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Exposition Coloniale Internationale, Paris 1931
- Evans, Martin. "Projecting a Greater France: Martin Evans contrasts the Triumphalism of France's 1931 Colonial Exhibition in Paris with the Rotten Reality of its Ramshackle Empire." History Today 50:2 (2000): 18-32.
- Hodeir, Catherine. "La ‘Fee Electricite' a L' Exposition Coloniale Internationale de Paris (1931)." Outre-Mers: Revue d'Historie [France] 89:1(2002):55-69.
- Ezra, Elizabeth Rose. "The Identification of Difference: Raymond Roussel, Rene Crevel and the Colonial Exhibitions in Interwar France." Ph.D. Dissertation: Cornell University, 1992.Dissertations
This thesis examines the construction of group identities in French colonial discourse of the 1920s and 1930s through readings of literary texts with colonial themes, and through studies of archival data pertaining to the 1931 Exposition Coloniale Internationale and the colonial section of the 1937 World's Fair, both held in Paris.
Web Sites
- Empire of the Republic: The Exposition Coloniale Internationale de Paris, 1931 by Arthur Chandler
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