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ship The United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842
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Crew Name
Served Aboard
Period of Service
Alden, James Lieutenant Vincennes ; Porpoise  1838 - 1842 Joined brig Porpoise at San Fransisco, October 1841.
Baldwin, A.S. Acting Master Porpoise ; Peacock ; Oregon  1838 - 1842 Joined Peacock at Callao, and Oregon at Columbia river.
Bell, Thomas G. Boatswain Peacock ; Porpoise ; Oregon  1838 - 1842 Joined Porposise at Columbia river, and Oregon at San Francisco.
Blunt, Simon F. Passed Midshipman Porpoise ; Vincennes  1838 - April, 1841 Joined Vincennes at Orange Bay, and left sick at Honolulu, in April, 1841.
Chick, Amos Carpenter Porpoise ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842 Joined Vincennes at Callao.
Claiborne, M.G.L. Lieutenant Porpoise ; Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined Relief at Orange Bay.
Colvocoresis, Geo. W. Passed Midshipman Porpoise ; Peacock ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842 Joined Peacock at Rio, Vincennes at Feejee, and Oregon at San Francisco
Dale, John B. Lieutenant Porpoise ; Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined Relief at Callao.
Fox, J.L. Assistant Surgeon Vincennes ; Porpoise  1838 - 1842 Joined Porpoise at San Francisco, October, 1841.
Freeman, J.D. Sailmaker Peacock ; Porpoise  1838 - 1842 Joined Porpoise at Columbia river.
Frost, John Boatswain Porpoise  1838 - 1842
Guillou, C.F.B. Assistant Surgeon Porpoise ; Peacock ; Flying Fish  1838 - November, 1841 Joined Peacock at Sydney, Flying-Fish at Columbia river, and detached at Honolulu, November, 1841.
Hartstein, H.J. Lieutenant Porpoise ; Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined Relief at Callao.
Holmes, Silas Assistant Surgeon Peacock ; Porpoise ; Flying Fish  1838 - 1842 Joined Porpoise at Sydney, and Oregon at San Francisco.
Jones, John Sailmaker Porpoise ; Relief  1838 - 1842 Detached at Callao; joined Relief.
Lee, Samuel P. Lieutenant Peacock ; Flying Fish ; Porpoise ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842 Detached at Orange Bay, Feb. 1839.
Maury, William L. Lieutenant Vincennes ; Peacock ; Porpoise  1838 - 1842 Joined Peacock at Orange Bay, and Porpoise at Callao
Morse, William H. Purser's Steward Porpoise  1838 - 1842
Nelson, O. Boatswain Porpoise  1838 - Rio Detached at Rio
North, James H. Acting Master Vincennes ; Porpoise  1838 - 1842 Joined Porpoise at Callao
Reynolds, William Passed Midshipman Vincennes ; Peacock ; Flying Fish ; Porpoise  1838 - 1842 Joined Peacock, 1839, and Flying-Fish at Honolulu, 1840, and Porpoise at Singapore.
Ringgold, Cadwalader Lieutenant Commandant Porpoise  1838 - 1842
Sandford, Joseph P. Passed Midshipman Vincennes ; Porpoise ; Flying Fish  1838 - 1842 Joined Porpoise at Tahiti, Schooner Flying-Fish at San Francisco, and Porpoise at Singapore.
Sinclair, George T. Acting Master Relief ; Porpoise ; Flying Fish  1838 - 1842 Joined Porpoise at Callao ; Commander Flying-Fish at Feejee ; joined Porpoise again at Honolulu, November 1840.
Stuart, Frederick D. Captain's Clerk Peacock ; Porpoise ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842 Joined Porpoise at Columbia river, and Vincennes at San Francisco.
Totten, George M. Passed Midshipman Vincennes ; Porpoise  1838 - 1842 Joined Porpoise at Callao, and Vincennes at Honolulu.
Waldron, Thomas W. Captain's Clerk Porpoise  1838 - 1842
Walker, W.M. Lieutenant Peacock ; Flying Fish ; Porpoise ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842