Querquedula : —delete this entry.
110 p p/t recticornis Gazella : —should read "XIII. 1769, 468".—[? used generically.]
111 pg pg/txt russicus Milvus, Daudin : —should read "milvus Falco, var. russicus".
112 p p/t *Ruticilla Bartram in Barton, N. H. Pennsyl. 1799, 19.—A.
113 pg pg/txt †Sagra J. F. W. Herbst, in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer), VII. 1797, 265.) Col.
114 p p/t Saphyga should read "Sapyga".
115 pg pg/txt somaidia should read "somacola".
116 p p/t sorocensis should read "soroeensis".
117 pg pg/txt *Spio Koenig in O. F. Müller, Würm. 1771, 188.
118 p p/t surcitator Tetrao : —delete this entry.
119 pg pg/txt *Tapir J. F. Blumenbach, Handb. Naturges. 1779, 129.
120 p p/t tortuosa Trisidos (Gm.), J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. II. 1798, 175.—Arca.
121 pg pg/txt varia Corone, Daudin : —should read "corone Corvus, var. varia".
122 p p/t varius Corax, Daudin : —should read "corax Corvus, var. varius".
123 pg pg/txt aalge Colymbus, E. Pontoppidan, Danske Atlas, I. 1763, 621 ; & Danischer Atlas, I. [1765, 401. Yes
124 p p/t abacus Papilio. A. J. Retzius, Gen. Sp. Ins. Geer, 1783, 32.
125 pg pg/txt abadonna Sphinx, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 435.
126 p p/t abaris [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (8) 1776, 146.
127 pg pg/txt abas Bombyx (Cr.), J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 173.—Phalaena.
128 p p/t abas [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (7) 1775, 121.
129 pg pg/txt abasia [Phalaena], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (29) 1781, 103.
130 p p/t abbadon Anthrax, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 262.
131 pg pg/txt abbas Conus, Hwass in J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (2) 1792, 750.
132 p p/t abbaticus Lituus, J. J. N. A. Spalowsky, Prod. Test. 1795, 9.
133 pg pg/txt abbreviana Pyralis, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (2) 1794, 278.
134 p p/t abbreviator Ichneumon, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 153.
135 pg pg/txt abbreviator Molorchus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 356.—Leptura abbreviata, [1787. Yes
136 p p/t abbreviatum Buccinum, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3478.
137 pg pg/txt abbreviata Calendra (Fab.), J. R. Schellenberg, Helvet. Entom. I. 1798, 64.—Curculio.
138 p p/t abbreviata Cantharis (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1900. [—Lymexylon. Yes
139 pg pg/txt abbreviatus Carabus, J. C. Fabricius, Reise Norwegen, 1779, 263.
140 p p/t abbreviata Cetonia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 147.
141 pg pg/txt abbreviata Cicada, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 271.
142 p p/t abbreviata Coccinella, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 54.
143 pg pg/txt abbreviatus Curculio, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 386 ; ed. 12, 1767, 618.
144 p p/t abbreviatus Curculio, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 436.
145 pg pg/txt abbreviatus Dytiscus, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 191.
146 p p/t abbreviata Galleruca, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 97.
147 pg pg/txt abbreviatus Hister, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 53.
148 p p/t abbreviatus Ichneumon, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 456.
149 pg pg/txt abbreviata Leptura, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 199.
150 p p/t abbreviata Leptura, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 160.
151 pg pg/txt abbreviatus Lyctus, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 24, 1794, tab. 21.
152 p p/t abbreviatus Lygaeus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 150.
153 pg pg/txt abbreviata Lymexylon, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 164.
154 p p/t abbreviata Melolontha, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 45.
155 pg pg/txt abbreviata Nitidula, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 91.
156 p p/t abbreviatus Ptinus, F. v. P. Schrank, F. Boica, I. 1798, 542.
157 pg pg/txt abbreviatus Rynchophorus (Fab.), Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VI. 1795, 11.—[Curculio. Yes
158 p p/t abbreviatus Scarabaeus (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1566.—[Melolontha. Yes
159 pg pg/txt abbreviatus Scarabaeus, C. G. Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) II. 1789, 53.
160 p p/t abbreviatus Strongylus (Fab.), Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) IV. 1792, 190.—[Nitidula. Yes
161 pg pg/txt abbreviatus Tenebrio, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 256.
162 p p/t abbreviatus Tenebrio, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VIII. 1799, 8.
163 pg pg/txt abbreviata Vespa, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. III. 1789, 281.
164 p p/t abdita Madrepora, J. Ellis and D. Solander, Nat. Hist. Zooph. 1786, 162.
165 pg pg/txt abdominalis Aedemera, A. G. Olivier, Entom. III. 1795, 14.
166 p p/t abdominale Anisotoma, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. III. 1800, 436.—Sphaeridium, 1798.
167 pg pg/txt abdominalis Bruchus, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 76.
168 p p/t abdominale Callidium, A. G. Olivier, Entom. IV. 1795, 70.
169 pg pg/txt abdominalis Cantharis, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 67.
170 p p/t abdominalis Carabus, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 201.
171 pg pg/txt abdominalis Ceria, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 557.—Syrphus, 1794.
172 p p/t abdominalis Cicada, E. Donovan, Ins. China, 1798.
173 pg pg/txt abdominalis Coccinella, C. P. Thunberg, Ins. Suecica (9), 1795, 111.
174 p p/t abdominalis Coluber, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gronov. 1778, 15.
175 pg pg/txt abdominalis Crioceris, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 151.
176 p p/t abdominalis Cryptocephalus (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1719.—[Crioceris. Yes
177 pg pg/txt abdominalis Erotylus, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 433.
178 p p/t abdominalis Erotylus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 38.
179 pg pg/txt abdominalis Fasciola, J. A. E. Goeze, Eingeweidewürm. 1782, 187.
180 p p/t abdominalis Galeruca (Fab.), A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 590.—Crioceris.
181 pg pg/txt abdominalis Hemerobius, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 310.
182 p p/t abdominalis Hylaeus, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 53 [1798], tab. 18.
183 pg pg/txt abdominalis Ichneumon, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 409.
184 p p/t abdominalis Ichneumon, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 183.
185 pg pg/txt abdominalis Lacerta, C. P. Thunberg, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. VIII. 1787, 127.
186 p p/t abdominalis Lacerta, C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. 1787, 29.
187 pg pg/txt abdominalis Lagria, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 93.
188 p p/t abdominalis Ligula (Goeze), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3043.—Fasciola. varr. cobitidis ; cyprinorum ; gobionis ; trincae ; carassii ; leucisci ; alburni ; vimbae ; bramae. Yes
189 pg pg/txt abdominalis Malachius, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 71.
190 p p/t abdominalis Mantis, B. E. Manuel, Ency. Méth. VII (Ins.) 1792, 640.
191 pg pg/txt abdominalis Melolontha, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 496.
192 p p/t abdominalis Melyris (Fab.), A. G. Olivier, Entom. II. 1790, 4.—Lagria.
193 pg pg/txt abdominalis Mordella, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 264.
194 p p/t abdominalis Necydalis, A. G. Olivier, Entom. IV. 1795, 8.
195 pg pg/txt abdominalis Oxyporus, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 501.
196 p p/t abdominalis Psocus, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 204.—Hemerobius, 1775.
197 pg pg/txt abdominalis Salamandra, P. A. Latreille, Salamand. France, 1800, 29 & 50.
198 p p/t abdominalis Scarabaeus (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1559.—[Melolontha. Yes
199 pg pg/txt abdominale Sphaeridium, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (1) 1792, 79.
200 p p/t abdominale Sphaeridium, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. I. 1798, 71.
201 pg pg/txt abdominalis Sphex, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. I. 1770, index & 108.
202 p p/t abdominalis Staphylinus (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2037.—[Oxyporus. Yes
203 pg pg/txt abdominalis Syrphus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 307.
204 p p/t abdominalis Tenthredo, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 216.
205 pg pg/txt abdominalis Tiphia, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 53 [1798], tab. 5.
206 p p/t abdominalis Thynnus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 245.
207 pg pg/txt abebalus [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (31) 1781, 145.
208 p p/t abessinicus v. abyssinicus.
209 pg pg/txt abiecta v. abjecta.
210 p p/t abies Gorgonia, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 802 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1290.
211 pg pg/txt abies Gorgonia, H. Davies in T. Pennant, Ind. Zool., ed. 2, 1791, 161.—[?abietina, [Ellis.] Yes
212 p p/t abietana Geometra [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 101.
213 pg pg/txt abietana Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Geom.) [me judice 1796], fig. 160 [n. et f.]. Yes
214 p p/t abietana Phalaena [D. H. Schneider], Nom. Ent. 1785, 51 [n. n.].
215 pg pg/txt abietana Pyralis, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 237.
216 p p/t abietana Tortrix, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. IV. 1789, 532.
217 pg pg/txt abietella Tinea [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 138.
218 p p/t abietinus Bostrichus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 367.
219 pg pg/txt abietina Gorgonia, J. Ellis and D. Solander, Nat. Hist. Zooph. 1786, 96.
220 p p/t abietina Sertularia, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 808 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1307.
221 pg pg/txt abietina Sphex, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 296.
222 p p/t abietina Tenthredo, J. L. Christ, Nat. Ins. 1791, 447.
223 pg pg/txt abietis Anobium, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I. (1) 1792, 238.
224 p p/t abietis Bombyx [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 55.
225 pg pg/txt abietis Chermes, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 454 ; ed. 12, 1767, 728.
226 p p/t abietis Cimex, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 450 ; ed. 12, 1767, 732.
227 pg pg/txt abietis Coccinella, G. Paykull, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. XIX. 1798, 154.
228 p p/t abietis Coccus, A Modeer, Götheborg Samhalle Hand. (Wet. Afd.) I. 1778, 27.
229 pg pg/txt abietis Cryptocephalus, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. III. 1800, 356.—Dermestes, 1798.
230 p p/t abietis Curculio, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 383 ; ed. 12, 1767, 613.
231 pg pg/txt abietis Dermestes, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. I. 1798, 291.
232 p p/t abietis Miris (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 187.—Cimex.
233 pg pg/txt abietis Phalaena Bombyx, J. Hübner, Beitr. Schmett. I (3) [1788], 3.
234 p p/t abietis Psylla, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 109.
235 pg pg/txt abietis Tenthredo, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 558 ; ed. 12, 1767, 923.
236 p p/t abildgaardi Sparus, M. E. Bloch, Nat. ausl. Fische, V. 1791, 22.
237 pg pg/txt abildgaardana Pyralis, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (2) 1794, 274.
238 p p/t abildgaardiana Tellina, L. Spengler, Skr. nat. Selsk. [Copen.] IV (2) 1798, 90.
239 pg pg/txt abjecta Mantis, D. Cyrillo, Ent. Neap. (typogr. ed.) 1787, 4.
240 p p/t abiecta Phalaena, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 176.
241 pg pg/txt ablectus Musca, M. Harris, Exp. Eng. Ins. 1776, 41.
242 p p/t abolla Papilio, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 162.
243 pg pg/txt abrogator Ichneumon, F. v. P. Schrank, Ins. Aust. 1781, 367.
244 p p/t abrotani Noctua [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 73.
245 pg pg/txt abrotonoides Madrepora, Boerh., P. L. S. Müller, Del. Nat. I. 1766, 127.
246 p p/t abruptaria Phalaena, C. P. Thunberg, Ins. Suecica (4) 1792, 59.
247 pg pg/txt abruptaria Phalaena Geometra, M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. V. 1794, 117.
248 p p/t abruptella Tinea, C. P. Thunberg, Ins. Suecica (7) 1794, 83.
249 pg pg/txt abrupta Musca, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2860.
250 p p/t abscissa Silpha, J. N. Laicharting, Tyrol. Ins. I. 1781, 91.
251 pg pg/txt absconditus Cancer, J. F. W. Herbst, Vers. Nat. Krab. I (2—5) 1783, 138.
252 p p/t absinthiana Tortrix, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Tort.) [me judice 1796], fig. 34 [n. et f.]. Yes
253 pg pg/txt absinthiata [Phalaena], C. Clerck, Icones, I. 1759, pl. viii. 9.
254 p p/t absinthii Aphis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 452 ; ed. 12, 1767, 735.
255 pg pg/txt absinthii Aphis, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 137.
256 p p/t absinthii Chrysomela, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. II. 1773, 725.
257 pg pg/txt apsinthii (sic) Curculio, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 18, 1794, tab. 9.
258 p p/t absinthii Galeruca (Fab.), A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 586.—Chrysomela.
259 pg pg/txt absinthii Noctua (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 610.—Phalaena.
260 p p/t absinthii Phalaena (Noctua), Linnaeus, Faun. Suec., ed. 2, 1763, 314.
261 pg pg/txt absinthii Phalaena (Noctua), O. F. Müller, F. Ins. Frid. 1764, 44.
262 p p/t absolon Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 56.
263 pg pg/txt abstergens Hydrachna, O. F. Müller, Hydrachnae, 1781, 61.
264 p p/t abstergens Trombidium (Muell.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 406.—Hydrachna.
265 pg pg/txt abu-dafur Chaetodon, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 65 ; and varr. hanni ; jahud.
266 p p/t Abu-defduf P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 59.—P.
267 pg pg/txt abu-kohhla Tetraodon, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, xvii.—[n. n.]
268 p p/t abu-mgaterin Sciaena, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 51.
269 pg pg/txt abu-samf Sciaena, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 49.
270 p p/t abutilon Cimex, P. Rossi, Fauna Etrus. II. 1790, 242.
271 pg pg/txt abyssinicus Buceros, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 358.
272 p p/t abysinnica Coracias, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 379.
273 pg pg/txt abyssinica Coracias, F. M. Daudin, Traité élém. Orn. 1800, 260.
274 p p/t abyssinicus Dipus, F. A. A. Meyer, Zool. Entdeck. 1793, 86.
275 pg pg/txt abessinicus Dipus, J. M. Bechstein in Pennant, Uebers. 4füss. Thiere, II. 1800, 711.
276 p p/t abyssinica Fringilla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 927.
277 pg pg/txt abyssinica Loxia, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 860.
278 p p/t abysinicus Sciurus, P. Boddaert, Elench. 1785, 117.
279 pg pg/txt abessinicus Sciurus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 149.
280 p p/t abyssinicus Turdus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 824.
281 pg pg/txt abyssinus Cancer (Gammarellus) (Fabr.), J. F. W. Herbst, Vers. Nat. Krab. II (4) [1793, 141.—Oniscus. Yes
282 p p/t abyssinus Oniscus, O. Fabricius, F. Groen. 1780, 261.
283 pg pg/txt acachnoideus v. arachnoideus.
284 p p/t acaciae Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 279.
285 pg pg/txt acaciae Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 69.
286 p p/t acadian Cottus, J. G. Walbaum, Artedi, Ichth. (3), ed. 2, 1792, 393.
287 pg pg/txt acadica Muscicapa, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 947.
288 p p/t acadica Strix, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, p. 296.
289 pg pg/txt acadiensis Strix, id. ac acadica, Gm., J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 65.
290 p p/t acamas Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 8.
291 pg pg/txt Acantharis P. Browne, Hist. Jamaica, ed. 2, 1789, 434.—Hym.
292 p p/t acantharis Cimex, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 444 ; ed. 12, 1767, 720.
293 pg pg/txt acantharis Reduvius (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 732.—Cimex.
294 p p/t Acanthia J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 693.—Hem.
295 pg pg/txt acanthias Gasterosteus, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1328.
296 p p/t acanthias Squalus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 233 ; ed. 12, 1766, 397.
297 pg pg/txt acanthina Macerophyllum, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 432.
298 p p/t acanthinus Strombus, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 292.
299 pg pg/txt Acanthis M. B. Borkhausen, Deutsch. Fauna, I. 1797, 248.—A.
300 p p/t Acanthocephalus I. T. Koelreuter, Nov. Comm. Ac. Sci. Petrop. XV. 1771, 500 & [503.—Ver. Yes
301 pg pg/txt acanthodes Syrphus, P. Rossi, Mant. Ins. II. 1794, 63.
302 p p/t Acanthonotus G. Cuvier, Leçons Comp. Anat. I. 1800, 4 [n. n.].—P.
303 pg pg/txt Acanthrus E. Acharius, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. I. 1780, 50.—Ver.
304 p p/t Acanthurus P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 59.—P.
305 pg pg/txt acanthurus Cancer, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 94.
306 p p/t acanthurus Cancer (Astacus) Forsk., J. F. W. Herbst, Vers. Nat. Krab. II (2) 1792, 67.
307 pg pg/txt acanthurus Erinaceus, P. Boddaert, Elench. 1785, 129.
308 p p/t Acanthus M. E. Bloch, Nat. ausl. Fische, IX. 1795, 105.—P.
309 pg pg/txt acanthus Hesperia (Cr.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 302.—Papilio.
310 p p/t acantus [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (32) 1782, 179.
311 pg pg/txt Acarauna G. Edwards in M. Catesby, Carol. II. 1771, 31.—P.
312 p p/t Acardo J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (2) 1789, 1.—L. [see Arcardo.]
313 pg pg/txt Acardo Lamarck, Mem. Soc. H. N. Paris, 1799, 81.—L.
314 p p/t acaroides Cimex, C. P. Thunberg, Nov. Ins. Spec. (2) 1783, 29.
315 pg pg/txt acaroides Phalangium, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 1028.
316 p p/t acaroides Scorpio (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 552.—Phalangium.
317 pg pg/txt acarorum Acarus, F. v. P. Schrank, Ins. Aust. 1781, 524.
318 p p/t acarorum Ichneumon (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 344.—Mutilla.
319 pg pg/txt acarorum Ichneumon Mutilla (L.), J. L. Christ, Nat. Ins. 1791, 376.—Mutilla.
320 p p/t acarorum Mutilla, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 583 ; ed. 12, 1767, 968.
321 pg pg/txt Acarus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 615 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1022.—Ar.
322 p p/t acarus Himantopus, O. F. Müller, An. Infus. 1786, 248.—Trichoda, 1773.
323 pg pg/txt acarus Trichoda, O. F. Müller, Verm. I (1) 1773, 79.
324 p p/t acastus Hesperia (Cr.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 335.—Papilio.
325 pg pg/txt acastus [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (4) 1775, 65.
326 p p/t acastus Papilio (Barbarus), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 487.—[P. (Danaus), ed. [12]. Yes
327 pg pg/txt accedula Lagomys (Pall.), G. C. C. Storr, Prod. 1780, 39.—Mus.
328 p p/t accedula Mus, P. S. Pallas, N. sp. Quad. II. 1779, 257.
329 pg pg/txt accentifer Prionus, A. G. Olivier, Entom. IV. 1795, 8.
330 p p/t Accentor J. M. Bechstein, Getreue Abbild. heft 13 [? 1795], 47.—A.
331 pg pg/txt accessella Tinea [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 141.
332 p p/t accinctus Murex, I. v. Born, Index Mus. Caes. Vind. 1778, 317.
333 pg pg/txt accinctum Tritonium, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 125.
334 p p/t Accipiter M. J. Brisson, Ornith. I. 1760, 310.—A.
335 pg pg/txt accipitrinus Curculio, G. C. Reich, Mant. Ins. 1797, 5.
336 p p/t accipitrinus Falco, F. E. Daudin, Traité élém. Orn. 1800, 87.
337 pg pg/txt accipitrina Lambis, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 66.
338 p p/t accipitrina Phalaena Noct., E. J. C. Esper, Die Schmett. IV (48) 1796, 393.
339 pg pg/txt accipitrinus Psittacus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 102 ; ed. 12, 1766, 148.
340 p p/t accipitrinus Psittacus, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 606.—var. loricatus.
341 pg pg/txt accipitrina Stryx, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. I. 1771, 455.
342 p p/t accius Papilio, J. E. Smith in Abbot, Ins. Georgia, 1797, 45.
343 pg pg/txt accraria Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Geom.) [mea sententia 1796], fig. 185 [n. et f.]. Yes
344 p p/t accusator Ichneumon, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 172.
345 pg pg/txt acephala Cicada, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 192.
346 p p/t acephala Empis, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. III. 1789, 572.
347 pg pg/txt acephala Empis, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 54 [1798], tab. 24.
348 p p/t acephala Rana, J. G. Schneider, Hist. Amph. I. 1799, 146.
349 pg pg/txt aceraria Geometra [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 102.
350 p p/t aceraria Phalaena, Hufnagel, Berl. Mag. IV. 1767, 520.
351 pg pg/txt acerina Perca, A. I. Gueldenstaedt, Nov. Comm. Sci. Petrop. XIX. 1775, 455.
352 p p/t aceris Aphis, Linnaeus, Faun. Suec., ed. 2, 1761, 262.
353 pg pg/txt aceris Chermes, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 454 ; ed. 12, 1767, 739.
354 p p/t aceris Coccus, H. Modeer, Götheborg. Samhalle Hand. (Wet. Afd.) I. 1778, 22.
355 pg pg/txt aceris Coccus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 225.
356 p p/t aceris Cynips, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2652.
357 pg pg/txt aceris Papilio, Esper in H. G. Lang, Verz. Schmett., ed. 2, 1789, 31.
358 p p/t aceris Papilio, N. Ph., E. J. C. Esper, Die Schmett. I (Bd. 2) Forts. Tagschmett. 1783, [142. Yes
359 pg pg/txt aceris Phalaena (Noctua), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 514 ; ed. 12, 1767, 846.
360 p p/t acerosa Gorgonia, P. S. Pallas, Elench. 1766, 173.
361 pg pg/txt acerosa Madrepora, J. Ellis & D. Solander, Nat. Hist. Zooph. 1786, 159.
362 p p/t acervorum Apis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 579 ; ed. 12, 1767, 960.
363 pg pg/txt acervorum Blatta, Bloch in G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 68 [1799], tab. 24.
364 p p/t acervorum Formica, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 358.
365 pg pg/txt acesta Papilio (Nymphalis), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 479 ; ed. 12, 1767, 782.
366 p p/t acetabulum Madrepora, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 793.
367 pg pg/txt acetabulum Tubularia, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 1303.
368 p p/t aceti Anguillula, O. F. Müller, An. Infus. 1786, 63.
369 pg pg/txt aceti Vibrio, O. F. Müller, Naturforscher, XIX. 1783, 162.
370 p p/t acetimuscarum Ichneumon, J. L. Christ, Nat. Ins. 1791, 371.
371 pg pg/txt acetosae Aphis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 734.
372 p p/t acetosae Curculio, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 42 [1797], tab. 9.
373 pg pg/txt acetosellae Noctua [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 84.
374 p p/t achaeus Hesperia (Cr.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 273.—Papilio acheus.
375 pg pg/txt achariana Tortrix, C. P. Thunberg, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. XVIII. 1797, 168.
376 p p/t acharia [Phalaena], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (29) 1781, 108.
377 pg pg/txt acharon Zygaena, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 556.
378 p p/t achataea Phalaena, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 266.
379 pg pg/txt achatalis Phalaena Pyralis, J. Hübner, Beitr. Schmett. II. 1790, 15.
380 p p/t achatalis Pyralis, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. 6 Horde [me judice 1796], 6 & 5 [2].
381 pg pg/txt achatana Phalaena Tort., C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. II. 1789, 418.
382 p p/t achatana Pyralis (D. & S.), J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 239.—Phalaena.
383 pg pg/txt achatana Tortrix [Denis and Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 131.
384 p p/t achatana Tortrix, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Tort.) [me judice 1796], fig. 49 [n. et f.].
385 pg pg/txt achatata Phalaena, J. J. Roemer, Gen. Ins. 1789, 75.
386 p p/t achates Conus, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 354.
387 pg pg/txt achates Copris, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 164.
388 p p/t achates [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, II (16) 1777, 130.
389 pg pg/txt achates Papilio Eques, J. H. Sulzer, Gesch. Ins. 1776, 141.
390 p p/t achates Scarabaeus [Copris], A. G. Olivier, Entom. I. 1789, 133.
391 pg pg/txt Achatina Lamarck, Mém. Soc. H. N. Paris, 1799, 75.—G.
392 p p/t achatinata Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Geom.) [me judice 1796], fig. 301 [n. et f.]. Yes
393 pg pg/txt achatinata Phal. Geom., J. Hübner, Samml. Vogel u. Schmett. 1793, 14 [n. et f.].
394 p p/t achatina Achatina (L.), Lamarck, Mém. Soc. H. N. Paris, 1799, 75.—Bulla.
395 pg pg/txt achatina Ampulla (Gm.), J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, p. 110.—Bulla.
396 p p/t achatinum Buccinum (Linn.), O. F. Müller, Verm. II. 1774, 140.—Bulla.
397 pg pg/txt achatinus Bulimus (L.), J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (2), 1792, 358.—Bulla.
398 p p/t achatina Bulla, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 728 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1186.
399 pg pg/txt achatinus Colus, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 117.
400 p p/t achatinus Conus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3386.
401 pg pg/txt achatinus Cucullus (Gm.), J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 43.—Conus.
402 p p/t achatinum Cymbium, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 154.
403 pg pg/txt achatina Helix, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3665.
404 p p/t achatina Noctua (Cr.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III. (2) 1794, 16.—Phalaena.
405 pg pg/txt achatina [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (23) 1780, 145.
406 p p/t achatina Phalaena, J. E. Smith in Abbot, Ins. Georgia, 1797, 153.
407 pg pg/txt achatina Phalaena Noct., J. H. Sulzer, Gesch. Ins. 1776, 160.
408 p p/t achatina Rhinoceros, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 264.
409 pg pg/txt achatina Tellina, L. Spengler, Skr. nat. Selsk. [Copen.], IV (2) 1798, 110.
410 p p/t achelous Bombyx (Cram.), J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 172.—Phalaena.
411 pg pg/txt achelous [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, II (10) 1777, 22.
412 p p/t achemenides [Sphinx], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (19) 1779, 53.
413 pg pg/txt achemon Sphinx, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. II. 1773, index & 51.
414 p p/t achemon Zygaena, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 162.
415 pg pg/txt acheronta Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 501.
416 p p/t Acheta J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 279.—Or.
417 pg pg/txt Acheta v. Gryllus.
418 p p/t achetoides Locusta, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 85.
419 pg pg/txt acheus [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (30) 1781, 121.
420 p p/t achilleae Aphis, J. C. Fabricius, Gen. Ins. 1777, 302.
421 pg pg/txt achilleae Leptura, N. J. Brahm, Ins. Kal. I (2) 1791, 141.
422 p p/t achilleae Sphinx, E. J. C. Esper, Die Schmett. II (14) [1781] 189.
423 pg pg/txt achilles Papilio (Eques), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 463 ; ed. 12, 1767, 752.
424 p p/t achine Papilio, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 156.
425 pg pg/txt achine [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (29) 1781, 94.
426 p p/t achirus Pleuronectes, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 268.
427 pg pg/txt aciculare Buccinum, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 243.
428 p p/t acicularis Cypraea, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3421.
429 pg pg/txt acicularis Ichneumon, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris, 1785, 424.
430 p p/t acicularis Nautilus (Lituus), A. J. G. C. Batsch, Conch. Seesandes, 1791, no. 16.
431 pg pg/txt aciculatum Buccinum, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3503.
432 p p/t aciculatus Dytiscus, J. F. W. Herbst in Fuessly, Arch. Ins. V. 1784, 123.
433 pg pg/txt acicula Ascaris, J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers. Int. 1791), 94.
434 p p/t acicula Buccinum, O. F. Müller, Verm. II. 1774, 150.
435 pg pg/txt acicula Buccinum, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3503.
436 p p/t acicula Bulimus (Müll.), J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers.) (1), 1789, 311.—Buccinum.
437 pg pg/txt acicula Helix, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3668.
438 p p/t acicula Nautilus, F. X. de Wulfen, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. VIII. 1791, 252.
439 pg pg/txt acinacidella Tinea, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. 8 Horde [me judice 1796], 46.
440 p p/t acinaria Sertularia, P. S. Pallas, Elench. 1766, 123.
441 pg pg/txt acinosus Brachionus, P. S. Pallas, Elench. 1766, 100.
442 p p/t acinosa Vorticella (Pall.), F. v. P. Schrank, Naturforscher, XXVII. 1793, 26.—Brachionus.
443 pg pg/txt Acipenser Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 237 ; ed. 12, 1766, 403.—Artedi, Icth. 1738, gen. xliii. 65. Yes
444 p p/t acis Hesperia (D. & S.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 295.—Papilio.
445 pg pg/txt acis Papilio, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. I. 1770, index & 2.
446 p p/t acis Papilio, [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 182.
447 pg pg/txt acis Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 504.
448 p p/t acis Papilio, H. G. Lang, Verz. Schmett., ed. 2, 1789, 56.
449 pg pg/txt acmon Hesperia (Cr.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 284.—Papilio.
450 p p/t acmon [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (5) 1775, 81.
451 pg pg/txt acmon Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 70.
452 p p/t acoli Falco, F. M. Daudin, Traité élém. Orn. 1800, 176.
453 pg pg/txt aconthea [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, II (12) 1777, 59.
454 p p/t acontia Coluber (Laur.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1093.—[Vipera. Yes
455 pg pg/txt acontius Papilio (D.), Linnaeus, Mant. II. 1771, 537.
456 p p/t acontia Vipera, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 102.
457 pg pg/txt aconyta Bombyx (Cr.), A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 45.—Phalaena.
458 p p/t aconyta [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, II (11) 1777, 51.
459 pg pg/txt acornis Copris, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 14.
460 p p/t acouchy Cavia, J. C. P. Erxleben, Syst. Anim. 1777, 354.
461 pg pg/txt akouchi Cavia, E. A. W. Zimmermann, Spec. Zool. 1777, 508.
462 p p/t acuschy Cavia, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 121.
463 pg pg/txt acraensis Apis, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 329.
464 p p/t acrea Phalaena, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. I. 1770, index & 7.
465 pg pg/txt acredula Motacilla, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 189.
466 p p/t acredula Mus, Pall. [id. ac accedula], J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, [137. Yes
467 pg pg/txt acredula Mus (Cricetus), R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 242.
468 p p/t acredula Sylvia (L.), J. Latham, Syn. Birds, Suppl. I. 1787, 288.—Motacilla.
469 pg pg/txt acreon Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 301.
470 p p/t acreon Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 76.
471 pg pg/txt acria Bombyx, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 451.
472 p p/t Acrida v. Gryllus.
473 pg pg/txt acridea Mantis, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 80.
474 p p/t Acridium E. L. Geoffroy, Hist. Insect. Paris, I. 1762, 390.—Or.
475 pg pg/txt Acrydium J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 278.—Or.
476 p p/t acridulus Curculio, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 378 ; ed. 12, 1767, 607.
477 pg pg/txt acrion Papilio, E. Pontoppidan, Danske Atlas, I. 1763, 685.
478 p p/t acrion Papilio, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 115.
479 pg pg/txt acris Apis, M. Harris, Exp. Eng. Ins. 1776, 135.
480 p p/t Acrochordus C. F. Hornstedt, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. VIII. 1787, 306.—R.
481 pg pg/txt Acrocordon G. Cuvier, Leçons Comp. Anat. I. 1800, 3 [n. n.].—R.
482 p p/t acron [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (19) 1779, 59.
483 pg pg/txt acropora Madrepora, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 1276.
484 p p/t Acrydium v. Acridium.
485 pg pg/txt actaeon Geotrupes, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 12.—Scarabaeus.
486 p p/t actaeon Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 829.
487 pg pg/txt acteon Papilio, S. A. v. Rottemberg, Naturforscher, VI. 1775, 30.
488 p p/t aktäon [Papilio], J. A. B. Bergstraesser, Nom. Ins. IV. 1780, 37.
489 pg pg/txt actaeon Scarabaeus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 345 ; ed. 12, 1767, 541.
490 p p/t actaea Papilio (N. G.), E. J. C. Esper, Die Schmett. I (Bd. 2) Forts. Tagschmett. [1780], 37.
491 pg pg/txt actaea Papilio, H. G. Lang, Verz. Schmett., ed. 2, 1789, 23.
492 p p/t actea Papilio, L. Prunner, Lep. Pedemont. 1798, 72.
493 pg pg/txt acteus [Sphinx], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (21) 1779, 93.
494 p p/t Actinia P. S. Pallas, Misc. Zool. 1766, 152.
495 pg pg/txt Actinia Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 1088.—Coel.
496 p p/t Actinophorus C. Creutzer, Entom. Vers. 1799, 79.—Col.
497 pg pg/txt actorion Papilio, Linnaeus, Amoen. Acad. VI. 1763, 409.
498 p p/t actorion [Papilio], C. Clerck, Icones, II. 1764, pl. xxxvi.
499 pg pg/txt actoris Hesperia (Cr.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 316.—Papilio.
500 p p/t actoris [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (8) 1776, 146.
501 pg pg/txt aculeator Ichneumon, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 159.
502 p p/t aculeata Anomia, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 249.
503 pg pg/txt aculeata Aphrodita, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 655 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1084.
504 p p/t aculeata Aphrodita, E. Pontoppidan, Kurz. Nachr. N.-H. Dännemark 1765, 194 [n. n.].
505 pg pg/txt [aculeatus Araneus, C. Clerck, Aran. Svec. 1757, 87.]
506 p p/t aculeata Aranea, J. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 435.
507 pg pg/txt aculeata Arca, J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (1) 1789, 107.
508 p p/t aculeata Asterias, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, p. 1101.
509 pg pg/txt aculeata Asterias, T. Pennant, Brit. Zool., ed. 4, IV. 1777, 54.
510 p p/t aculeatus Balistes, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 328 ; ed. 12, 1766, 406.
511 pg pg/txt aculeatum Buccinum, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 302.
512 p p/t aculeatus Cancer, O. Fabricius, F. Groen. 1780, 239.
513 pg pg/txt aculeatus Cancer, J. F. W. Herbst, Vers. Nat. Krab. I (8) 1790, 248.
514 p p/t aculeatus Cancer, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 464.
515 pg pg/txt aculeatus Cancer (Astacus), J. F. W. Herbst, Vers. Nat. Krab. II (2) 1792, 63.
516 p p/t aculeatum Cardium, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, see emend. 824 (679).
517 pg pg/txt aculeatum Cardium, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 1122.
518 p p/t aculeatus Cerambyx, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1863.
519 pg pg/txt aculeatum Cerastoderma (L.), J. X. Poli, Test. Sicil. II. 1795, 253 & 258.—Cardium.
520 p p/t aculeata Chama, H. Ström, K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift. IV. 1768, 368.
521 pg pg/txt aculeata Chama, J. X. Poli, Test. Sicil. II. 1795, 123.
522 p p/t aculeatus Chiton, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 667 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1106.
523 pg pg/txt aculeatus Cimex, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2149.
524 p p/t aculeata Conops, Linnaeus, Faun. Suec., ed. 2, 1761, 468.
525 pg pg/txt aculeatus Curculio, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, 1789, 1804.
526 p p/t aculeata Formica, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 498.
527 pg pg/txt aculeatus Gasterosteus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 295 ; ed. 12, 1766, 489.
528 p p/t aculeatus Gekko, M. Houttyn, Verh. Zeeuwsch Genoot. Wet. Vlissingen, IX. 1782, 324.
529 pg pg/txt aculeata Helix, O. F. Müller, Verm. II. 1774, 81.
530 p p/t aculeatus Inachus, F. Weber, Nomen Fabricii, 1795, 93.—Cancer, 1793.
531 pg pg/txt aculeata Lepas, P. G. Lindroth, Mus. Grill. 1788, 15 [n. n.].
532 p p/t aculeatus Lophius, J. G. Walbaum, Artedi, Ichth. (3), ed. 2, 1792, 496.
533 pg pg/txt aculeatus Macrognathus (Bl.), B. G. E. de Lacépède, Hist. Nat. Poiss. II. 1800, 283.—[Ophidium. Yes
534 p p/t aculeata Membracis, B. E. Manuel, Ency. Méth. VII (Ins.) 1792, 669.
535 pg pg/txt aculeata Mordella, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 420 ; ed. 12, 1767, 682.
536 p p/t aculeata Myrmecophaga, G. Shaw, Nat. Misc. III. 1792, pl. 109.
537 pg pg/txt aculeata Nerita, O. F. Müller, Verm. II. 1774, 193.
538 p p/t aculeata Nerita (ex. Chem.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3686.
539 pg pg/txt aculeatus Oniscus, I. Lepechin, Acta Ac. Sci. Petrop. 1778 (1), 1780, 247.
540 p p/t aculeatum Ophidium, M. E. Bloch, Nat. ausl. Fische, II. 1786, 72.
541 pg pg/txt aculeata Ostrea, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3320.
542 p p/t aculeata Patella, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3693.
543 pg pg/txt aculeatus Porcus, P. L. S. Müller, Del. Nat. II. 1767, 142.
544 p p/t aculeatus Pteromalus, N. S. Swederus, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. XVI. 1795, 221.
545 pg pg/txt aculeata Pterotrachea, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 118.
546 p p/t aculeata Sabella, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3751.
547 pg pg/txt aculeatus Scomber, M. E. Bloch, Nat. ausl. Fische, VII. 1793, 51.
548 p p/t aculeatus Spondylus, K. Schreibers, Vers. Conch. II. 1793, 157.
549 pg pg/txt aculeata Spongia, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, II. 1759, 1348 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1297.
550 p p/t aculeatus Strombus (Müll.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3523.—[Nerita. Yes
551 pg pg/txt aculeatus Syngnathus, J. G. Walbaum, Artedi, Ichth. (3), ed. 2, 1792, 8.
552 p p/t aculeata Thrips, T. Marsham, Tr. Linn. Soc. [Lond.] III. 1797, 247 [n. n.].
553 pg pg/txt aculeata Tubipora, H. Ström, Nye Saml. K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift. II. 1788, 350.
554 p p/t aculeatus Turbo, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3600.
555 pg pg/txt aculeata Venus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3293.
556 p p/t acuminator Ichneumon, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 157.
557 pg pg/txt acuminator Ichneumon, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 268.
558 p p/t acuminatum Acrydium, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. III. 1773, 501.
559 pg pg/txt acuminata Akis (Fab.), Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VIII. 1799, 129.—[Pimelia. Yes
560 p p/t acuminata Anguis, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gronov. 1778, 12.
561 pg pg/txt acuminata Apis, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2789.
562 p p/t acuminata Ascaris, F. v. P. Schrank, Verz. Eingeweidewürmer, 1788, 12.
563 pg pg/txt acuminata Bulla, J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (2), 1792, 376.
564 p p/t acuminata Buprestis, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 133.
565 pg pg/txt acuminata Buprestis, C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. IV. 1787, 52.
566 p p/t acuminata Caecilia, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gronov. 1778, 17.
567 pg pg/txt acuminatum Callidium, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 194.
568 p p/t acuminatum Callidium, J. C. Fabricius, Gen. Ins. 1777, 231.
569 pg pg/txt acuminatus Carabus, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 340.
570 p p/t acuminatus Carabus, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. I. 1798, 166.
571 pg pg/txt acuminatum Cerambyx (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1847.—[Callidium. Yes
572 p p/t acuminata Cetonia, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 50.
573 pg pg/txt acuminatus Chaetodon, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 272 ; ed. 12, 1766, 460.
574 p p/t acuminata Chrysomela, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 691.
575 pg pg/txt acuminata Cicada (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2094.—[Membracis. Yes
576 p p/t acuminata Cicada, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 36.
577 pg pg/txt acuminatus Cimex, linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 446 ; ed. 12, 1767, 723.
578 p p/t acuminatus Conus, Hwass in J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (2), 1792, 688.
579 pg pg/txt acuminatus Curculio, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 152.
580 p p/t acuminata Cymothoa, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 508.
581 pg pg/txt acuminatus Dermestes (Kug.), G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. I. 1798, 299.—Latridium.
582 p p/t acuminata Eurychora (Fabr.), C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. App. I. 1791, 119.—[Pimelia. Yes
583 pg pg/txt acuminata Fulgora, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 571.
584 p p/t acuminata Fusaria, J. G. H. Zeber in Goeze, 1 Nachtr. Eingeweidewürm. 1800, 47.
585 pg pg/txt acuminatus Gryllus (Tettigonia), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 429 ; ed. 12, 1767, [696. Yes
586 p p/t acuminatus Hister, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 37.
587 pg pg/txt acuminata Idotea, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 303—Cymothoa, 1793.
588 p p/t acuminatus Latridius, J. G. Kugelann, N. Mag. Lieb. Ent. [Schneider's] V. 1794, 575.
589 pg pg/txt acuminata Leptura, A. G. Olivier, Entom. IV. 1795, 20.
590 p p/t acuminata Locusta (L.), C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. III. 1773, 442.—Gryllus.
591 pg pg/txt acuminata Membracis, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 675.
592 p p/t acuminatus Murex, T. Pennant, Brit. Zool., ed. 4, IV. 1777, 108.
593 pg pg/txt acuminata Musca, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2867.
594 p p/t acuminatus Parnus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (1) 1792, 246.
595 pg pg/txt acuminata Pimelia, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. 1, 1787, 209.
596 p p/t acuminata Rhinoceros, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 266.
597 pg pg/txt acuminatus Scarabaeus (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1573.—[Cetonia. Yes
598 p p/t acuminatus Tenebrio, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. V. 1775, 31.
599 pg pg/txt acuminatus Tenebrio (Fab.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. IV. 1789, 361.—Pimelia.
600 p p/t acuminata Voluta, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3454.
601 pg pg/txt acu-picta Cochlea, T. Martyn, Univ. Conch. IV. [1792], fig. 145.
602 p p/t acu-pictus Nerita, T. Martyn, Univ. Conch. III. [1789], fig. 107.
603 pg pg/txt acupunctatus Elater, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1917.
604 p p/t Acus G. Edwards in M. Catesby, Carol. II. 1771, 30.—P.
605 pg pg/txt Acus [G. Humphreys], Mus. Calonn. 1797, 31.—G.
606 p p/t acus Ascaris, M. E. Bloch, Beschäf. Ges. Nat. Freunde, IV. 1779, 544.
607 pg pg/txt acus Buccinum, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3502.
608 p p/t acus Cimex, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. III. 1773, 322.
609 pg pg/txt acus Fusaria (Bloch), J. G. H. Zeber in Goeze, 1 Nachtr. Eingeweidewürm. 1800, 39.—[Ascaris. Yes
610 p p/t acus Gymnotus, M. T. Brünnich, Ich. Massil. 1768, 13.
611 pg pg/txt acus Murex, C. U. v. Salis, Reise Neapel, 1793, 373.
612 p p/t acus Syngnathus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 337 ; ed. 12, 1766, 416.
613 pg pg/txt acus Vibrio, O. F. Müller, An. Infus. 1786, 59.
614 p p/t acus Voluta, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3451.
615 pg pg/txt acuschy Cavia, Gm., v. acouchy.
616 p p/t acustris Nereis, v. lacustris, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 1085.
617 pg pg/txt acutangulus Cimex, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, 1789, 2147.
618 p p/t acutangulum Epitonium (Gm.), J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 92.—Turbo.
619 pg pg/txt acutangulus Monoceros (L.), F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 290.—Turbo.
620 p p/t acutangula Palmipes, C. F. Schultze, Verst. Seest. 1760, 51.
621 pg pg/txt acutangulus Turbo, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 766 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1239.
622 p p/t acutauricularis Nautilus, L. v. Fichtel & J. P. C. v. Moll, Test. Micr. 1798, 102.
623 pg pg/txt acuti Cavia, P. S. Pallas, Misc. Zool. 1766, 31 [v. et. aguti].
624 p p/t acutipennis Caprimulgus, P. Boddaert, Tab. Planch. Enl. 1783, 46.
625 pg pg/txt acutissimum Epitonium, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 95.
626 p p/t acutissima Fusaria, J. G. H. Zeber in Goeze, 1 Nachtr. Eingeweidewürm. 1800, 51.
627 pg pg/txt acutissima Taenia, P. S. Pallas, N. nord. Beytr. I. 1781, 75.
628 p p/t acutorius Ichneumon, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. III. 1789, 158.
629 pg pg/txt acuta Anas, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 126 ; ed. 12, 1766, 202.
630 p p/t acuta Aranea, F. H. W. Martini & J. A. E. Goeze in Lister, Spinnen, 1778, 302.
631 pg pg/txt acuta Ascaris, P. C. Abildgaard in Müller, Zool. Dan., ed. 3, III. 1789, 53.
632 p p/t acutus Bulimus (Müll.), J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Meth. (Vers) (1) 1789, 323.—Helix.
633 pg pg/txt acuta Buprestis, C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. 1787, 52.
634 p p/t acuta Buprestis, C. P. Thunberg, Nov. Ins. Spec. (5) 1789, 99.
635 pg pg/txt acutus Caprimulgus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 1031.
636 p p/t acutus Cimex, C. P. Thunberg, Nov. Ins. Spec. (2) 1783, 34.
637 pg pg/txt acutus Cimex, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 201.
638 p p/t acuta Coryphaena, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 448.
639 pg pg/txt acutus Curculio, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1773.
640 p p/t acutum Epitonium, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 93.
641 pg pg/txt acutus Gryllus (Locusta), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2087.
642 p p/t acuta Helix, O. F. Müller, Verm. II. 1774, 100.
643 pg pg/txt acuta Helix, E. M. da Costa, Brit. Conch. 1778, 55.
644 p p/t acuta Hirundo, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 1023.
645 pg pg/txt acuta Leucophra, O. F. Müller, An. Infus. 1786, 151.
646 p p/t acutum Paramecium, J. Hermann, Naturforscher, XX. 1784, 156.
647 pg pg/txt acuta Purpura, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 140 [n. n.].
648 p p/t ada [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (31) 1781, 142.
649 pg pg/txt adactylus Cancer (Fabr.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2994.—Hippa.
650 p p/t adactyla Hippa, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 329.
651 pg pg/txt adactila Idotea (Fab.), F. Weber, Nomen. Fabricii, 1795, 94.—Hippa.
652 p p/t adaena Bombyx v. advena.
653 pg pg/txt adaequata Phalaena Geometra, M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. Eur. Schmett. V. 1794, 444.
654 p p/t adamanteus Crotalus, de Beauvois, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. IV. 1799, 368.
655 pg pg/txt adamovichiana Meloides, M. Piller and L. Mitterpacher, Iter Poseg. 1783, 39.
656 p p/t adansonii Cerithium, J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (2) 1792, 479.
657 pg pg/txt adansoni Tellina, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3239.
658 p p/t adansonii Vermetus, F. M. Daudin, Rec. Mém. Moll. 1800, 35.
659 pg pg/txt adansoniella Phalaena (Tin.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. II. 1789, 527.
660 p p/t Adela P. A. Latreille, Préc. Car. Ins. 1796, 147.—Lep.
661 pg pg/txt adelais Libellula, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 345.
662 p p/t Adelphozion P. Osbeck, Reise Ostindien, 1765, 108.—Ver. [gen. caelebs].
663 pg pg/txt adhaerens Scolopendra, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 87.
664 p p/t adiaphora Musca, Mayer, Abh. privat. Ges. Bohmen. IV. 1779, 184.
665 pg pg/txt adiaphorus Scarabaeus, N. Poda, Ins. Mus. Graec. 1761, 20.
666 p p/t Adimonia J. N. Laicharting, Tyrol. Ins. I. 1781, 190.—Col.
667 pg pg/txt adiposa Ascaris, F. v. P. Schrank, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. XI. 1790, 122.
668 p p/t adiposa Ascidia, F. X. de Wulfen, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. VIII. 1791, 257.
669 pg pg/txt adippe Papilio (Nymphalis), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 786.
670 p p/t adippes [Papilio], J. A. B. Bergstraesser, Ic. Pap. III. 1781, 8.
671 pg pg/txt adive Canis, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 141.
672 p p/t adjutrix [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (23) 1780, 144.
673 pg pg/txt admetus Papilio, E. J. C. Esper, Die Schmett., Forts. Tagschmett. (1783—1785) 148.
674 p p/t admirabilis [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, II (9) 1777, 11.
675 pg pg/txt admirabilis Sphex, J. L. Christ, Nat. Ins. 1791, 298.
676 p p/t admirella Phalaena (Tin.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. II. 1789, 526.
677 pg pg/txt adnata Tubipora, H. Ström, Nye Saml. K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift. II. 1788, 349.
678 p p/t adonia [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (22) 1779, 109.
679 pg pg/txt adonidis Chrysomela, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. I. 1771, 462.
680 p p/t adonidum Chrysis, P. Rossi, Fauna Etrus. II. 1790, 79.
681 pg pg/txt adonidum Coccus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 740.
682 p p/t adonis Hesperia (D. & S.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 299.—Papilio.
683 pg pg/txt adonis Papilio [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 184.
684 p p/t adonis Papilio, P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (6) 1775, 95.
685 pg pg/txt adpendiculatus v. appendiculatus.
686 p p/t adrastus [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (27) 1780, 62.
687 pg pg/txt adriatica Hirudo, F. X. de Wulfen, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. VIII. 1791, 255.
688 p p/t adriaticus Labrus, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1297.
689 pg pg/txt adriatica Nereis, F. X. de Wulfen, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. VIII. 1791, 272.
690 p p/t adriatica Tellina, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3243.
691 pg pg/txt adriatica Trigla, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1346.
692 p p/t adscendens Cynips, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 251.
693 pg pg/txt adscendens Fulgora, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 260.
694 p p/t adscensionis Cancer, P. Osbeck, Reise Ost-Ind. China, 1765, 389.
695 pg pg/txt adscensionis Diomedea, P. Osbeck, Reise Ost-Ind. China, 1765, 382.
696 p p/t ascensionis Holocentrus (Osb.), G. A. Suckow, Naturges. IV. 1799, 532.—Perca.
697 pg pg/txt ascensionis Nerita, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3683.
698 p p/t adscensionis Ostrea, P. Osbeck, Reise Ost-Ind. China, 1765, 389.
699 pg pg/txt adscensionis Pecten, P. Osbeck, Reise Ost-Ind. China, 1765, 391.
700 p p/t adscensionis Perca, P. Osbeck, Reise Ost-Ind. China, 1765, 388.
701 pg pg/txt adscensionis Scomber, J. R. Forster in Osbecks Voy. China, II. 1771, 94 [said to be [O.'s sp.]. Yes
702 p p/t adscensionis Squalus, P. Osbeck, Reise Ost-Ind. China, 1765, 385.
703 pg pg/txt adscensionis Trachinus, P. Osbeck, Reise Ost-Ind. China, 1765, 388.
704 p p/t Adscita A. J. Retzius, Gen. Sp. Ins. Geer, 1783, 35.—Lep.
705 pg pg/txt adscitella Tinea [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 138.
706 p p/t adscitus Psittacus, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 126.
707 pg pg/txt adsimilis Muscicapa, H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. I. 1793, 48.
708 p p/t adsociaria Phalaena Geometra, M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. V. 1794, 78.
709 pg pg/txt adspergillus Crambus, Bosc., Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. [Paris] no. 39, 1800, 114.
710 p p/t adspersaria Geometra, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. IV. 1789, 496.
711 pg pg/txt adspersaria Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Geom.) [me judice 1796] fig. 206 [n. et f.]. Yes
712 p p/t adspersaria Phalaena, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 189.
713 pg pg/txt adspersus Anthrenus, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VII. 1797, 332.
714 p p/t adspersum Buccinum, J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (1), 1789, 265.
715 pg pg/txt adspersa Buprestis, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 137.
716 p p/t adspersus Cancer, J. F. W. Herbst, Vers. Nat. Krab. I (8) 1790, 264.
717 pg pg/txt adspersus Carabus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, 1789, 1968.
718 p p/t adspersus Cerambyx, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1863.
719 pg pg/txt adspersus Cimex, C. P. Thunberg, Nov. Ins. Spec. (3) 1784, 53.
720 p p/t adspersus Curculio, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 149.
721 pg pg/txt adspersus Dytiscus, Kugelann in G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 38 [1796], tab. 18.
722 p p/t adspersus Elater, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 37.
723 pg pg/txt adspersus Labrus, J. G. Walbaum, Artedi, Ichth. (3), ed. 2, 1792, 254.
724 p p/t adspersus Musca, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2865.
725 pg pg/txt adstrictor Dermestes, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) IV. 1792, 140.
726 p p/t adstrictor Trixagus (Herbst), J. G. Kugelann, N. Mag. Lieb. Ent. [Schneider's], V. 1794, 535.—[Dermestes. Yes
727 pg pg/txt adulterator Ichneumon, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. III. 1789, 192.
728 p p/t adumbrata Phalaena [D. H. Schneider], Nom. Ent. 1785, 51 [n. n.].
729 pg pg/txt adumbrata Phalaena (Geom.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. II. 1789, 384.
730 p p/t adumbrata Phalaena (Noct.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2584.
731 pg pg/txt adumbrata Tellina, T. Martyn, Univ. Conch. IV [1792], fig. 160.
732 p p/t adunata Musca, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 488.
733 pg pg/txt adunca Anas, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 128 ; ed. 12, 1766, 206.
734 p p/t adunca Anas, A. Vroeg, Catal. Vogel. 1764, Adumb. 5.
735 pg pg/txt adunca Apis, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 56 [1798], tab. 5.
736 p p/t aduncum Buccinum, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 304.
737 pg pg/txt aduncus Nautilus, L. v. Fichtel & P. C. v. Moll, Test. Micr. 1798, 115.
738 p p/t adunca Orthocera, A. Modeer, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. XVII. 1796, 150.
739 pg pg/txt adustata Geometra [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 114.
740 p p/t adustata Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Geom.) [me judice 1796], fig. 75 [n. et f.]. Yes
741 pg pg/txt adusta Albula, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 20 [n. n.].
742 p p/t adustus Cimex, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2148.
743 pg pg/txt adustus Cimex, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, 1789, 2185.
744 p p/t adusta Crioceris, C. Creutzer, Ent. Vers. 1799, 121.
745 pg pg/txt adustus Ichneumon, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2699.
746 p p/t adusta Leptura, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1872.
747 pg pg/txt adusta Necydalis, G. W. F. Panzer, Deutsch. Ins. [1795], 279.
748 p p/t adusta Phalaena Noctua, E. J. C. Esper, Die Schmett. IV [1797-1800], 483.
749 pg pg/txt advenaria Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Geom.) [me judice 1796], fig. 45 [n. et f.] Yes
750 p p/t advenaria Phalaena Geometra, J. Hübner, Beitr. Schmett. II. 1790, 70.
751 pg pg/txt [advenus]
752 p p/t adaena Bombyx, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 123.
753 pg pg/txt advena Bombyx, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. IV. 1789, 451.
754 p p/t advena Elater, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 94.
755 pg pg/txt advena Elater, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 174.
756 p p/t advena Galleruca, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 33.
757 pg pg/txt advena Noctua [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 77.
758 p p/t advena Phalaena Noctua (D. & S.), M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. IV. 1792, 615.—[Noctua. Yes
759 pg pg/txt adversata Phalaena, J. G. Schaller, Naturforscher, XXIII. 1788, 52.
760 p p/t adversus Turbo, E. M. da Costa, Brit. Conch. 1778, 96.
761 pg pg/txt aeacus Sphinx [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 45.
762 p p/t aeacus Sphinx, F. v. P. Schrank, N. Mag. Lieb. Ent. [Fuessly's], II (2) 1784, 207.
763 pg pg/txt aeacus Sphinx, M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. II. 1789, 8.
764 p p/t aeas [Sphinx], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (19) 1779, 57.
765 pg pg/txt aecas [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (29) 1781, 102.
766 p p/t aedea Papilio, Linnaeus, Amoen. Acad. VI. 1763, 403.
767 pg pg/txt aedea Papilio, C. Clerck, Icones, II. 1764, pl. xli.
768 p p/t Aedemera id. ac Oedemera.
769 pg pg/txt aedificator Lamia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 275.
770 p p/t aedilis Cerambyx, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 392 ; ed. 12, 1767, p. 628.
771 pg pg/txt aedilis Lamia (L.), J. N. Laicharting, Tyrol. Ins. II. 1784, 23.—Cerambyx.
772 p p/t aedon Muscicapa, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. III. 1776, 695.
773 pg pg/txt aegeon Geotrupes (Dru.), J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 9.—Scarabaeus.
774 p p/t aegaeon Scarabaeus, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. II. 1773, index & 54.
775 pg pg/txt aegagropila Cancer, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 322.
776 p p/t aegagropila Dromia, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 360.—Cancer, 1787.
777 pg pg/txt Aegagrus P. S. Pallas, Spic. Zool. XI. 1776, 43 & Zoogr. I. 1811, 226.—M.
778 p p/t aegagrus Capra, J. C. P. Erxleben, Syst. Anim. 1777, 260.
779 pg pg/txt aegagrus Capra, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 193.—varr. hircus, angorensis, mambrica, depressa, reversa, capricornus. Yes
780 p p/t aegagrus Hircus, P. Boddaert, Elench. 1785, 146.
781 pg pg/txt aegagrus Tragus (Erx.), F. v. P. Schrank, F. Boica, I. 1798, 80.—Capra.
782 p p/t aegeria Papilio (Nymphalis), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 473 ; ed. 12, 1767, 771.
783 pg pg/txt aegina Bombyx (Cr.), A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V. (Ins.) 1790, 52.—Phalaena.
784 p p/t aegina [Phalaena], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (32) 1782, 191.
785 pg pg/txt aegisthus Papilio, Linnaeus, Amoen. Acad. VI. 1763, 401.
786 p p/t aegisthus Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 20.
787 pg pg/txt aegistus Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 69.
788 p p/t aegithalodes Pipra, H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. I. 1793, 52.
789 pg pg/txt aegle Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Gen. Ins. 1777, 255.
790 p p/t aegle Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 170.
791 pg pg/txt aeglefini Fasciola, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 224.
792 p p/t aeglefinus Gadus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 251 ; ed. 12, 1766, 435.
793 pg pg/txt aegocephala Scolopax, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 147 ; ed. 12, 1766, 246.
794 p p/t aegon Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 324.
795 pg pg/txt aegon Papilio [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 185.
796 p p/t aegon Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 130.
797 pg pg/txt aegophthalmus Helix, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3614.
798 p p/t aegopodii Aphis, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 137.
799 pg pg/txt aegrota Chrysomela, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 87.
800 p p/t aegypta Falco (Aquila), R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 489.
801 pg pg/txt aegypti Culex, Linnaeus in Hasselquist, Palast. 1762, 470.
802 p p/t aegypti Cynips, Linnaeus in Hasselquist, Palast. 1762, 466.
803 pg pg/txt aegyptiaca Anas, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 512.
804 p p/t aegyptiacus Anser, J. P. Bonnaterre, Ency. Méth. (Orn.) 1790, 118.
805 pg pg/txt aegyptiaca Blatta, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 424 ; ed. 12, 1767, 687.
806 p p/t aegyptiaca Buprestis, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1928.
807 pg pg/txt aegyptiacum Callidium, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 194.
808 p p/t aegyptiacus Cerambyx (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1855.—[Callidium. Yes
809 pg pg/txt aegyptiacus Cimex, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2196.—Reduvius [aegyptius, Fab. Yes
810 p p/t aegyptiacus Coluber, B. G. E. de Lacépède, Quad. Ovip. &c. II. 1789, 124.
811 pg pg/txt aegyptiaca Columba, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 607.
812 p p/t aegyptiaca Formica, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 393.
813 pg pg/txt aegyptiacus Gryllus (Locusta), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2074.
814 p p/t aegyptiaca Numida, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 622.
815 pg pg/txt aegyptiaca Perca, Linnaeus in Haselquist, Palast. 1762, 401.
816 p p/t aegyptiaca Tringa, Linnaeus in Hasselquist, Palast. 1762, 305.
817 pg pg/txt agyptiacus (sic) Turbo, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 89.
818 p p/t aegyptiacus Vespertilio, Linnaeus in Hasselquist, Palast. 1762, 276.
819 pg pg/txt aegyptica Anas, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 197.
820 p p/t aegyptica Caudiverbera, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 43.
821 pg pg/txt aegypticus Corvus, Linnaeus in Hasselquist, Palast. 1762, 296.
822 p p/t aegyptica Simia, Linnaeus in Hasselquist, Palast. 1762, 296.
823 pg pg/txt aegyptius Acarus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 615 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1022.
824 p p/t aegyptia Alcedo, Linnaeus in Hasselquist, Palast. 1762, 300.
825 pg pg/txt aegyptius Chameleo, J. P. Bonnaterre, Ency. Méth. (Erp.) 1789, 31.
826 p p/t aegyptius Charadrius, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 150 ; ed. 12, 1766, 254.
827 pg pg/txt aegyptius Cimex, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 447 ; ed. 12, 1767, 727.
828 p p/t aegyptius Cuculus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 420.
829 pg pg/txt aegyptius Dipus, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 274.
830 p p/t aegyptius Falco, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 261.
831 pg pg/txt aegyptius Gryllus (Locusta), Linnaeus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. 1764, 138.
832 p p/t aegyptia Lacerta, Linnaeus in Haselquist, Palast. 1762, 353.
833 pg pg/txt aegyptius Lygaeus (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 155.—Cimex.
834 p p/t aegyptius Merops, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 1.
835 pg pg/txt aegyptius Papilio, J. C. D. Schreber, Nov. Spec. Ins. 1759, 12.
836 p p/t aegyptius Reduvius, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 732.
837 pg pg/txt aegyptius Salmo, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1386.
838 p p/t aegyptia Sphex, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 569 ; ed. 12, 1767, 942.
839 pg pg/txt aegyptius Tenebrio, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 78.
840 p p/t aegyptius Trochus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3573.
841 pg pg/txt aeilus [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (27) 1780, 56.
842 p p/t aelianus Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 280.
843 pg pg/txt aelothorax v. aeolothorax.
844 p p/t aemilia [Phalaena], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (34) 1782, 230.
845 pg pg/txt aemulella Tinea, J. Hubner, Europ. Schmett. 8 Horde [me judice 1796], 52.
846 p p/t aemula Apis, P. Rossi, Mant. Ins. I. 1792, 140.
847 pg pg/txt aemullus Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 322.
848 p p/t aemula Noctua [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 314.
849 pg pg/txt aemula Phalaena Noctua (D. & S.), M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. IV. 1792, [789.—Noctua. Yes
850 p p/t aenealis Pyralis [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 123.
851 pg pg/txt aeneana Phalaena Tort., C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. II. 1789, 417.
852 p p/t aeneas Papilio (Eques), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 461 ; ed. 12, 1767, 747.
853 pg pg/txt aeneas Scarabaeus, G. W. F. Panzer, Beytr. Ges. Ins. I. 1793, pl. v. [n. et f.].
854 p p/t aeneella Phalaena, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 255.
855 pg pg/txt aeneella Tinea [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 319.
856 p p/t aeneella Tinea, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. 8 Horde [me judice 1796], 31.
857 pg pg/txt aeneicollis Buprestis, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 340.
858 p p/t aeneicollis Elater, G. A. Olivier, J. Nat. Hist. (Choix des Mém.), I. 1792, 264.
859 pg pg/txt aeneipennis Apis, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. III. 1773, 573.
860 p p/t aenipennis Galleruca, K. Illiger, Archiv. Zool. (Wiedemann), I (2) 1800, 134.
861 pg pg/txt aeneipennis Vespa, J. L. Christ, Nat. Ins. 1791, 244.
862 p p/t aeneocephalus Carabus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (1) 1792, 137.
863 pg pg/txt aeneocephalus Staphylinus, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 23.
864 p p/t aeneo-niger Elater, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 159.
865 pg pg/txt aeneo-oculatum Acrydium, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. III. 1773, 502.
866 p p/t aeneopectinicornis Elater, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 145.
867 pg pg/txt aeneopunctatus Carabus, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 88.
868 p p/t aeneo-punctata Leptura, G. A. Harrer, Besch. Schaeffer Icones, 1784, 232.
869 pg pg/txt aenea Aedemera (Fab.), A. G. Olivier, Entom. III. 1795, 5.—Lagria.
870 p p/t aenea Aedemera, A. G. Olivier, Entom. III. 1795, 14.
871 pg pg/txt aenea Alcedo, A. Vroeg, Catal. Vogel. 1764, Adumb. 1.
872 p p/t aenea Altica, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 102.
873 pg pg/txt aenea Andrena (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 376.—Apis.
874 p p/t aeneus Anthribus (Fab.), A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. IV (Ins.) 1789, 160.—Nitidula.
875 pg pg/txt aenea Antipat[h]es (L.), J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (1) 1789, 81.—Gorgonia.
876 p p/t aeneum Apion (Fab.), Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VII. 1797, 101.—Attelabus.
877 pg pg/txt aenea Apis, Linnaeus, Faun. Suec., ed. 2, 1761, 421.
878 p p/t aenea Apis, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 277.
879 pg pg/txt aeneus Attelabus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 389.—Curculio, 1787.
880 p p/t aenea Bibio, J. C. Fabricius, Gen. Ins. 1777, 305.
881 pg pg/txt aeneus Bombylius, P. Rossi, Mant. Ins. II. 1794, 78.
882 p p/t aeneus Bruchus, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 159.
883 pg pg/txt aenea Buprestis, Linnaeus, Faun. Suec., ed. 2, 1761, 213.
884 p p/t aenea Buprestis, J. A. Scopoli, Annus V. 1772, 106.
885 pg pg/txt aenea Buprestis, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 275.
886 p p/t aeneus Byrrhus, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 60.
887 pg pg/txt aeneum Callidium, in Fuessly, Arch. Ins. V. 1784, 96.
888 p p/t aeneum Callidium, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 151.
889 pg pg/txt aeneus Cancer, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 630 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1048.
890 p p/t aenea Cantharis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 402 ; ed. 12, 1767, 648.
891 pg pg/txt aeneus Carabus, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 98.
892 p p/t aeneus Carabus, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 245.
893 pg pg/txt aenea Cassida, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 391.
894 p p/t aeneus Cerambyx, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. V. 1775, 89.
895 pg pg/txt aenea Certhia, A. Sparrman, Mus. Carls. IV. 1789, no. lxxviii.
896 p p/t aenea Cetonia, L. G. Schriba, J. Lieb. Ent. I. 1790, 69.
897 pg pg/txt aenea Cetonia, J. D. Andersch in D. H. Hoppe, Ent. Taschenbuch, 1797, 157.
898 p p/t aenea Chalcis, P. Rossi, Fauna Etrus. II. 1790, 59.
899 pg pg/txt aenea Chrysis, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 284.
900 p p/t aenea Chrysomela, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 369 ; ed. 12, 1767, 587.
901 pg pg/txt aenea Cicindela, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 61.
902 p p/t aeneus Cimex, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 122.
903 pg pg/txt aenea Cistela (Fab.), J. N. Laicharting, Tyrol. Ins. I. 1781, 73.—Byrrhus.
904 p p/t aenea Cistela, J. C. W. Illiger, N. Mag. Lieb. Ent. [Schneider's], V. 1794, 604.
905 pg pg/txt aeneus Clerus (Fabr.), C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. App. III. 1794, 134.—[Lagria. Yes
906 p p/t aenea Columba, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 283.
907 pg pg/txt aeneus Conops, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 356.
908 p p/t aeneus Copris (Fab.), A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 163.—Scarabaeus.
909 pg pg/txt aenea Cryptocephalus (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1729.—Lagria (1775). Yes
910 p p/t aeneaus Cryptocephalus, D. H. Schneider, N. Mag. Lieb. Ent. [Schneider's], II. 1792, 220.
911 pg pg/txt aeneus Kryptophagus (Fab.), Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) IV. 1792, 173.—Ips.
912 p p/t aeneus Curculio, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 131.
913 pg pg/txt aeneus Dermestes, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 61.
914 p p/t aenea Diaperis (Panz.), G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. III. 1800,—Scolytus.
915 pg pg/txt aenea Donacia, J. J. Zschach, Mus. Lesk. 1788, 27.
916 p p/t aenea Donacia, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 292.
917 pg pg/txt aenea Donacia, D. H. Hoppe, Ins. Elyt. 1795, 44.
918 p p/t aeneus Dytiscus, G. de Razoumowsky, Hist. Nat. Jorat, 1789, 166.
919 pg pg/txt aeneus Dytiscus, Kugelann in G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 38 [1796], tab. 16.
920 p p/t aeneus Elater, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 406 ; ed. 12, 1767, 655.
921 pg pg/txt aenea Gorgonia, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 806 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1290.
922 p p/t aeneus Helops, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VII (Ins.) 1792, 46.
923 pg pg/txt aeneus Hister, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 53.
924 p p/t aeneus Hydrophilus, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 379.
925 pg pg/txt aenea Ips (Schaller), J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 46.—Shipha.
926 p p/t aenea Lagria, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 124.
927 pg pg/txt aenea Lagria, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 94.
928 p p/t aenea Lagria, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 119.
929 pg pg/txt aenea Leptura, G. A. Harrer, Besch. Schaeffer Icones, 1784, 231.
930 p p/t aenea Leptura, F. v. P. Schrank, N. Mag. Lieb. Ent. [Fuessly's], II (4) 1785, 320.
931 pg pg/txt aenea Leptura (Zsch.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1867.—Donacia.
932 p p/t aeneus Lethrus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (1) 1792, 2.
933 pg pg/txt aenea Libellula, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 544 ; ed. 12, 1767, 902.
934 p p/t aeneus Lucanus, J. A. Pollich, Bemerk. Kuhrpfälz. phys.-oek. Ges. 1779 (1781), 278.
935 pg pg/txt aeneus Malachius (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. ent. 1775, 207.—Cantharis.
936 p p/t aeneus Malacopteryx (L.), J. R. Forster, Cat. Brit. Ins. 1770, 7.—Cantharis.
937 pg pg/txt aenea Melolontha, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 34.
938 p p/t aeneus Melyris, A. G. Olivier, Entom. II. 1790, 11.
939 pg pg/txt aenea Melyris, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 60.
940 p p/t aenea Musca, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 347.
941 pg pg/txt aenea Musca, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2879.
942 p p/t aenea Musca, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 335.
943 pg pg/txt aeneus Nemotelus, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. VI. 1776, 194.
944 p p/t aenea Nitidula, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 78.
945 pg pg/txt aenea Nitidula (Fab.), C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. App. I. 1791, 116.—Ips.
946 p p/t aenea Noctua [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 85.
947 pg pg/txt aenea Patella, T. Martyn, Univ. Conch. I. [1784 non 1769], fig. 17.
948 p p/t aenea Patella, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3708.
949 pg pg/txt aenea Phalaena Noctua, J. Hübner, Beitr. Schmett. I (3) [1788], 10.
950 p p/t aeneus Sargus, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 566.—Musca, 1794.
951 pg pg/txt aeneus Scarabeaeus, Linnaeus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. 1764, 29.
952 p p/t aeneus Scarabaeus, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 277.
953 pg pg/txt aeneus Scarabaeus, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 34.
954 p p/t aeneus Scolytus, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 8, 1793, tab. 2.
955 pg pg/txt aenea Silpha, J. G. Schaller, Abh. Hallisch. n. Ges. I. 1783, 254.
956 p p/t aenea Silpha (Fab.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 87.—Nitidula.
957 pg pg/txt aenea Silpha (Fab.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. IV. 1789, 232.—Ips.
958 p p/t aeneum Sphaeridium, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I. (1) 1792, 83.
959 pg pg/txt aeneus Staphylinus, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 23.
960 p p/t aeneus Staphylinus, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 23.
961 pg pg/txt aeneus Staphylinus, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 98.
962 p p/t aeneus Staphylinus, A. F. de Fourcory, Ent. Paris. 1785, 168.
963 pg pg/txt aeneus Staphylinus, P. Rossi, Fauna Etrus. I. 1790, 249.
964 p p/t aeneus Staphylinus, A. G. Olivier, Entom. III. 1795, 10.
965 pg pg/txt aeneus Sturnus (Gm.), F. M. Daudin, Traité élém. Orn. 1800, 310.—Turdus.
966 p p/t aeneus Syrphus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 302.
967 pg pg/txt aeneus Telephorus (L.), C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 73.—Cantharis.
968 p p/t aeneus Thelephorus, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 62.
969 pg pg/txt aeneus Tenebrio, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 82.
970 p p/t aeneus Tenebrio, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. V. 1775, 53.
971 pg pg/txt aeneus Tenebrio, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 48.
972 p p/t aenea Trogossita, A. G. Olivier, Entom. II. 1790, 7.
973 pg pg/txt aeneus Turdus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 818.
974 p p/t aenea Upis (Fab.), Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VIII. 1799, 28.—Tenebrio.
975 pg pg/txt aenipennis v. aeneipennis.
976 p p/t aenippa [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, II (9) 1777, 13 ; & II (14) 1777, 95.
977 pg pg/txt aenobarbus Geotrupes, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 16.—Scarabaeus, 1792.
978 p p/t aenobarbus Scarabaeus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I. 1792, 13.
979 pg pg/txt aenoburbus Scarabaeus err. Pro aenobarbus, Fabr. J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 6.
980 p p/t aenobarus Scarabaeus, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 10.
981 pg pg/txt aeolicum Cardium, I. v. Born, Index Mus. Caes. Vind. 1778, 36.
982 p p/t aeolicum Cardium, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3254.
983 pg pg/txt Æolidia G. Cuvier, Tab. Elém. 1798, 388.—Nud.
984 p p/t "Æolis, Cuvier, 1798,'' Herrmannsen ; v. Æolidia.
985 pg pg/txt aeolothorax Curculio, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. errum Nat. III. 1796, 57.
986 p p/t aelothorax Curculio, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VII. 1797, 25.
987 pg pg/txt aeolothorax Ichneumon, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 196.
988 p p/t aeolus Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 284.
989 pg pg/txt aeolus Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 522.
990 p p/t aequalis Bombylius, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 473.
991 pg pg/txt aequalis Cimex, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 529.
992 p p/t aequatorialis Manatus, B. G. E. de Lacépède, Tabl. Mamm. 1799, 17.
993 pg pg/txt aequatus Attelabus (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 388.—Curculio.
994 p p/t aequatus Curculio, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 607.
995 pg pg/txt aequatus Involvulus (L.), F. v. P. Scharnk, F. Boica, I. 1798, 477.—Curculio.
996 p p/t aequatus Rynchites (Fab.), Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VII. 1797, 132, sign. [I 2.—Attelabus. Yes
997 pg pg/txt aequilatera Arca, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3311.
998 p p/t aequinoctialis Altica (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 112.—Chrysomela.
999 pg pg/txt aequinoctialis Ardea, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 144 ; ed. 12, 1766, 240.
1000 p p/t equinoctialis Buprestis, A. G. Oliver, Entom. II. 1790, 56.
1001 pg pg/txt acquinoctialis Buprestis, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 229.
1002 p p/t acquinoctialis Carabus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat. I. 1789, 1976.
1003 pg pg/txt equinoctialis Cetonia, A. G. Oliver, Entom. I. 1789, 50.
1004 p p/t aequinoctialis Chrysomela, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 374 ; ed. 12, [1767, 596. Yes
1005 pg pg/txt acquinoctialis Cicada, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2112.
1006 p p/t acquinoctialis Cicindela, Linnaeus, Amoen. Acad. VI. 1763, 395.
1007 pg pg/txt aequinoctialis Cimex, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 132.
1008 p p/t aequinoctialis Falco, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 265.
1009 pg pg/txt equinoctialis Falco (Aquila), R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 494.
1010 p p/t aequinoctialis Galleruca (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 28.—Chrysomela.
1011 pg pg/txt aequinoct[ialis] Melolontha [D. H. Schneider], Nom. Ent. 1785, 2 [n. n.].
1012 p p/t aequinoctialis Melolontha, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) III. 1790, 62.
1013 pg pg/txt aequinoctialis Motacilla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 972.
1014 p p/t aequinoctialis Musca, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 598 ; ed. 12, 1767, 995.
1015 pg pg/txt aequinoctialis Nemotelus (L.), C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. VI. 1776, 207.—Musca.
1016 p p/t aequinoctialis Procellaria, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 132 ; ed. 12, 1766, 213
1017 pg pg/txt aequinoctialis Procellaria, J. P. Bonnaterre, Ency. Méth. (Orn.) 1790, 80.
1018 p p/t aequinoctialis Scyllarus, N. T. Lund, Skr. nat. Selsk. [Copen.] II (2) 1793, 21.
1019 pg pg/txt aequinoctialis Scyllarus, F. Weber, Nomen. Fabricii, 1795, 94 [n. n.].
1020 p p/t aequinoctialis Sphex, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 292.
1021 pg pg/txt aequinoctialis Sylvia (Gm.), J. Latham, Index Orn., 1790, 541.—Motacilla.
1022 p p/t aequinoctialis Sylvia, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 553.
1023 pg pg/txt aequorea Medusa, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 659 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1097.
1024 p p/t aequoreus Syngnathus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 337 ; ed. 12, 1766, 417.
1025 pg pg/txt aerata Buprestis, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 35.
1026 p p/t aerata Phalaena, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 456.
1027 pg pg/txt aerata Phalaena Noctua, E. J. C. Esper, Die Schmett. IV [1797—1800] 468.
1028 p p/t aeratus Scarabaeus, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1570.
1029 pg pg/txt aerdan Lacerta, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, ix. [n. n.].
1030 p p/t aerealis Phal. Pyr., J. Hübner, Samml. Vögel u. Schmett. 1793, 7 [n. et f.].
1031 pg pg/txt aerealis Pyralis, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. 6 Horde [me judice 1796], 11 & 29.
1032 p p/t aerea Donacia, F. v. P. Schrank, F. Boica, I. 1798, 684.
1033 pg pg/txt aereus Libellula, M. Harris, Exp. Eng. Ins. 1776, 98.
1034 p p/t aereus Turbo, J. Adams, Tr. Linn. Soc. [Lond.], III. 1797, 66.
1035 pg pg/txt aeropus [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (22) 1779, 108.
1036 p p/t aeropa Papilio (Nymphalis), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 475 ; P. (Danaus) ed. 12, 1767, 768. Yes
1037 pg pg/txt aerosa Buprestis, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1928.
1038 p p/t aerosa Chrysomela, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1690.
1039 pg pg/txt aerubescens Phalaena, [D. H. Schneider] Nom. Ent. 1785, 44 [n. n.].
1040 p p/t aerugana Geometra, [Denis & Schiffermüller] Schmett. Wien, 1775, 101.
1041 pg pg/txt aeruginalis Pyralis, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. 6 Horde [me judice 1796], 26.
1042 p p/t aeruginalis [Pyralis], J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. 6 Horde [me judice 1796], pl. 20, f. 133 [n. et f.]. Yes
1043 pg pg/txt aeruginaria Geometra, [Denis & Schiffermüller] Schmett. Wien, 1775, 314.
1044 p p/t aeruginaria Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Geom.) [me judice 1796], fig. 46. [n. et f.]. Yes
1045 pg pg/txt aeruginaria Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. 5 Horde [me judice 1800], 17.
1046 p p/t aeruginaria Phalaena Geometra (D. & S.), M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. V. 1794, 43.—Geometra. Yes
1047 pg pg/txt aerugineus Carabus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, 1789, 1986.
1048 p p/t aeruginea Cetonia, J. F. W. Herbst in Fuessly, Arch. Ins. VII. 1786, 156.
1049 pg pg/txt aeruginea Cetonia, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) III. 1790, 216.
1050 p p/t aeruginea Chrysomela, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (1) 1792, 330.
1051 pg pg/txt aerugineus Cimex, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 208.
1052 p p/t aeruginea Cistela, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 117.
1053 pg pg/txt aerugineus Cryptocephalus (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1715.[—Cistela. Yes
1054 p p/t aeruginea Galleruca, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 96.—Cistela, 1775.
1055 pg pg/txt aerugineus Scarabaeus, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. IV. 1789, 209.
1056 p p/t aeruginosus Acciptier (L.), J. C. Schaeffer, Mus. Orn. 1789, 8.—Falco.
1057 pg pg/txt aeruginosa Buprestis, J. F. W. Herbst, Schrift Berlin. Ges. Nat. Freunde, I. 1780, 91.
1058 p p/t aeruginosus Buprestis, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 54.
1059 pg pg/txt aeruginosus Carabus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1969.
1060 p p/t aeruginosus Carabus (Four.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 378.—Buprestis.
1061 pg pg/txt aeruginosa Cetonia (L.), Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) III. 1790, 221.—Scarabaeus. Yes
1062 p p/t aeruginosus Cimex, D. Cyrillo, Ent. Neap. (typogr. ed.) 1787, 5.
1063 pg pg/txt aeruginosus Cryptocephalus (Müll). J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, 1789, [1725.—Luperus. Yes
1064 p p/t aeruginosus Curculio, G. Bonsdorff, Curc. Suec. 1785, 23.
1065 pg pg/txt aeruginosus Elater, [D. H. Schneider] Nom. Ent. 1785, 19 [n. n.].
1066 p p/t aeruginosus Elater, A. G. Olivier, Entom. II. 1790, 33.
1067 pg pg/txt aeruginosus Falco, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 91 ; ed. 12, 1766, 130.
1068 p p/t aeruginosus Helops, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 213.
1069 pg pg/txt aeruginosa Leptura, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 95.
1070 p p/t aruginosa Lunatica, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 101.
1071 pg pg/txt aeruginosus Luperus, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 84.
1072 p p/t aeruginosa Mantis, B. E. Manuel, Ency. Méth. VII (Ins.) 1792, 642 [n. n.].
1073 pg pg/txt aeruginosus Melolontha (L.), V. Petagna, Spec. Ins. ult. Calab. 1786, 4.—Scarabaeus.
1074 p p/t aeruginosus Milvus, C. Nozeman in Nozeman & Houttuyn, Ned. Vogel. I [177—] 15.
1075 pg pg/txt aeruginosus Pilularius, F. v. P. Scharnk, F. Boica, I. 1798, 396.
1076 p p/t aeruginosa Pimelia (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2009.—[Helops. Yes
1077 pg pg/txt aeruginosus Psittacus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 98 ; ed. 12, 1766, 142.
1078 p p/t aeruginosus Scarabaeus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 558.
1079 pg pg/txt aeruginosus Scarabaeus (Cetonia), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, 1789, 1581.
1080 p p/t aeruginosus Trochus, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 83.
1081 pg pg/txt aerugula Phal. Bom., J. Hübner, Samml. Vögel u. Schmett. 1793, 11 [n. et. f.].
1082 p p/t "Aesalon, Brisson, 1760,'' Ag. [not used in a generic sense].
1083 pg pg/txt aesalon Accipiter, J. C. Schaeffer, Mus. Orn. 1789, 8.
1084 p p/t aesalon Falco, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 284, varr. noveboracensis, [caribaearum, falconariorum. Yes
1085 pg pg/txt aesculapii Coluber, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 220 ; ed. 12, 1766, 380.
1086 p p/t aesculapii Natrix (Linn.), J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 76.—Coluber.
1087 pg pg/txt aesculapius Copris, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 172.
1088 p p/t aesculapius Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 347.
1089 pg pg/txt aesculapius Scarabaeus [Copris], A. G. Olivier, Entom. I. 1789, 154.
1090 p p/t aescularia Geometra, [Denis & Schiffermüller] Schmett. Wien, 1775, 102.
1091 pg pg/txt aescularia Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Geom.) [me judice 1796] fig. 189 [n. et f.]. Yes
1092 p p/t aesculi Bombyx (L.), E. J. C. Esper, Die Schmett. III (25) 1786, 311.—Phalaena.
1093 pg pg/txt aesculi Bostrichus, J. G. Kugelann, N. Mag. Lieb. Ent. [Schneider's], V. 1794, 525.
1094 p p/t aesculi Cossus (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (2) 1794, 4.
1095 pg pg/txt aesculi Hepialus (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 590.—Phalaena.
1096 p p/t aesculi Phalaena, J. A. Scopoli, Del. Insub. I. 1786, 54.
1097 pg pg/txt aesculi Phal. (Hepialus), Herbst, Einl. Ins. II. 1785, 103.
1098 p p/t aesculi Phalena (Noctua), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 833.
1099 pg pg/txt aesculus Drupa, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 56.
1100 p p/t Aeshna J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 424.—Neur.
1101 pg pg/txt aesopus Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 307.
1102 p p/t aesopus Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 125.
1103 pg pg/txt aestivalis Naucoris, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 66.
1104 p p/t aestivaria Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Geom.) [me judice 1796], fig. 9. [n. et f.]. Yes
1105 pg pg/txt aestivaria Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. 5 Horde [me judice 1800], 16.
1106 p p/t aestivaria Phalaena Geometra, J. Hübner, Beitr. Schmett. I (4) 1789, 22.
1107 pg pg/txt aestivationis Musca, Linnaeus, Faun. Suec., ed. 2, 1761, 454.
1108 p p/t aestivus Asilus, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 365.
1109 pg pg/txt aestivus Carabus, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 77.
1110 p p/t aestivus Coluber, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 387.
1111 pg pg/txt aestivus Dermestes, C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. 1787, 39.
1112 p p/t aestiva Melolontha, A. G. Olivier, Entom. I. 1789, 17.
1113 pg pg/txt aestiva Motacilla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 996.
1114 p p/t aestiva Musca, O. F. Müller, F. Ins. Frid. 1764, 86.
1115 pg pg/txt aestiva Nitidula (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 77.—Silpha.
1116 p p/t aestiva Nitidula (Herbst), F. v. P. Schrank, F. Boica, I. 1798, 445.—Strongylus.
1117 pg pg/txt aestiva Nitidula, Illiger in Kugelean, Käfer Preuss. 1798, 385.
1118 p p/t aestiva Peltis, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 64.
1119 pg pg/txt aestivus Psittacus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 101 ; ed. 12, 1786, 146.
1120 p p/t aestivus Psittacus (L.), R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, varr. jamaicensis (598), guianesis brasiliensis, varius, amazonicus (599), magnus, flavicollo, simulatus (600). Yes
1121 pg pg/txt aestiva Silpha, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 362 ; ed. 12, 1767, 574.
1122 p p/t aestivus Strongylus, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) IV. 1792, 186.
1123 pg pg/txt aestiva Sylvia (Gm.), J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 551.—Motacilla.
1124 p p/t aestiva Tanagra, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 889.
1125 pg pg/txt aestivus Tenebrio, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 74.
1126 p p/t aestuans Apis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 579 ; ed. 12, 1767, 961.
1127 pg pg/txt aestuans Asilus, Linnaeus, Amoen. Acad. VI. 1763, 413.
1128 p p/t aestuans Cerambyx, A. G. Olivier, Entom. IV. 1795, 123.
1129 pg pg/txt aestuans Chrysomela, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 371 ; ed. 12, 1767, 593.
1130 p p/t aestuans Chrysomela, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, 1789, 1684.
1131 pg pg/txt aestuans Curculio, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I. (2) 1792, 445.
1132 p p/t aestuans Galleruca, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 27.
1133 pg pg/txt aestuans Musca, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 600 ; ed. 12, 1767, 997.
1134 p p/t aestuans Sciurus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 88.
1135 pg pg/txt aestuans Sciurus, P. B. C. Graumann, Introd. H. N. 1779, 66.
1136 p p/t aestuans Sciurus (L.), R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, var. fasciatus 263.
1137 pg pg/txt aestuans Tettigonia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 20.
1138 p p/t aestuans Vespa, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 462.
1139 pg pg/txt aestuata Phalaena (Geometra), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 525 ; ed. 12, 1767, 867
1140 p p/t aethale Gryllus, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 92.
1141 pg pg/txt aethale Vespa, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 202.
1142 p p/t aesthalurus Ichneumon, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 196.
1143 pg pg/txt aethereus Phaëthon, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 134 ; ed. 12, 1766, 219.
1144 p p/t aethiopa Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 136.
1145 pg pg/txt aethiopata Phalaena, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 231.
1146 p p/t aethiopicus Aper, P. S. Pallas, Misc. Zool. 1766, 16.
1147 pg pg/txt aethiopica Chrysomela, C. P. Thunnberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. 1787, 43.
1148 p p/t ethiopicus (sic) Curculio, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V. (Ins.) 1790, 563.
1149 pg pg/txt aethiopicum Cymbium (Gm.), J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 151.—Voluta.
1150 p p/t aethiopica Globosa (L.), F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 382.—Voluta.
1151 pg pg/txt aethiopica Locusta, C. P. Thungberg, Nov. Ins. Spec. (5) 1789, 103.
1152 p p/t aethiopicus Scarabaeus, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1574.
1153 pg pg/txt aethiopicus Sus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, III. 1768, App. 223.
1154 p p/t aethiopicus Tabanus, C. P. Thunberg, D.D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. 1789, 91.
1155 pg pg/txt aethiopicus Tantalus, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 706.
1156 p p/t aethiopicus Turdus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 824.
1157 pg pg/txt aethiopica Voluta, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 733 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1195.
1158 p p/t aethiopissa Altica, F. v. P. Schrank, Naturforscher, XXIV. 1789, 69.
1159 pg pg/txt aethiops Anthrax, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 259.—Bibio, 1781.
1160 p p/t aethiops Apion, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VII. 1797, 130.
1161 pg pg/txt aethiops Apis, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2791.
1162 p p/t aethiops Asilus, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. I. 1771, 474.
1163 pg pg/txt aethiops Bibio, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 415.
1164 p p/t aethiops Carabus, J. F. W. Herbst in Fuessly, Arch. Ins. V. 1784, 141.
1165 pg pg/txt aethiops Cerambyx, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 53.
1166 p p/t aethiops Cerambyx (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1830.—Lamia.
1167 pg pg/txt aethiops Cercopithecus (Linn.), J. C. P. Erxleben, Syst. Anim. 1777, 38.—Simia.
1168 p p/t aethiops Chrysomela, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (1) 1792, 309.
1169 pg pg/txt aethyops Cicada, F. v. P. Schrank, Ins. Aust. 1781, 255.
1170 p p/t aethiops Cimex, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 296.
1171 pg pg/txt aethiops Curculio, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VI. 1795, 48.
1172 p p/t aethiops Formica, P. A. Latreille, Journ. Santé Bordeaux, III. 1798, 141 [n. n.] ; Essai Fourmis, 1798, 35.
1173 pg pg/txt aethiops Fringilla, J. F. E. v. Jacquin, Beyt. Gesch. Vögel, 1784, 10.
1174 p p/t aethiops Fulica, A. Sparrman, Mus. Carls. I. 1786, no. xiii.
1175 pg pg/txt aethiops Fusus, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 120.
1176 p p/t aethiops Lamia, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 174.
1177 pg pg/txt aethiops Lamia, J. N. Laicharting, Tyrol. Ins. II. 1784, 19.
1178 p p/t aethiops Leptura, N. Poda, Ins. Mus. Graec. 1761, 38.
1179 pg pg/txt aethiops Merganser (Scop.), J. C. Schaeffer, Mus. Orn. 1789, 67.—Mergus.
1180 p p/t aethiops Mergus, J. A. Scopoli, Annus I. 1769, 70.
1181 pg pg/txt aethiops Musca (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2831.—Bibio.
1182 p p/t aethiops Papilio, E. J. C. Esper, Die Schmett. I (9) 1779, 312.
1183 pg pg/txt aethiops Papilio (Pleb.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2360.
1184 p p/t aethiops minor Papilio, L. Prunner, Lep. Pedemont. 1798, 70.
1185 pg pg/txt aethiops Papio, E. A. W. Zimmermann, Geogr. Ges. Mensch, II. 1780, 180.
1186 p p/t aethiops Simia, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 28 [=cephus, ed. 12].
1187 pg pg/txt aethiops Simia (Cercop.) L., R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 67 & var. torquatus.
1188 p p/t aethiops Tenthredo, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2662.
1189 pg pg/txt aethiops Tenthredo, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 121.
1190 p p/t aethiops Turbo, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3596.
1191 pg pg/txt aethiops Turbo, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 87.
1192 p p/t aetolus v. etolus.
1193 pg pg/txt [afer-ra-rum].
1194 p p/t afrum Acrydium, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 232.
1195 pg pg/txt afra Anthrax, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 258.
1196 p p/t afra Arca, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3308.
1197 pg pg/txt afra Cantharis (L.), A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 280.—Meloe.
1198 p p/t after Cerambyx, C. P. Thunberg, Nov. Ins. Spec. (4) 1784, 73.
1199 pg pg/txt afer Cerambyx, Linnaeus, Mant. II. 1771, 532.
1200 p p/t afer Cerambyx, id. ac ater, L., J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 166.
1201 pg pg/txt afra Certhia, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 186.
1202 p p/t afra Cicada, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2101.
1203 pg pg/txt afer Cimex, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. III. 1782, index & 66.
1204 p p/t afra Columba, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 284.
1205 pg pg/txt afra Coracias, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 172.
1206 p p/t afer Corvus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 157.
1207 pg pg/txt afra Crioceris, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 61.
1208 p p/t afer Cuculus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 418.
1209 pg pg/txt afer Curculio, X. Wulfen, Descr. Cap. Ins. 1786, xv.
1210 p p/t afer Epinephelus, M. E. Bloch, Nat. ausl. Fische, VII. 1793, 12.
1211 pg pg/txt afer Erodius, C. P. Thunberg, Nov. Ins. Spec. (6) 1791, 121.
1212 p p/t afra Fringilla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 905.
1213 pg pg/txt afer Gryllus, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2057.
1214 p p/t afer Gymnothorax, M. E. Bloch, Nat. ausl. Fische, IX. 1795, 85.
1215 pg pg/txt afra Helix, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3651.
1216 p p/t afra Loxia, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 857.
1217 pg pg/txt afra Lytta (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 260.—Meloe.
1218 p p/t afer Meloe, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 680.
1219 pg pg/txt afra Motacilla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 962.
1220 p p/t afer Murex, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3558.
1221 pg pg/txt afra Muscicapa, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 940.
1222 p p/t afra Myrmecophaga, P. S. Pallas, Misc. Zool. 1766, 64.
1223 pg pg/txt afer Mytilus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3358.
1224 p p/t afra Otis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 155 ; ed. 12, 1766, 264.
1225 pg pg/txt afer [Papilio], D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. III. 1782, index & 49.
1226 p p/t afer Papilio, N. G., E. J. C. Esper, Die Schmett. I (Bd. 2) Forts. Tagschmett. [1784], [161. Yes
1227 pg pg/txt afer Parus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 1010.
1228 p p/t afra Patella, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3715.
1229 pg pg/txt afra Perdix, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 648.
1230 p p/t afer Scarabaeaus, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1578.
1231 pg pg/txt afer Scorpio, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 624 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1038.
1232 p p/t afra Serpula, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3745.
1233 pg pg/txt afer Tetrao, P. L. S. Müller in Linn. Syst. Nat., Suppl. (1776), 129.
1234 p p/t afer Trochilus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 119.
1235 pg pg/txt afer Trochus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3577.
1236 p p/t afer Turbo, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3602.
1237 pg pg/txt afra Venus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3295.
1238 p p/t afer Vermetus (Gm.), F. M. Daudin, Rec. Mém. Moll. 1800, 35.—Serpula.
1239 pg pg/txt affiniaria Phalaena Geometra, M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. V. 1794, 136.
1240 p p/t affiniata Phalaena Geometra, M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. V. 1794, 294.
1241 pg pg/txt affinis Ammophila, W. Kirby, Tr. Linn. Soc. [Lond.] IV. 1798, 201.
1242 p p/t affinis Apis, Linnaeus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. 1764, 417.
1243 pg pg/txt affinis Bruchus, J. A. Frolich, Naturforscher, XXVIII. 1799, 55.
1244 p p/t affine Buccinum, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3490.
1245 pg pg/txt affinis Buprestis, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 450.
1246 p p/t affinis Carabus, F. v. P. Schrank, Ins. Aust. 1781, 212.
1247 pg pg/txt affinis Cassida, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 88.
1248 p p/t affinis Cetonia, J. D. Andersch in D. H. Hoppe, Ent. Taschenbuch, 1797, 152.
1249 pg pg/txt affinis Chrysomela, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 82.
1250 p p/t affinis Chrysomela, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 67.
1251 pg pg/txt affinis Clytra, J. C. W. Illiger, N. Mag. Lieb. Ent. [Schneider's], V. 1794, 611.
1252 p p/t affinis Coccinella, G. Paykull, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. XIX. 1798, 153.
1253 pg pg/txt affinis Conus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3391.
1254 p p/t affinis Copris, J. Sturm, Verz. Ins. Samml. 1800, 102.
1255 pg pg/txt affinis Carbro, P. Rossi, Mant. Ins. I. 1792, 137.
1256 p p/t affinis Curculio, F. v. P. Schrank, Ins. Aust. 1781, 121.
1257 pg pg/txt affinis Curculio [D. H. Schneider], Nom. Ent. 1785, 12 [n. n.].
1258 p p/t affinis Curculio, G. Paykull, Mon. Curc. 1792, 68.
1259 pg pg/txt affinis Curculio, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 57 [1798], tab. 15.
1260 p p/t affinis Cynips, P. Rossi, Mant. Ins. II. 1794, 107.
1261 pg pg/txt affinis Cypraea, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3420.
1262 p p/t affinis Doris, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3106.
1263 pg pg/txt affinis Dytiscus, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. I. 1798, 211.
1264 p p/t affinis Echinorhynchus, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3050.
1265 pg pg/txt affinis Elater, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. III. 1800, 12.
1266 p p/t affinis Galeruca, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. II. 1799, 109.
1267 pg pg/txt affinis Hallominus, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. II. 1799, 181.
1268 p p/t affinis Helix, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3621.
1269 pg pg/txt affinis Hydrophilus, C. P. Thunberg, Ins. Suecica (6) 1794, 73.
1270 p p/t affinis Ichneumon, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 183.
1271 pg pg/txt affinis Leptura, G. A. Harrer, Besch. Schaeffer Icones, 1784, 209.
1272 p p/t affinis Lycus, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. II. 1799, 176.
1273 pg pg/txt affinis Murex, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3532.
1274 p p/t affinis Mylabris, A. G. Olivier, Entom. III. 1795, 8.
1275 pg pg/txt affinis Nerita, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3675.
1276 p p/t affinis Noctua (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 609.—Phalaena.
1277 pg pg/txt affinis Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 511.
1278 p p/t affinis Papilio Dan., J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2289.
1279 pg pg/txt affinis Patella, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3726.
1280 p p/t affinis Phalaena (Noctua), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 848.
1281 pg pg/txt affinis Phalaena Noctua, J. Hübner, Beitr. Schmett. I (1) 1786, 10.
1282 p p/t affinis Portunus, F. Weber, Nomen. Fabricii, 1795, 93.
1283 pg pg/txt affinis Scarabaeus, N. J. Brahm, Ins. Kal. (1) 1790, 66.
1284 p p/t affinis Sphex, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 203.
1285 pg pg/txt affinis Sphinx, Panzer in Drury, Exot. Ins. 1785, 97.
1286 p p/t affinis Staphylinus, G. Paykull, Mon. Staph. 1789, 24.
1287 pg pg/txt americanus Carabus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 415 ; ed. 12, 1767, 671.
1288 p p/t americanus Cerambyx, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1854.
1289 pg pg/txt americanus Chelifer, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. VII. 1778, 353.
1290 p p/t americana Chrysomela, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 372 ; ed. 12, 1767, 592.
1291 pg pg/txt americana Cicada, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2115.
1292 p p/t americanus Coluber, G. A. Suckow, Naturges. III. 1798, 249.
1293 pg pg/txt americanus Crocodylus, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 54.
1294 p p/t americanus Cryptocephalus, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1715.
1295 pg pg/txt americanus Cucujus, A. G. Olivier, Entom. IV. 1795, 7.
1296 p p/t americanus Cuculus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 111 ; ed. 12, 1766, 170.
1297 pg pg/txt americana Cymothoa, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 507.
1298 p p/t americanus Cyprinus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 321 ; ed. 12, 1766, 530.
1299 pg pg/txt americanus Dipus, B. S. Barton, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. IV. 1799, 115.
1300 p p/t americanus Elephas, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 116.
1301 pg pg/txt americana Emberiza, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 872.
1302 p p/t americanus Eques, M. E. Bloch, Nat. aüsl. Fische, VII. 1793, 91.
1303 pg pg/txt americanus Esox, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1390.
1304 p p/t americanus Falco, B. Boddaert, Tab. Planch. Enl. 1783, 25.
1305 pg pg/txt americanus Falco, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 257.
1306 p p/t americana Falco (Aquila), R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 485.
1307 pg pg/txt americana Fulica, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 704.
1308 p p/t americanus Gekko (Gm.), F. A. A. Meyer, Syn. Rept. 1795, 22.—Lacerta.
1309 pg pg/txt americana Gorgonia, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3799.
1310 p p/t americanus Gyrinus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 568.
1311 pg pg/txt americana Hirundo, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 1017.
1312 p p/t americanus Icterus (Gm.), F. M. Daudin, Traité élém. Orn. 1800, 345.—Oriolus.
1313 pg pg/txt americana Idotea, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 302.—Cymothoa, 1793.
1314 p p/t americana Lacerta (Houtt.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1065.—Salamandra. Yes
1315 pg pg/txt americanus Lanius, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 308.
1316 p p/t americanus Lanius, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 69.
1317 pg pg/txt americana Leptura, J. R. Forster, Cat. Anim. N. Amer. 1771, 27 [n. n.].
1318 p p/t americanus Lepus, J. C. P. Erxleben, Syst. Anim. 1777, 330.
1319 pg pg/txt americana Libellula, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 545 ; ed. 12, 1767, 904.
1320 p p/t americanus Libellula, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. I. 1770, index & 128.
1321 pg pg/txt americana Loxia, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 863.
1322 p p/t americanus Malacopteryx, J. R. Forster, Cat. Anim. N. Amer. 1771, 26 [n. n.].
1323 pg pg/txt americanum Megatherium, G. Cuvier, Mag. encyclop. 1796, I (3), 310.
1324 p p/t americana Meloe (Herbst), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2019.—[Mylabris. Yes
1325 pg pg/txt americana Melolontha, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) III. 1790, 66.
1326 p p/t americanus Merops, P. L. S. Müller in Linn. Syst. Nat., Suppl. (1776), 95.
1327 pg pg/txt americanus Moschus, J. C. P. Erxleben, Syst. Anim. 1777, 324.
1328 p p/t americana Motacilla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 960.
1329 pg pg/txt americanus Mus, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 227.
1330 p p/t americana Musca, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 774.
1331 pg pg/txt americana Musca (Syrphus), N. S. Swederus, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. VIII. 1787, 288.
1332 p p/t americana Mutilla, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 583 ; ed. 12, 1767, 966.
1333 pg pg/txt americana Mycteria, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 140 ; ed. 12, 1766, 232.
1334 p p/t americana Mylabris, J. F. W. Herbst in Fuessly, Arch. Ins. V. 1784, 146.
1335 pg pg/txt americanus Myrmeleon, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. I. 1770, index & 111.
1336 p p/t americanus Nicrophorus, A. G. Olivier, Entom. II. 1790, 6.
1337 pg pg/txt americanus Noctilio, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 88 [leporinus Vespertilio, ed. 10].
1338 p p/t americana Notonecta, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 690.
1339 pg pg/txt americanus Oriolus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 386.
1340 p p/t americana Panorpa, N. S. Swederus, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. VIII. 1787, 278.
1341 pg pg/txt americanus Parus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 190 ; ed. 12, 1766, 341.
1342 p p/t americana Perca, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1308.
1343 pg pg/txt americana Perca, F. v. P. Schrank, Abh. Privatges. Nat. Oberdeutschl. I. 1792, 100.
1344 p p/t americana Pipa, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 25.
1345 pg pg/txt aquaticus Asellus, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 541.
1346 p p/t aquaticus Asilus (Scop.), A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. IV (Ins.) 1789, 272.—Erax.
1347 pg pg/txt aquatica Buprestis, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 64.
1348 p p/t aquaticus Calopus, C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. 1787, 55.
1349 pg pg/txt aquaticus Canis, L. F. Jauffret, Zoograph. 1800, 16.
1350 p p/t aquatica Cicindela, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 408 ; ed. 12, 1767, 658.
1351 pg pg/txt aquaticus Cimex, G. de Razoumowsky, Hist. Nat. Jorat. 1789, 186.
1352 p p/t aquaticus Coccus, Linnaeus, Reise Schwed. (ed. Schreber) I. 1764, 199.
1353 pg pg/txt aquaticus Corvus, M. Houttuyn in Nozeman & Houttuyn, Ned. Vogel. I. no. 49 Inhoud [eerste deel (1779). Yes
1354 p p/t aquaticus Crotalus, J. P. Bonnaterre, Ency. Méth. (Oph.) 1790, 3.
1355 pg pg/txt aquaticus Cryptocephalus (Müll.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1725.—Galeruca. Yes
1356 p p/t aquatica Cymothoa (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 505.—Oniscus.
1357 pg pg/txt aquaticus Dermestes, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 21.
1358 p p/t aquatica Donacia (L.), C. P. Thunberg, N. Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. V. 1792, 118.—[Leptura. Yes
1359 pg pg/txt aquaticus Dytiscus, J. F. W. Herbst in Fuessly, Arch. Ins. V. 1784, 127.
1360 p p/t aquaticus Dytiscus, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 321.
1361 pg pg/txt aquaticus Elaphrus (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 227.—Cicindela.
1362 p p/t aquaticus Elophorus (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 66.—Silpha.
1363 pg pg/txt aquaticus Erax, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 362.
1364 p p/t aquatica Galeruca, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 83.
1365 pg pg/txt aquatica Galeruca, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 103.
1366 p p/t aquaticus Gekko (L.), F. A. A. Meyer, Syn. Rept. 1795, 24.—Lacerta.
1367 pg pg/txt aquaticus Gordius, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 647 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1075.
1368 p p/t aquaticus Hemerobius, A. J. Retzius, Gen. Sp. Ins. Geer, 1783, 59.
1369 pg pg/txt aquatica Idotea (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 303.—Oniscus.
1370 p p/t aquatica Lacerta, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 206 ; ed. 12, 1766, 370.
1371 pg pg/txt aquatica Leptura, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 397 ; ed. 12, 1767, 637.
1372 p p/t aquatica aenea Leptura, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 259.
1373 pg pg/txt aquatica fasciata Leptura, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 259.
1374 p p/t aquatica mutica Leptura, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 259.
1375 pg pg/txt aquaticus Limnochares (L.), P. A. Latreille, Préc. Car. Ins. 1796, 181.—Acarus.
1376 p p/t aquatica Motacilla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 953.
1377 pg pg/txt aquatica Musca, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 478.
1378 p p/t aquatica Nitidula (L.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1628.—Silpha.
1379 pg pg/txt aquaticus Oniscus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 637 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1061.
1380 p p/t aquaticus Pediculus, E. Pontoppidan, Danske Atlas, I. 1763, 699.
1381 pg pg/txt aquatica Peltis (Linn.), O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 65.—Silpha.
1382 p p/t aquatica Podura, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 609 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1014.
1383 pg pg/txt aquaticus Pulex, O. F. Müller, Schrift. Berlin. Ges. Nat. Freunde, VI. 1785, 192.
1384 p p/t aquaticus Rallus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 153 ; ed. 12, 1766, 262.
1385 pg pg/txt aquatica Salamandra (L.), F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gronov. 1778, 8.—Lacerta.
1386 p p/t aquatica-nera Salamandra, G. I. Molina, Sag. stor. Nat. Chili, 1782, 217.
1387 pg pg/txt aquaticus Scarabaeus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 353.
1388 p p/t aquaticus Scarabaeus, H. Ström, Nye Saml. K. Danske Skrifter, II. 1783, 50.
1389 pg pg/txt aquatica Silpha, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 362 ; ed. 12, 1767, 573.
1390 p p/t aquaticus Sorex, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 53 ; ed. 12, 1766, 74.
1391 pg pg/txt aquaticus Stenocorus, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 88.
1392 p p/t aquatica Sylvia (Gm.), J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 510.—Motacilla.
1393 pg pg/txt aquaticum Trombidium (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 431.—Acarus.
1394 p p/t aquatilis Elaphrus, Illiger in Kugelann, Käfer Preuss. 1798, 232.
1395 pg pg/txt aquatilis Podura, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 184.
1396 p p/t aquea Acheta, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 192.
1397 pg pg/txt aquella Tinea [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 139.
1398 p p/t Aquila Moehring, Geslach. Vogel. (Nozem. & Vosm. ed.) 1758, 3 & 34.
1399 pg pg/txt Aquila M. J. Brisson, Ornith. I. 1760, 420.—A.
1400 p p/t Aquila R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 481.—A.
1401 pg pg/txt Aquila B. G. E. Lacépède, Tabl. Oiseaux, 1799, 4.
1402 p p/t Aquila G. Cuvier, Leçons Comp. Anat. I. 1800, 2 [n. n.].—A.
1403 pg pg/txt Atalanta J. G. Meigen, N. Class. Mouches, 1800, 31.—Dip.
1404 p p/t atalanta Papilio (Nymphalis), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 478 ; ed. 12, 1767, 779.
1405 pg pg/txt atalanta Papilio, P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (7) 1775, 132.
1406 p p/t atalantae Ichneumon, N. Poda, Ins. Mus. Graec. 1761, 106.
1407 pg pg/txt atra Acanthia, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 278.
1408 p p/t atra Altica, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 115.
1409 pg pg/txt atra Anguis, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 71.
1410 p p/t atrum Anobium, C. Bjerkander, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. IV. 1783, 247.
1411 pg pg/txt atra Antipathes, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 528.
1412 p p/t ater Antribus, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 137.
1413 pg pg/txt ater Aphodius (de G.), Illiger in Kugelann, Käfer Preuss. 1798, 19.—Scarabaeus.
1414 p p/t ater Aphodius, C. Creutzer, Ent. Vers. 1799, 18.
1415 pg pg/txt atra Apis, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 299.
1416 p p/t atra Apis, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 165.
1417 pg pg/txt atra Ardea, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 641.
1418 p p/t ater Asilus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 605 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1007.
1419 pg pg/txt ater Attelabus, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. IV (Ins.) 1789, 278.
1420 p p/t ater Bombylius, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 376.
1421 pg pg/txt ater Bombylius, A. Modeer, Physiogr. Sälsk. Handl. I. (4) 1786, 299.
1422 p p/t atra Bombyx (L.), P. Rossi, Fauna Etrus. II. 1790, 172.—Phalaena (Bombyx).
1423 pg pg/txt ater Bostrichus, P. Rossi, Mant. Ins. I. 1792, 19.
1424 p p/t ater Bostrichus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 368.
1425 pg pg/txt ater Bruchus, L. G. Schriba, J. Lieb. Ent. II. 1790, 162.
1426 p p/t ater Bulimus, J. G. Bruguière, Actes Soc. H. N. Paris, I (1) 1792, 126.
1427 pg pg/txt atra Buprestis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 663.
1428 p p/t ater Byrrhus, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 69.
1429 pg pg/txt atrum Callidium, A. G. Olivier, Entom. IV. 1795, 8.—Cerambyx, 1790.
1430 p p/t atra Cantharis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 649.
1431 pg pg/txt ater Carabus, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 78.
1432 p p/t ater Carabus, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 364.
1433 pg pg/txt ater Cerambyx (Scop.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1858.—Prionus.
1434 p p/t ater Cerambyx, J. L. M. Poiret, Voy. Barbarie, I. 1789, 300.
1435 pg pg/txt ater Cerambyx, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 309.
1436 p p/t atra Cercopis, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 50.
1437 pg pg/txt atrum Cerithium (L.), J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (2) 1792, 485.—Strombus.
1438 p p/t atra Chrysomela, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 137.—Altica, 1775.
1439 pg pg/txt atra Chrysomela, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 719.
1440 p p/t atra Cicada, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2101.
1441 pg pg/txt atra Cicada, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 759.
1442 p p/t ater Cimex, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 447 ; ed. 12, 1767, 725.
1443 pg pg/txt ater Cimex, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 211.
1444 p p/t ater Cimex (Fab.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. IV. 1789, 398.—Acanthia.
1445 pg pg/txt atra Cistela, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 28.
1446 p p/t atra Cistela, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 6.
1447 pg pg/txt atra Coccinella, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1664.
1448 p p/t atra Coccinella (Kug.), Illiger in Kugelann, Käfer Preuss. 1798, 413.—Scymnus, 1794.
1449 pg pg/txt ater Coluber, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gronov. 1778, 18.
1450 p p/t atra Conops (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3894.—Myopa.
1451 pg pg/txt ater Crabro, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 517.
1452 p p/t ater Crambus, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 473.—Tinea atrella, 1794.
1453 pg pg/txt ater Cucujus, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 34.
1454 p p/t ater Cucujus, A. G. Olivier, Entom. IV. 1795, 9.
1455 pg pg/txt ater Cuculus, P. Boddaert, Tab. Planch. Enl. 1783, 30.
1456 p p/t ater Cuculus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 415.
1457 pg pg/txt ater Curculio, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 385 ; ed. 12, 1767, 617.
1458 p p/t ater Curculio, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VI. 1795, 332.
1459 pg pg/txt atra Cynips, O. F. Müller, F. Ins. Frid. 1764, 68.
1460 p p/t ater Dermestes, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. IV. 1774, 223.
1461 pg pg/txt ater Dermestes, C. P. Thunberg, N. Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. IV. 1784, 4.
1462 p p/t balthica Helix, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 775 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1250.
1463 pg pg/txt balticus Larus, J. D. Petersen, Balth. Vögel, 1766, 8 [n. n.].
1464 p p/t balthicus Nautilus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3370.
1465 pg pg/txt balthicus Oniscus, P. S. Pallas, Spic. Zool. IX. 1772, 66.
1466 p p/t balthica Tellina, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 677 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1120.
1467 pg pg/txt balthica Uria, M. T. Brünnich, Orn. Boreal. 1764, 28.
1468 p p/t balticus v. balthicus.
1469 pg pg/txt baltimore Icterus (L.), F. M. Daudin, Traité élém. Orn. 1800, 348.—Oriolus.
1470 p p/t baltimore Oriolus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 162.
1471 pg pg/txt bambla Formicarius, P. Boddaert, Tab. Planch. Enl. 1783, 44.
1472 p p/t bambla Turdus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 827.
1473 pg pg/txt bamffius Astacus, T. Pennant, Brit. Zool., ed. 4, IV. 1777, 14.
1474 p p/t bamffius Cancer (Astacus), J. F. W. Herbst, Vers. Nat. Krab. II (2) 1792, 58.
1475 pg pg/txt bananivora Motacilla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 951.
1476 p p/t bananivora Sylvia (Gm.), J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 544.—Motacilla.
1477 pg pg/txt Banchus J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 209.—Hym.
1478 p p/t banckii v. banksii.
1479 pg pg/txt bancrofti Sciurus, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 265.
1480 p p/t bancrofti Trochilus, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 317.
1481 pg pg/txt bandanus Conus, Hwass in J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (2) 1792, 611.
1482 p p/t bandensis Psittacus, T. Pennant in Forster, Ind. Zool. 1781, 40 [n. n.].
1483 pg pg/txt bandevillaea Phalaena, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 275.
1484 p p/t bandicota Mus, J. M. Bechstein in Pennant, Uebers. 4füss. Thiere, II. 1800, 498.
1485 pg pg/txt banian Gryllus, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 194.
1486 p p/t bankia v. banksia.
1487 pg pg/txt bankianus v. banksianus.
1488 p p/t bankii v. banksi.
1489 pg pg/txt banksii Cerambyx (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1834.—Lamia.
1490 p p/t bankii [banksi] Chrysomela, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 95.
1491 pg pg/txt banksi Cimex, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2197.
1492 p p/t bankii [banksi] Lamia, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 176.
1493 pg pg/txt banckii [banksi] Lamia, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 223.—[Id. ac Syst. Ent. 176.]
1494 p p/t banksii Psittacus, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 107.
1495 pg pg/txt banksii Psittacus, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 585.—varr. flavicollo ; fuscus, 586.
1496 p p/t banksii Scarabaeus, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1566.
1497 pg pg/txt bankia [banksia] Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 499.
1498 p p/t bankiana [banksiana] Phalaena (Tort.) (Fab.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. II. 1789, 404.—[Pyralis. Yes
1499 pg pg/txt bankiana [banksiana] Pyralis, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 645.
1500 p p/t banksiana Raja, B. G. E. Lacépède, Hist. Nat. Poiss. II. 1800, 105.
1501 pg pg/txt bantamensis Columba, A. Sparrman, Mus. Carls. III. 1788, no. lxvii.
1502 p p/t Baphia F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 472.—[Mya, L.]
1503 pg pg/txt barabensis Glis, P. B. C. Graumann, Introd. H. N. 1779, 60.
1504 p p/t barabensis Gryllus (Locusta), P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. II. 1773, 728.
1505 pg pg/txt barabensis Mus, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. II. 1773, 704.
1506 p p/t barallou Cervus, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 304.
1507 pg pg/txt barathrum Cucullus, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 43.
1508 p p/t "Barbacou Levaillant, 1800,'' Ag., vernacular ; is Cuvier, 1817.
1509 pg pg/txt barbadensis Conus, Hwass in J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (2) 1792, 632.
1510 p p/t barbadense Ellobium, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 106.
1511 pg pg/txt barbadensis Patella, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3729.
1512 p p/t barbadensis Psittacus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 339.
1513 pg pg/txt barbadensis Voluta, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3455.
1514 p p/t Barbala [G. Humphreys], Mus. Calonn. 1797, 59.—L.
1515 pg pg/txt barbalis [Phalaena], C. Clerck, Icones, I. 1759, pl. v. 3.
1516 p p/t barbalis Phalaena (Pyr.), Linnaeus, Faun. Suec., ed. 2, 1761, 350.
1517 pg pg/txt dimidiata Sphex, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 209.
1518 p p/t dimidiata Sphex (L.), C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. App. III. 1794, 142.—[Crabro. Yes
1519 pg pg/txt dimidiatus Strombus (L.), F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 294.—Buccinum.
1520 p p/t dimidiatus Syrphus, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 434.
1521 pg pg/txt dimidiata Vespa (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2765.—[Crabro. Yes
1522 p p/t dimidiata Vespa, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. VI (Ins.) 1791, 675.
1523 pg pg/txt dimidiatus Volvox, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 1325.
1524 p p/t dimidiella Tinea, [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 141.
1525 pg pg/txt dimidio-alba Phalaena, A. J. Retzius, Gen. Sp. Ins. Geer, 1783, 53.
1526 p p/t dimorpha Medusa, id. ac bimorpha, Müll., J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. [1790, 3156. Yes
1527 pg pg/txt dimus [Papilio], J. A. B. Bergstraesser, Nom. Ins. II. 1779, 71.
1528 p p/t dindus Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 269.
1529 pg pg/txt dindymus [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (4) 1775, 73.
1530 p p/t dingo Canis, F. A. A. Meyer, Zool. Entdeck. 1793, 33.
1531 pg pg/txt Dinotus J. E. Guettard, Mém. diff. Sci. III. 1770, 133.—Ver.
1532 p p/t diocippus [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (3) 1775, 44.
1533 pg pg/txt diocletianus Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 40.
1534 p p/t Diodon Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 334 ; ed. 12, 1766, 412.—P.
1535 pg pg/txt Diodon G. C. C. Storr, Prod. 1780, 42 & Tab. C.—M.
1536 p p/t diodon Curculio, F. v. P. Schrank, F. Boica, I. 1798, 503.
1537 pg pg/txt diogenes Cancer, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 631 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1049.
1538 p p/t diogenes Pagurus (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 410.—Cancer.
1539 pg pg/txt Diomedaea Moehring, Geslach. Vogel. (Nozem. & Vosm. ed.), 1758, 7 & 71.—A.
1540 p p/t Diomedea Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 132 ; ed. 12, 1766, 214.—A.
1541 pg pg/txt diomedeae Pediculus, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 808.
1542 p p/t diomedes Papilio (Eques), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 462 ; ed. 12, 1767, 749.
1543 pg pg/txt diomedes Papilio, Rottemburg, Naturforscher, VI. 1775, 26.
1544 p p/t diomedia Procellaria, J. A. Scopoli, Annus I. 1769, 74.
1545 pg pg/txt dion Papilio, J. G. Schaller, Naturforscher, XXIII. 1788, 49.
1546 p p/t Dionaea J. G. Meigen, N. Class. Mouches, 1800, 24.—Dip.
1547 pg pg/txt dione Bombyx, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 572.
1548 p p/t dione Bombyx, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 410.
1549 pg pg/txt dione Chamaeformis (L.), F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 450.—Venus.
1550 p p/t dione Coluber, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. II. 1773, 717.
1551 pg pg/txt dione [Papilio], D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. II. 1773, index & 14.
1552 p p/t dione Phalaena (Fab.), J. E. Smith in Abbot, Ins. Georgia, 1797, 125.—Bombyx.
1553 pg pg/txt dione Venus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 684 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1128.
1554 p p/t dionysii Cercopis, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 34 [1796], tab. 24.
1555 pg pg/txt dionysius Geotrupes, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 20.—Scarabaeus, 1792.
1556 p p/t dionysius Scarabaeus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (1) 1792, 20.
1557 pg pg/txt diophthalmus Cimex, C. P. Thunberg, Nov. Ins. Spec. (2) 1783, 30.
1558 p p/t diophthalma Musca, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 593 ; ed. 12, 1767, 986.
1559 pg pg/txt diophthalmus Syrphus (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 769.—Musca.
1560 p p/t Diopsis Linnaeus, Bigis Insect. 1775, 5.—Dip.
1561 pg pg/txt dioraria Phalaena, id. ac diores, Cram.=diores, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 242.
1562 p p/t diores [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (7) 1775, 119.
1563 pg pg/txt dioscoidea Silpha (Fab.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 87.—Nitidula discoidea.
1564 p p/t dioscoreae Noctua, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 593.
1565 pg pg/txt dioscorides Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 329.
1566 p p/t diosmatis Coccus, A. Modeer, Götheborg. Samhalle Hand. (Wet. Afd.), I. 1778, 22.
1567 pg pg/txt diota Trichoda, O. F. Müller, An. Infus. 1786, 168.
1568 p p/t diphilus Papilio E. T., E. J. C. Esper, Ausl. Schmett. (10) 1793, 156.
1569 pg pg/txt diphos Solen, Linnaeus, Mant. II. 1771, 544.
1570 p p/t diphos Tellina, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. II. 1794, 3.
1571 pg pg/txt "Diphyites, Schroet. 1779," Scudd., not used in a generic sense.
1572 p p/t Diplolepis E. L. Geoffroy, Hist. Insect. Paris, II. 1762, 308.
1573 pg pg/txt dipsacea Phalaena (Noctua), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 856.
1574 p p/t brachyptera Mantis, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. II. 1773, 728.
1575 pg pg/txt brachyptera Musca, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 60, 1798, tab. 16.
1576 p p/t brachyptera Sphex, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 200.
1577 pg pg/txt brachypterus Staphylinus, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 167.
1578 p p/t brachypterus Serphus, F. v. P. Schrank, Schrift. Berlin. Ges. Nat. Freunde, I. 1780, 307.
1579 pg pg/txt brachyrhynchos Anas, J. M. G. Beseke, Beytr. Vög. Kurlands, 1792, 50.
1580 p p/t brachyterus v. brachypterus.
1581 pg pg/txt brachyura Coracias (L.), M. Vahl, Skr. nat. Selsk. [Copen.] III (2) 1794, 78.—Corvus.
1582 p p/t brachyurus Corvus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 158.
1583 pg pg/txt brachyurus Corvus, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792 ; varr. philippensis, bengalensis, madagascariensis, 644. Yes
1584 p p/t brachyuros Didelphys, J. C. D. Schreber, Säugth. III. 548 (1777), pl. cli. (1777).
1585 pg pg/txt brachyura Didelphis, P. S. Pallas, Acta Ac. Sci. Petrop. 1780 (2), 1784, 235.
1586 p p/t brachyura Fringilla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 920.
1587 pg pg/txt brachiurus Gymnotus, M. E. Bloch, Nat. ausl. Fische, II. 1786 (61), pl. clvii, f. 1.
1588 p p/t brachyura Hystrix, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 57.
1589 pg pg/txt brachyurus Ichneumon, F. v. P. Schrank, Ins. Aust. 1781, 352.
1590 p p/t brachyurus Lanius, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. III. 1776, 693.
1591 pg pg/txt brachyurus Lynceus, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 199.
1592 p p/t brachyura Manis, J. C. P. Erxleben, Syst. Anim. 1777, 98.
1593 pg pg/txt brachyurus Monoculus (Müll.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3007.[—Lynceus. Yes
1594 p p/t brachyura Phalaena, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. III. 1782, index & 39.
1595 pg pg/txt brachyurus Todus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 444.
1596 p p/t bracteata Cicada (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2093.—[Membracis. Yes
1597 pg pg/txt bracteatus Falco, G. A. Suckow, Naturg. II [1] 1800, 190.
1598 p p/t bracteata Locusta, A. A. H. Lichtenstein, Cat. rerum Nat. III. 1796, 84.
1599 pg pg/txt bracteata Membracis, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 263.
1600 p p/t bracteatus Monoculus (Müll.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3005.—[Nauplius. Yes
1601 pg pg/txt bracteatus Nauplius, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 198.
1602 p p/t bracteella Tinea, [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 136.
1603 pg pg/txt bractella Phalaena (Tinea), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 540 ; ed. 12, 1767, 894.
1604 p p/t bractella Tinea (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 662.—Phalaena.
1605 pg pg/txt bractea Brachionus, O. F. Müller, An. Infus. 1786, 343.
1606 p p/t bractea Noctua, [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 314.
1607 pg pg/txt bractea Phalaena Noctua (D. & S.), M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. IV. 1792, 775.[—Noctua. Yes
1608 p p/t Bradycebus—said to occur in Geoffroy & Cuvier, Mag. Ency. 1795, II. 164 &c. ; but in error : I do not find this word in literature. Yes
1609 pg pg/txt Bradypus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 34 ; ed. 12, 1766, 50.—M.
1610 p p/t Brama (ex Klein), J. G. Walbaum, Artedi, Ichth. (3), ed. 2, 1792, 586.—P.
1611 pg pg/txt brama Cyprinus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 326 ; ed. 12, 1766, 531.
1612 p p/t brama Sparus, M. E. Bloch, Nat. ausl. Fische, V. 1791, 77.
1613 pg pg/txt bramae Echinorhynchus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3050.
1614 p p/t bramae Fasciola, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 224.
1615 pg pg/txt bramafama Papilio, L. Prunner, Lep. Pedemont. 1798, 76.
1616 p p/t braminea Libellula, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 284.
1617 pg pg/txt branchialis Lernaea, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 1092.
1618 p p/t branchialis Petromyzon, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 230 ; ed. 12, 1766, 394.
1619 pg pg/txt branchiata Hirudo, H. Menzies, Tr. Linn. Soc. [Lond.] I. 1791, 188.
1620 p p/t "Branchiobdellion, Rudolphi,'' Ag. ; does not occur ; quoted by Savigny, Descr. Egypte, H.N., I., Annelides, 107, from "Rudolphi collect.'' Yes
1621 pg pg/txt branchiostega Coryphaena, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 448.
1622 p p/t brandaris Murex, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 747 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1214.
1623 pg pg/txt brandaris Purpura (Gm.), J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 143.—Murex.
1624 p p/t branderi Cimex, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 724.
1625 pg pg/txt branderiana Caecilia, B. G. E. de Lacépède, Hist. Nat. Poiss. II. 1800, 134.
1626 p p/t branderiana Phalaena (Tortrix), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 531 ; ed. 12, 1767, 877.
1627 pg pg/txt branderiana Pyralis (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst., 1798, 476.—Phalaena.
1628 p p/t Branta J. A. Scopoli, Annus Hist. Nat. I. 1769, 67 & Bemerk. Naturg. I. 1770, 73.—A.
1629 pg pg/txt bresilia (sic) Tanagra, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 314.
1630 p p/t buparius Tenebrio, J. R. Forster, N. Sp. Ins. 1771, 61.
1631 pg pg/txt Buphaga Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, I. 1766, 154.—A.
1632 p p/t Buphagus Moehring, Geslach. Vogel. (Nozem. & Vosm. ed.) 1758, 5 & 54.—A.
1633 pg pg/txt Buphagus M. J. Brisson, Ornith. II. 1760, 437.—A.
1634 p p/t buphthalmi Musca, Linnaeus in Hasselquist, Palast. 1762, 471.
1635 pg pg/txt buphthalmos Prionus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 246.
1636 p p/t buphthalmos Staphylinus, F. v. P. Schrank, Beitr. Nat. 1776, 72.
1637 pg pg/txt bupleuraria Geometra, [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 97.
1638 p p/t bupleuraria Geometra, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. (Geom.) [me judice 1796], fig. 8 [n. et f.] Yes
1639 pg pg/txt Buprestis Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 408 ; ed. 12, 1767, 659.—Col.
1640 p p/t Buprestoides J. C. Schaeffer, Elem. Entom. 1777, pl. 136.—Col.
1641 pg pg/txt buprestoides Attelabus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 388 ; ed. 12, 1767, 621.
1642 p p/t buprestoides Blaps (Pall.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (1) 1792, 107.—Tenebrio.
1643 pg pg/txt buprestoides Carabus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 670.
1644 p p/t buprestoides Clytris (L.), J. N. Laicharting, Tyrol. Ins. II. 1784, 113.—Attelabus.
1645 pg pg/txt buprestoides Elater, Linnaeus, Faun. Suec., ed. 2, 1761, 209.
1646 p p/t buprestoides Elater, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 234.
1647 pg pg/txt buprestoides Melasis (L.), A. G. Olivier, Entom. II. 1790, 4.—Elater.
1648 p p/t buprestoides Ptilinus (Fab.), J. G. Kugelann, N. Mag. Lieb. Ent. [Schneider's], IV. 1792, [490.—Spondylis. Yes
1649 pg pg/txt buprestoides Scarabaeus, J. A. Scopoli, Bemerk. Naturg. II. 1781, 3.
1650 p p/t buprestoides Spondylis (L.), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 159.—Attelabus.
1651 pg pg/txt buprestoides Tenebrio, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 82.
1652 p p/t buprestoides Tenebrio, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. II. 1773, 719.
1653 pg pg/txt buprestoides Tenebrio, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 323.
1654 p p/t buprestoides Tenebrio (L.), F. v. P. Schrank, Ins. Aust. 1781, 219.—Attelabus.
1655 pg pg/txt buprestoides Xylita (Fab.), G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. I. 1798, 249.—Elater.
1656 p p/t burbonica v. borbonica.
1657 pg pg/txt buris Lambis, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 64.
1658 p p/t burmaniana [Phalaena], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (31) 1781, 164.
1659 pg pg/txt burmanniana Pyralis (Cram.), J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 226.—Phalaena.
1660 p p/t Bursa J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 128.—G.
1661 pg pg/txt bursa Alcyonium, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 803 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1295.
1662 p p/t bursa Lamarckia, G. Olivi, Zool. Adriat. 1792, 258.
1663 pg pg/txt Bursaria O. F. Müller, Verm. I (1) 1773, 62.—Inf.
1664 p p/t bursaria Aphis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 453 ; ed. 12, 1767, 736.
1665 pg pg/txt bursaria Cellaria (L.), J. Ellis & D. Solander, Nat. Hist. Zooph. 1786, 25.—Sertularia.
1666 p p/t bursarius Mus, G. Shaw, Tr. Linn. Soc. [Lond.] V. 1800, 227.
1667 pg pg/txt bursaria Sertularia, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 814 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1314.
1668 p p/t bursata Leucophra, O. F. Müller, An. Infus. 1786, 143.
1669 pg pg/txt bursata Vorticella, O. F. Müller, An. Infus. 1786, 257.
1670 p p/t busarellus Falco, F. M. Daudin, Traité élém. Orn. 1800, 168.
1671 pg pg/txt buselaphus Antilope, P. S. Pallas, Misc. Zool. 1766, 7.
1672 p p/t busiris Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 345.
1673 pg pg/txt busirus [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (22) 1779, 119.
1674 p p/t buson Falco, F. M. Daudin, Traité élém. Orn. 1800, 168.
1675 pg pg/txt Busycon J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 149.—G.
1676 p p/t butanensis Loxia, J. R. Forster in Latham & Davies, Faun. Ind., ed. 2, 1795, 8 [n. n.].
1677 pg pg/txt Buteo Moehring, Geslach. Vogel. (Nozem. & Vosm. ed.) 1758, 7 & 69.—A.
1678 p p/t Buteo B. G. E. de Lacépède, Tabl. Oiseaux, 1799, 4.—A.
1679 pg pg/txt buteo Accipiter (L.), J. C. Schaeffer, Mus. Orn. 1789, 9.—Falco.
1680 p p/t buteo Falco, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 90 ; ed. 12, 1766, 127.
1681 pg pg/txt buteonis Ascaris, F. v. P. Schrank, Verz. Eingeweidewürmer, 1788, 9.
1682 p p/t buteonis Cucullanus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3051.
1683 pg pg/txt buteonis Echinorhynchus, F. v. P. Schrank, Verz. Eingeweidewürmer, 1788, 23.
1684 p p/t buteonis Fasciola, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3054.
1685 pg pg/txt buteonis Pediculus, J. C. Fabricius, Gen. Ins. 1777, 309.
1686 p p/t affinis Strombus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3520.
1687 pg pg/txt affinis Syrphus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 284.
1688 p p/t affinis Tenebrio, P. Rossi, Fauna Etrus. I. 1790, 232.
1689 pg pg/txt affinis Thereva, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 561.—Syrphus, 1794.
1690 p p/t affinis Tubularia, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3834.
1691 pg pg/txt affinis Venus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3278.
1692 p p/t affinis Vespa, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 287.
1693 pg pg/txt afra v. after.
1694 p p/t africana Alauda, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 798.
1695 pg pg/txt africana Anas, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 522.
1696 p p/t africanus Anser, J. P. Bonnaterre, Ency. Méth. (Orn.), 1790, 119.
1697 pg pg/txt africana Apis, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. I. 1781, 477.
1698 p p/t africana Arctomis (Th.), Lamarck in Thunberg, Voy. Japon &c. IV. 1796, 348.—Marmota. Yes
1699 pg pg/txt africana Biphora (Forsk.), J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (1), 1789, 182.—Salpa.
1700 p p/t africana Blatta, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 424 ; ed. 12, 1767, 688.
1701 pg pg/txt africanus Buceros, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 359.
1702 p p/t africana Buphaga, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 154.
1703 pg pg/txt africana Camelopardalis, B. G. E. de Lacépède, Tabl. Mamm. 1799, 14.
1704 p p/t africanus Carabus, C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. 1787, 49.
1705 pg pg/txt africanus Cerambyx, X. Wulfen, Descr. Cap. Ins. 1786, xvi.
1706 p p/t africanus Cerambyx, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1860.
1707 pg pg/txt africana Cetonia (Drury), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 48.—Scarabaeus.
1708 p p/t africanus Chamaeleo, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 46.
1709 pg pg/txt africana Clupea, M. E. Bloch, Nat. ausl. Fische, IX. 1795, 45.
1710 p p/t africanus Coluber, J. P. Bonnaterre, Ency. Méth. (Oph.), 1790, 49.
1711 pg pg/txt africanus Conus, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 354.
1712 p p/t africana Coracias, G. Shaw, Nat. Misc. XI. 1799, pl. 401.
1713 pg pg/txt africana Coronella, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 87.
1714 p p/t africanus Corvus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 374.
1715 pg pg/txt africanus Corvus, F. M. Daudin, Traité élém. Orn. 1800, 240.
1716 p p/t africanus Crocodylus, J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 54.
1717 pg pg/txt africanus Elephas, J. F. Blumenbach, Hand. Naturg., ed. 5, 1797, 125.
1718 p p/t africana Emberiza, Linnaeus in Hasselquist, Palast. 1762, 336.
1719 pg pg/txt africana Formica, C. P. Thunberg, D. D. Mus. Ac. Upsal. 1788, 82.
1720 p p/t africanus Hippopotamus, B. G. E. de Lacépède, Tabl. Mamm. 1799, 12.
1721 pg pg/txt africana Lacerta (Laur.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I (3) 1789, 1069.—[Chameleo. Yes
1722 p p/t africana Loxia, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 856.
1723 pg pg/txt africana Marmota, C. P. Thunberg, Resa Europa, etc. I. 1788, 293.
1724 p p/t africana Motacilla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 958.
1725 pg pg/txt africana Mylabris, A. G. Olivier, Entom. III. 1795, 12.
1726 p p/t africanus Numenius (Gm.), J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 712.—Scolopax.
1727 pg pg/txt africana Parra, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 709.
1728 p p/t africana Patella, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 8 [n. n.].
1729 pg pg/txt africanus Pelecanus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 577.
1730 p p/t africanus Phasianus, J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 631.
1731 pg pg/txt africanus Rhinoceros, J. F. Blumenbach, Hand. Naturg., ed. 5, 1797, 126.
1732 p p/t africana Salpa, P. Forskal, Descr. Anim. 1775, 116.
1733 pg pg/txt africanus Scarabaeus, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. II. 1773, index & 54.
1734 p p/t africana Scolopax, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 655.
1735 pg pg/txt africana Solpuga, J. F. W. Herbst, Nat. ungefl. Ins. (1) 1797, 44.
1736 p p/t africanus Squalus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1494.
1737 pg pg/txt africana Sterna, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 605.
1738 p p/t africanus Sus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 220.
1739 pg pg/txt africana Sylvia (Gm.), J. Latham, Index Orn. 1790, 518.—Motacilla.
1740 p p/t africanus Turdus, J. F. E. v. Jacquin, Beyt. Gesch. Vögel, 1784, 29.
1741 pg pg/txt africana Viverra, H. F. Link, Beytr. Nat. I (2) 1795, 85.
1742 p p/t afrum v. after.
1743 pg pg/txt afzeliana Phalaena (Tinea), N. S. Swederus, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. VIII. 1787, 276.
1744 p p/t agama Iguana, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gronov. 1778, 8.
1745 pg pg/txt agama Iguana (L.), F. A. A. Meyer, Syn. Rept. 1795, 16.—Lacerta.
1746 p p/t agama Lacerta, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 207 ; ed. 12, 1766, 367.
1747 pg pg/txt agamemnon Papilio (Eques), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 462 ; ed. 12, 1767, 748.
1748 p p/t agami Ardea, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 629.
1749 pg pg/txt agapenor Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 26.
1750 p p/t agarici Ptinus, F. v. P. Schrank, F. Boica, I. 1798, 542.
1751 pg pg/txt agarici Staphylinus, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 97.
1752 p p/t agarici Tipula, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. III. 1789, 393.
1753 pg pg/txt agaricicola Opalium id. ac O. agricola, Fab., A. G. Olivier, Entom. III. 1795, 11.
1754 p p/t agariciformis Millepora, P. S. Pallas, Elench. 1766, 263.
1755 pg pg/txt agaricinus Dermestes (Linn.), Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 16.—Silpha.
1756 p p/t agaricinum Scaphidium (L.), A. G. Olivier, Entom. II. 1790, 5.—Silpha.
1757 pg pg/txt agaricinum Scaphidium, Hellwing in G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 2, 1792, tab. 2.
1758 p p/t agaricina Silpha, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 360 ; ed. 12, 1767, 570.
1759 pg pg/txt agaricina Spongia, P. S. Pallas, Elench. 1766, 397.
1760 p p/t agaricites Madrepora, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 795 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1274.
1761 pg pg/txt agaricorum Acarus, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 391.
1762 p p/t agaricum Alcyonium, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 1294.
1763 pg pg/txt agaricum Madepora id. ac agaricites, L., J. F. Maratti, Plant. Zooph. Med. 1776, 48.
1764 p p/t agarista [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, II (15) 1777, 112.
1765 pg pg/txt agatha [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (28) 1780, 76.
1766 p p/t agatha Papilio, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 54.
1767 pg pg/txt Agathidium Illiger in Kugelann, Käfer Preuss. 1798, 81.—Col.
1768 p p/t agathinus Cimex, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 114.
1769 pg pg/txt agathina [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (20) 1779, 76.
1770 p p/t agathina [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, II (14) 1777, 109.
1771 pg pg/txt agave [Papilio], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (2) 1775, 31.
1772 p p/t agave Papilio, M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. II. 1789, 210.
1773 pg pg/txt agave Papilio, (ex Esper tab.), C. C. Jung, Alph. Verz. Schmett. I. 1791, 14.
1774 p p/t agavus Papilio, D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. III. 1782, index & 11.
1775 pg pg/txt agavus [Papilio], C. Stoll, Aanhang. Cramer's Uitl. Kapellen, IV. 1790, 144.
1776 p p/t agenor Papilio (Eques), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 460 ; ed. 12, 1767, 747.
1777 pg pg/txt agenor Scarabaeus, A. G. Olivier, Entom. I. 1789, 178.
1778 p p/t agestis Papilio [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 184.
1779 pg pg/txt agestis Papilio, H. G. Lang, Verz. Schmett., ed. 2, 1789, 54.
1780 p p/t aggregata Sabella, L. T. Gronovius, Zooph. III. 1781, 352.
1781 pg pg/txt aggressor Cimex, J. F. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 706.
1782 p p/t agilis Ameiva (L.), F. A. A. Meyer, Syn. Rept. 1795, 28.—Lacerta.
1783 pg pg/txt agilis Apis, M. Harris, Exp. Eng. Ins. 1776, 163.
1784 p p/t agilis Aranea, F. A. A. Meyer in Schriba, J. Lieb. Ent. III. 1791, 256.
1785 pg pg/txt agilis Bombylius, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. IV (Ins.) 1789, 328.
1786 p p/t agilis Cancer, F. X. de Wulfen, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. VIII. 1791, 337.
1787 pg pg/txt agilis Carabus, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 76.
1788 p p/t agilis Carabus, C. P. Thunberg, Nov. Ins. Spec. (4) 1784, 70.
1789 pg pg/txt agilis Carabus, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 204.
1790 p p/t agilis Cerastes (Linn.), J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 82.—Coluber.
1791 pg pg/txt agilis Cimex, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 1763, 126.
1792 p p/t agilis Cimex, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 374.
1793 pg pg/txt agilis Coluber, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 220 ; ed. 12, 1766, 381.
1794 p p/t agilis Dytiscus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (1) 1792, 194.
1795 pg pg/txt agilis Gryllus, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2071.
1796 p p/t agilis Ichneumon, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 344.
1797 pg pg/txt agilis Ichneumon, J. L. Christ, Nat. Ins. 1791, 369.
1798 p p/t agilis Ichneumon Mutilla, J. L. Christ, Nat. Ins. 1791, 376.
1799 pg pg/txt agilis Lacerta, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 203 ; ed. 12, 1766, 363.
1800 p p/t agilis Locusta, C. de Geer, Mém. Ins. III. 1773, 457.
1801 pg pg/txt agilis Lygaeus, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 182.—Cimex, 1781.
1802 p p/t agilis Musca, M. Harris, Exp. Eng. Ins. 1776, 86.
1803 pg pg/txt agilis Musca, P. Rossi, Fauna Etrus. II. 1790, 311.
1804 p p/t agilis Muscicapa, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 948.
1805 pg pg/txt agilis Oniscus, Persoon in G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 9, 1793, tab. 24.
1806 p p/t agilis Phalaena (Noct.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. II. 1789, 285.
1807 pg pg/txt agilis Psittacus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 99 ; ed. 12, 1766, 143.
1808 p p/t agilis Ptomaphagus, Illiger in Kugelann, Käfer Preuss. 1798, 88.
1809 pg pg/txt agilis Seps (L.), F. v. P. Schrank, F. Boica, I. 1798, 285.—Lacerta.
1810 p p/t agilissima Apis, J. A. Scopoli, Annus IV. 1770, 14.
1811 pg pg/txt agilitas Musca, M. Harris, Exp. Eng. Ins. 1776, 108.
1812 p p/t agino Apis, M. Harris, Exp. Eng. Ins. 1776, 163.
1813 pg pg/txt agis [Papilio], D. Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. III. 1782, index & 34.
1814 p p/t agis [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (3) 1775, 49.
1815 pg pg/txt agitabilis Apis, M. Harris, Exp. Eng. Ins. 1776, 163.
1816 p p/t agitator Ichneumon, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méch. VII (Ins.) 1792, 179.
1817 pg pg/txt Agkishodon err. pro Agkistrodon, de Beauvois, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. IV. 1799, 370.—R.
1818 p p/t Agkistrodon de Beauvois, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. IV. 1799, 381.—R.
1819 pg pg/txt aglaja Papilio (Heliconius), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 465.
1820 p p/t aglaja Papilio (Nymphalis), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 481 ; ed. 12, 1767, 785.
1821 pg pg/txt aglauros Papilio, M. B. Borkhausen, Nat. eur. Schmett. I. 1788, 95.
1822 p p/t aglaura [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, III (22) 1779, 126.
1823 pg pg/txt aglea [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (32) 1782, 173.
1824 p p/t Aglossa P. A. Latreille, Préc. Car. Ins. 1796, 145.—Lep.
1825 pg pg/txt agnatus Strombus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3523.
1826 p p/t agnes [Papilio], C. Stoll in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (28) 1780, 73.
1827 pg pg/txt Agouti B. G. E. de Lacépède, Tabl. Mamm. 1799, 9.—M.
1828 p p/t agraia Aranea, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. IV (Ins.) 1789, 214.
1829 pg pg/txt agrarius Mus, P. S. Pallas, Reise Russ. I. 1771, 454.
1830 p p/t agrarius Mus, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, 231, var. americanus.
1831 pg pg/txt agrarius Mus, J. M. Bechstein in Pennant, Uebers. 4füss. Thiere, II. 1800, 507 & 716, varr. albostriatus, maculatus.
1832 p p/t agresta Bombyx (Cr.), A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V. (Ins.) 1790, 52.—Phalaena.
1833 pg pg/txt agresta [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, IV (26) 1780, 32.
1834 p p/t agrestis Alauda, J. Latham, Syn. Birds, Suppl. I. 1787, 287.
1835 pg pg/txt agrestis Apis, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 446.
1836 p p/t agreste Callidium, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 152.
1837 pg pg/txt agrestis Carabus, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 344.
1838 p p/t agrestis Carabus, C. Creutzer, Ent. Vers. 1799, 110.
1839 pg pg/txt agrestis Cerambyx (Fab.), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. IV. 1789, 308.—Callidium.
1840 p p/t agrestis Hirundo, C. Nozeman in Nozeman & Houttyn, Ned. Vogel. I. [177—], 33.
1841 pg pg/txt agrestis Hirundo, J. F. Blumenbach, Hand. Naturg. ed. 2, 1782, 238.
1842 p p/t agrestis Limax, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 652 ; ed. 12, 1767, 1082.
1843 pg pg/txt agrestis Mus, Linnaeus, Faun. Suec., ed. 2, 1761, 11.
1844 p p/t agrestis Nomada, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 306.
1845 pg pg/txt agrestis Turbo, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 87.
1846 p p/t agrestorius Ichneumon, N. S. Swederus, K. Vet. Ac. Nya Handl. VIII. 1787, 279.
1847 pg pg/txt agrestorius Ichneumon, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2679.
1848 p p/t agricola Bolitophagus (Herbst), Illiger in Kugelann, Käfer Preuss. 1798, 106.—Opatrum.
1849 pg pg/txt agricola Carabus, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V. (Ins.) 1790, 337.
1850 p p/t agricola Curculio, G. Paykull, Faun. Suec. III. 1800, 260.
1851 pg pg/txt agricola Melolontha (Poda), J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 37.—Scarabaeus.
1852 p p/t agricola Melolontha, J. N. Laicharting, Tyrol. Ins. I. 1781, 39.
1853 pg pg/txt agricola Opatrum, J. F. W. Herbst in Fuessly, Arch. Ins. IV. 1783, 35.
1854 p p/t agricola Pimelia (Scop.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2002.—Tenebrio.
1855 pg pg/txt agricola Scarabaeus, N. Poda, Ins. Mus. Graec. 1761, 21.
1856 p p/t agricola Silpha (Herbst), C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. IV. 1789, 233.—Opatrum.
1857 pg pg/txt agricola Tenebrio, J. A. Scopoli, Annus V. 1772, 108.
1858 p p/t agricolator Ichneumon, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1767, 937.
1859 pg pg/txt Agrion J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 425.—Neur.
1860 p p/t agrippa Hesperia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 259.
1861 pg pg/txt agrippina [Phalaena], P. Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, I (8) 1776, 136.
1862 p p/t agrius Bombyx, A. G. Olivier, Ency. Méth. V (Ins.) 1790, 39.
1863 pg pg/txt agrius Zygaena, J. C. Fabricius, Spec. Ins. II. 1781, 159.
1864 p p/t agrorum Apis, F. v. P. Schrank, Ins. Aust. 1781, 397.
1865 pg pg/txt agrorum Apis, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. I. 1787, 301.
1866 p p/t agrorum Buprestis, A. F. de Fourcroy, Ent. Paris. 1785, 44.
1867 pg pg/txt agrorum Carabus (Four.) C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. I. 1789, 376.—Buprestis.
1868 p p/t agrorum Musca (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2869.—Syrphus.
1869 pg pg/txt agrorum Syrphus, J. C. Fabricius, Mant. II. 1787, 335.
1870 p p/t agrotera [Papilio], J. A. B. Bergstraesser, Nom. Ins. IV. 1780, 13.
1871 pg pg/txt agrotera [Papilio], J. A. B. Bergstraesser, Ic. Pap. III. 1781, 7.
1872 p p/t agua Buffo, B. G. E. de Lacepède, Quad. Ovip. &c. I. 1788, Syn. méth.
1873 pg pg/txt aguti Cavia (Linn.), J. C. P. Erxleben, Syst. Anim. 1777, 353.—Mus.
1874 p p/t aguti Cavia, E. A. W. Zimmermann, Spec. Zool. 1777, 507.
1875 pg pg/txt aguti Cavia, R. Kerr, Anim. Kingd. 1792, varr. cunicularis, 217 ; leporina, americana, 218.
1876 p p/t aguti Mus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 80.
1877 pg pg/txt aguti v. et acuti.
1878 p p/t Agyrtes J. A. Frolich, Naturforscher, XXVIII. 1799, 15.—Col.
1879 pg pg/txt agyrtus Papilio, Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen, II (11) 1777, 40.
1880 p p/t ahaetulla Coluber, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 225 ; ed. 12, 1766, 387.
1881 pg pg/txt ahaetulla Natrix (Linn.), J. N. Laurenti, Syn. Rept. 1768, 79.—Coluber.
1882 p p/t ahenella Tinea [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 135.
1883 pg pg/txt ahornerella Tinea, J. Hübner, Europ. Schmett. 8 Horde [me judice 1796], 55.
1884 p p/t aiaia v. ajaja.
1885 pg pg/txt ain Phalaena, S. v. Hochenwarth, Schrift. Berlin. Ges. Nat. Freunde, VI. 1785, 337.
1886 p p/t aivus Hesperia, err. pro avius, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (1) 1793, 301.
1887 pg pg/txt ajaja Platalea, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 140 ; ed. 12, 1766, 231.
1888 p p/t aiaia Platalea, C. Cuvier, Tab. Elém. 1798, 259.
1889 pg pg/txt ajar Cardita, J. G. Bruguière, Ency. Méth. (Vers) (2), 1792, 406.
1890 p p/t ajax Papilio (Eques), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 462 ; ed. 12, 1767, 750.
1891 pg pg/txt ajax Scarabaeus, A. G. Olivier, Entom. I. 1789, 27.
1892 p p/t ajereba Raja, J. G. Walbaum, Artedi, Ichth. (3) ed. 2, 1792, 535.
1893 pg pg/txt ajugae Curculio, Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VI. 1795, 172.
1894 p p/t Akera O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, xxix. & 242.—Moll.
1895 pg pg/txt akera Bulla, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3434.
1896 p p/t Akis Herbst in Jablonsky, Nat. Ins. (Käfer) VIII. 1799, 124.—Col.
1897 pg pg/txt akouchi v. acouchy.
1898 p p/t aktäon v. actäon.
1899 pg pg/txt ala-avis Paphia, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 175.
1900 p p/t alabastrella Tinea [Denis & Schiffermüller], Schmett. Wien, 1775, 139.
1901 pg pg/txt alabastrina Coralina, W. G. Tilesius, Verz. Merkw. Seeprod. 1800, 6.
1902 p p/t alabastrina Nerita, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 18 [n. n.].
1903 pg pg/txt alabastrina Phalaena, A. F. de Fourcory, Ent. Paris. 1785, 284.
1904 p p/t alacer Carabus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1967.
1905 pg pg/txt alactacha [Mus], S. G. Gmelin, Reise Russ. I (1770) 26.
1906 p p/t alactaga Dipus, Olivier, Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. [Paris] no. 40, 1800, 121.
1907 pg pg/txt alandica Anas, A. Sparrman, Mus. Carls. III. 1788, no. lx.
1908 p p/t ala-papilionis Cochlis, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 146.
1909 pg pg/txt ala-papilionis Nerita, C. U. v. Salis, Reise Neapel, 1793, 379.
1910 p p/t ala-papilionis Paphia, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 175.
1911 pg pg/txt alaphasiani Isogonum, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten, (2) 1798, 168.
1912 p p/t alapi Turdus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1788, 826.
1913 pg pg/txt alardus [Papilio], C. Stoll, Aanhang. Cramer's Uitl. Kapellen, V. 1790, 171.
1914 p p/t Alaria F. v. P. Schrank, Verz. Eingeweidewürmer, 1788, "Gattungen'' & 52.—Ver.
1915 pg pg/txt alario Emberiza, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 179.
1916 p p/t alario Fringilla, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, 319.
1917 pg pg/txt Alata F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 334 [v. et. Cat. Coll. Coq. Oudaan, 1766, 42].—G.
1918 p p/t Alatites J. Gesner, Tract. Petref. 1758, 56.—Moll.
1919 pg pg/txt alatunga Scomber, J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 1330.
1920 p p/t Alatus [G. Humphreys], Mus. Calonn. 1797, 38 [n. n.].—G.
1921 pg pg/txt alata Acanthia, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. IV. 1794, 76.
1922 p p/t alata Apis, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 274.
1923 pg pg/txt alatum Buccinum, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3497.
1924 p p/t alatus Cancer (Fab.), J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2984.—Pagurus.
1925 pg pg/txt alatus Cimex, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 106.
1926 p p/t alatus Carbro, G. W. F. Panzer, Ins. Germ. heft 46 [1797], tab. 6.
1927 pg pg/txt alatum Distoma (Goeze), J. G. H. Zeber in Goeze, 1 Nachtr. Eingeweidewürm. 1800, [177.—Planaria. Yes
1928 p p/t alatus Murex, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 322.
1929 pg pg/txt alatus Murex, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3562.
1930 p p/t alata Musca id. ac elata, Fab., J. F. Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 2843.
1931 pg pg/txt alata Ostrea, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3339.
1932 p p/t alatus Pagurus, J. C. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 411.
1933 pg pg/txt alata Prima, F. C. Meuschen, Mus. Gever. 1787, 410.
1934 p p/t alata Planaria, J. A. E. Goeze, Eingeweidewürm. 1782, 177.
1935 pg pg/txt alata Ploiaria, J. A. Scopoli, Del. Insub. III. 1788, 51.
1936 p p/t alata Purpura, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 144.
1937 pg pg/txt alatus Staphylinus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1789, 2036.
1938 p p/t alatus Strombus, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3513.
1939 pg pg/txt alata Tellina, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3236.
1940 p p/t alata Trigla, M. Houttyn, Verh. Holl. Maat. Weet. Haarlem, XX (2) 1782, 336.
1941 pg pg/txt alata Turris, J. F. Bolten, Mus. Bolten. (2) 1798, 124 [n. n.].
1942 p p/t Alauda Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, 165 ; ed. 12, 1766, 287.—A.
1943 pg pg/txt alauda Curculio, J. F. W. Herbst in Fuessly, Arch. Ins. V. 1784, 74.
1944 p p/t alausda Curculio, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. I (2) 1792, 411.
1945 pg pg/txt alaudae Acarus, F. v. P. Schrank, Ins. Aust. 1781, 515.
1946 p p/t alaudae Ascaris, J. F. Gmelin in Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I. 1790, 3034.
1947 pg pg/txt alaudae Filaria, F. v. P. Schrank, Verz. Eingeweidewürmer, 1788, 1.
1948 p p/t alaudae Pediculus, F. v. P. Schrank, Beitr. Nat. 1776, 115.
1949 pg pg/txt alaudaria Phalaena, [D. H. Schneider] Nom. Ent. 1785, 51 [n. n.].
1950 p p/t Alaudarius F. v. P. Schrank, Reise südl. Gebirg. Baiern, 1793, 40.—A.
1951 pg pg/txt alaudarius Accipiter, J. C. Schaeffer, Mus. Orn. 1789, 7.
1952 p p/t alaudarius Cacicus, F. M. Daudin, Traité élém. Orn. 1800, 325.
1953 pg pg/txt alaudarius Falco, F. W. Schmidt (ex Briss.), Samml. phys.-oek. Aufsätze, I. 1795, 33.
1954 p p/t alaudipes Upupa, R. L. Desfontaines, Mém. Ac. Roy. Sci. [Paris], 1787 (1789), 504.
1955 pg pg/txt alba v. albus.
1956 p p/t albacares Scomber, J. P. Bonnaterre, Ency. Méth. (Ich.) 1788, 140.
1957 pg pg/txt albacorus Scomber, B. G. E. de Lacépède, Hist. Nat. Poiss. II. 1800, [599.
1958 p p/t albago Noctua, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. III (2) 1794, 74.
1959 pg pg/txt albana Phalanea (Tortrix), O. F. Müller, F. Ins. Frid. 1764, 53.
1960 p p/t albana Pyralis, J. C. Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. Syst. 1798, 476.
1961 pg pg/txt albaria Phalaena Geom., C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. II. 1789, 321.
1962 p p/t albastrata Phalaena Geom., C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. II. 1789, 379.
1963 pg pg/txt albator Curculio, P. S. Pallas, Icon. Ins. 1781, 36.
1964 p p/t albator Hydrachna, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 189.
1965 pg pg/txt albator Trombidium (Muell.), J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 403.—Hydrachna.
1966 p p/t albatorius Ichneumon, O. F. Müller, Z. Dan. Prod. 1776, 152.
1967 pg pg/txt albatorius Ichneumon, C. de Villers, Linn. Ent. III. 1789, 156.
1968 p p/t albatorius Ichneumon, J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. 1793, 137.
1969 pg pg/txt albatrilineta Phalaena, A. J. Retzius, Gen. Sp. Ins. Geer, 1783, 50.
1970 p p/t Albatrossa M. T. Brünnich, Fund. Zool. 1772, 80.—A.
1971 pg pg/txt Albatrus M. J. Brisson, Ornith. VI. 1760, 126.—A.
1972 p p/t albatrus Diomedea, P. S. Pallas, Spic. Zool. V. 1769, 28.
1973 pg pg/txt albatrus Diomedea, J. R. Forster, Mém. présentés Ac. Roy. Sci. [Paris] X. 1785, 569.