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Esposizione Internazionale de Disegno, Turin 1902


  • Weisberg, Gabriel P. "The Turin Exposition of International Design 1902: The Mystery of the Stile Floreale and the Palazzina of Augostino Lauro." Arts Magazine 62 (April 1988): 32-36.
    During a period in which Italian design was considered "weak," the Turin Exposition was designed to stimulate the creative forces of Italian artistry in buildings and furniture by placing their works in direct competition with foreign designs. The exposition marked the debut of a new, original Italian style called Stile Floreale. The Palazzina was built to demonstrate this modern style.


  • Bossaglia, Rossana, Ezio Godoli, and Marco Rosci. Torino 1902: le arti decorative internazionali del nuovo secolo: catalogo della mostra. [Italian] Milan: Fabbri, 1994.
  • Garuzzo, Valeria. L'esposizione del 1902 a Torino. [Italian] Torino: Testo & imagine, 1999.
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