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Inter-State and West Indian Exposition, South Carolina 1901-1902
- Bland, Sidney R. "Women and World's Fairs: The Charleston Story." South Carolina Historical Magazine 94: 3 (1993): 166-84.
World's fairs at the turn of the century began to celebrate the accomplishments of women. Women's pavilions and activities from previous world's fairs set the precedent for following women's forums, including that of the West Indian Exposition. The Woman's Department formed the backbone of organizing efforts and in the process created an image of the southern woman as having aspects of both "traditional womanhood and new womanhood."
- Harvey, Bruce. "'Struggles and Triumphs' Revisited: Charleston's West Indian Exposition and the Development of Urban Progressivism" Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Association (1988): 85-93.
Despite ending up bankrupt by the end of the fair, the West Indian Exposition can be seen, according to Harvey, as a success for the city of Charleston. The fair was an effort to establish Progressivism in the southern business community and revive the southern economy.
- Smyth, William. "Blacks and the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition." South Carolina Historical Magazine 88: 4 (1987): 211-219.
Smyth looks specifically at the Negro Building as well as the Negro Department which had Booker T. Washington as its chief commissioner. The organizers of the building wanted to showcase black progress in industry, education, and agriculture. Smyth asserts that the building was well received by visitors and helped to unite blacks in the South.
- Chibbaro, Anthony. The Charleston Exposition. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia, 2001.