Illustration as Influence
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Influencing Buyers
Manufacturers, seed companies, and other businesses produce images of their products in any affordable format that will catch the public’s eye. Product literature from the 19th and 20th centuries contains a wealth of visual evidence about material culture and marketing strategies. [View Books]

Influencing Design
The study and practice of architecture depends on images to convey its visual qualities. The contributions of architects, from the Roman engineer Vitruvius to the 19th-century American architect Asher Benjamin, were published with detailed and carefully prepared drawings. The wide dissemination of these illustrations inspired and influenced generations of architects and builders to revive elements of classical design. [View Books]

Influential Illustrators
Individual illustrators have influenced generations of followers. Their ideas for graphic treatments have found applications beyond the pages of books, in innovative uses of color, design motifs, and typographic elements for home furnishings and decorative arts around the world. [View Books]