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Montreal Expo 67: Man and His World
- "The Centennial and Expo." Maclean's 1 112:26 (July 1999): 42-44.
Discusses how the centennial celebrations in Canada and the World's Fair Expo '67 brought out pride and confidence within the country.
- Brydon, Sherry. "The Indians of Canada Pavilion at Expo 67." American Indian Art Magazine 22:3 (1997): 54-63.
- Kroller, Eva-Marie. "Expo '67: Canada's Camelot?" Canadian Literature 152/153 (Spring/Summer 1997): 36-52.
Describes Canada's hosting of and participation in Expo '67,and its social and political implications; including the marginalized role of women at the exposition and a comparison with other world expositions.
- Safdie, Moshe. "Habitat at 25." Architectural Record 180 :7(July 1992): 40-44.
Examines Habitat, the Montreal housing complex designed by the author and unveiled at Expo '67. Discusses the goals of the complex and how it is viewed at 25.
- Tippett, Maria. "Expressing Identity." Beaver [Canada] 80:1 (2000): 18-27.
The author argues that twentieth century Canadian writers, artists, and musicians did not realize a shared culture being divided geographically as well as by language and ethnicity. Cultural artisans shared a sense of identity during WW I, the Great Depression, and most notable in EXPO '67.
- Kicksee, Richard Gordon. "Scaled Down to Size: Contested Liberal Commonsense and the negotiation of ‘Indian Participation' in the Canadian Centennial Celebrations and Expo '67." M.A. Thesis: Queen's University at Kingston [Canada], 1996.
- Miedema, Gary R. "Canada's Sake: The Re-visioning of Canada and the Re-structuring of Public Religion in the 1960s." Ph.D. Dissertation: Queen's University, 2000.
- Whitney, Allison. "Labyrinth: Cinema, Myth and Nation at Expo 67." M.A. Thesis: McGill University, 1999.
- Gopnick, Blake and Michael Sorkin. Moshe Safdie: Habitat '67, Montreal. Torino: [Italian] Testo and Immagine, 1998.
- Jasmin, Yves. La Petite Historie d'Expo 67: l'Expo 67 Comme Vous ne l'avez Jamais Vue. Montreal: Eds. Quebec/Amerique, 1997.
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