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ship The United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842
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Crew Name
Served Aboard
Period of Service
Agate, Alfred S. Artist (Scientific Corps) Relief ; Peacock ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842 Joined Peacock at Callao, and Vincennes at San Francisco.
Atkins, Silas Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Berry, Charles Master-at-Arms Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Black, J. Boatswain Relief  1838 - 1842
Blair, James L. Midshipman Relief ; Peacock ; Flying Fish ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842 Joined Peacock at Rio, Schooner Flying-Fish at Columbia river, and Vincennes at Honolulu.
Brimblecomb, Joseph Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Brown, John B. Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Burns, David Officers' Cook Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Case, A.L. Lieutenant Relief ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842 Joined Vincennes at Callao.
Claiborne, M.G.L. Lieutenant Porpoise ; Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined Relief at Orange Bay.
Clegg, William Ordinary Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Cook, John Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Crozby, Joseph Carpenter's Mate Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Cummings, Thomas W. Passed Midshipman Relief  1838 - Rio Left sick at Rio.
Dale, John B. Lieutenant Porpoise ; Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined Relief at Callao.
Davis, Alonzo B. Passed Midshipman Relief ; Peacock ; Vincennes ; Oregon  1838 - 1842 Joined Peacock at Callao, and Vincennes at Columbia river, and Oregon at San Francisco.
Dinsman, Samuel Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; served the cruise.
Duegen, Charles Seaman Relief  Rio - 1842 Joined at Rio; returned in Relief.
Ellice, Richard Assistant Master's Mate Flying Fish ; Relief  1838 - 1842 Detached ; joined Relief at Rio.
Elliotte, James Gunner's Mate Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; send home in the relief.
Foreman, Kinnard Sailmaker's Mate Relief  Callao - 1842 Joined at Callao; returned to United States in the Relief.
Gallagher, Fergus Cooper Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Garrigan, Matthew Landsman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Gonzalez, Domingo Seaman Relief  Rio - 1842 Joined at Rio; returned in the Relief.
Guido, Manuel 2d Class Boy Relief  Madeira - 1842 Joined at Madeira; returned to United States in the Relief.
Haggerty, James Ordinary Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Hartstein, H.J. Lieutenant Porpoise ; Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined Relief at Callao.
Hicks, William H. Ordinary Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Hobsen, Samuel Armourer Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Howison, James R. Captain's Clerk Relief ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842 Joined Vincennes at Callao.
Hufford, Lawrence Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Johnson, William Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Johnson, Francis Ordinary Seaman Relief  Rio - 1842 Joined at Rio; sent home in the Relief.
Jones, Thomas Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Jones, John Sailmaker Porpoise ; Relief  1838 - 1842 Detached at Callao; joined Relief.
Lamson, Horace Ordinary Seaman Relief  Valparaiso - 1842 Joined at Valparaiso; sent to United States in the Relief.
Lennard, John Seaman Relief  Rio - 1842 Joined at Rio; sent to United States in the Relief.
Lewis, Thomas Gunner Relief ; Peacock ; Oregon  1838 - 1842 Joined Peacock at Callao, and Oregon at Columbia river.
Littleyear, Lawrence Private Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the Unit4ed States; sent home in the Relief.
Logan, Bernard Ordinary Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Long, A.K. Lieutenant Commandant Relief  1838 - Callao
Loyd, William Landsman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Miller, David Ordinary Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Moran, James 1st Class Boy Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Noble, Thomas Seaman Relief  Rio - 1842 Joined at Rio; send home in the Relief.
Palmer, J.C. Acting Surgeon Relief ; Peacock ; Oregon ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842 Joined Peacock at Callao, and Oretgon at Columiba river, and Vincennes at San Francisco
Patterson, James Landsman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned on the Relief.
Percival, Isaac Pilot Sea Gull ; Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined Relief at Callao
Pinkney, R.F. Lieutenant Relief ; Peacock ; Flying Fish  1838 - 1840 Joined Peacock at Orange Bay, Flying-Fish at Callao, and detached at Honolulu, 1840.
Rich, Wiliam Botanist (Scientific Corps) Relief ; Peacock ; Vincennes  1838 - 1842 Joined Peacock at Callao, and Vincennes at San Francisco.
Robbin, William Quarter Master Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Sinclair, George T. Acting Master Relief ; Porpoise ; Flying Fish  1838 - 1842 Joined Porpoise at Callao ; Commander Flying-Fish at Feejee ; joined Porpoise again at Honolulu, November 1840.
Stevens, Benjamin Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Sudor, George Quarter Master Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Teneycke, William Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Thompson, Matthew Capt. Top Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Underwood, Joseph A. Lieutenant Relief ; Vincennes  1838 - July 24, 1840 Joined Vincennes at Callao, and killed at Malohol, July 24th, 1840.
Vanderveer, John Seaman Relief  Valparaiso - 1842 Joined at Valparaiso; sent home in the Relief.
Vines, Antonia Officers' Steward Relief  Callao - 1842 Joined at Callao; sent home in the Relief.
Welsh, Peter Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Widden, Mark Landsman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Williams, Phillip Ordinary Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
Williams, James Landsman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Wilson, William Quarter Master Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.
Wright, Daniel Cockswain Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; returned in the Relief.
York, William Ordinary Seaman Relief  1838 - 1842 Joined in the United States; sent home in the Relief.