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United States Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia 1876
- Bonnell, Andrew. "Cheap and Nasty: German Goods, Socialism, and the 1876 Philadelphia World Fair." International Review of Social History 46: 2 (2001): 207-226.
- Donnelly, Max. "British Furniture at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 1876." Furniture History 36 (2001): 91-120.
- Fischer, Felice. "The Centennial Exhibition, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Hector Tyndale." Antiques 163:3 (2002): 97-107.
- Halen, Widar. "Christopher Dresser, the Centennial Exhibition and the Anglo-American Dialogue." Antiques 160 (Sept. 2001): 354-60.
- Howe, Jeffrey. "A Monster Ediface: Ambivalence, Appropriation, and the Forging of Cultural identity at the Centennial Exhibition." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 126:4 (2002): 635-650.
- Myers, Susan and Susan Padwee. Special issue of Tile Heritage devoted to tiles at the Centennial Exhibition. Tile Heritage 6:2 (2002).
- Nolan, Marianne. "A Century of Industrial Progress: Lighting Products at the Centennial Exhibition 1876." The Rushlight 65:3 (1999): 2-11.
Describes the exhibiting and awarding of gas and glassware lighting fixtures at the fair. Includes listings of manufacturers and short descriptions of lighting fixtures as well as discussion of how exhibits were judged. Illustrations are also included.
- Pitman, Jennifer. "China's Presence at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876." Studies in the Decorative Arts. 10: 1 (2002-2003): 35-73.
Details the national exhibit by the Chinese government at the Exhibition: China displayed and sold a wide variety of decorative arts, increasing the influence of Chinese styles in the U.S..
- Remberger, Sebastian. "Billig and Schlecht: Franz Reuleaux zu den Weltausstellungen in Philadelphia 1876 und Chicago 1893." Kultur & Technik (July-Sept. 2000): 42-51.
- Winpenny, Thomas R. "The Phoenix Tower and the Struggling Centennial Exhibition of 1876: A Tale of What Might Have Been." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 124:4 (October 2000): 547-555.
- Yount, Sylvia. "A ‘New Century' for Women: Philadelphia's Centennial Exhibition and Domestic Reform." Philadelphia's Cultural Landscape. Ed. Katharine Martinez and Page Talbott. Philadelphia:Temple University Press, 2000.
- Giberti, Bruno. "The Classified Landscape: Consumption, Commodity Order, and the 1876 Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1994.
Giberti explores the discourse that surrounded the order and classification of objects at the Centennial Exhibition. The order and classification of objects determined all aspects of the exhibition's structure such as the organization of the site and architecture of the buildings and helped to develop a consumer-oriented environment. [Based on abstract from Dissertation Abstracts Online]
- Laidlaw, Christine. "The American reaction to Japanese Art 1853-1876." Ph. D. Dissertation: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 1996.
Japanese art affected American art in the 1860s and 1870s and had an impact on art, architecture, and views of nature. This influence became much more widely dispersed to the public at the International Exposition in 1876.
- Owen, Nancy Elizabeth. "Women, Culture and Commerce: Rookwood Pottery, 1880-1913." Ph.D. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1997.
Chapter 4 of this dissertation is dedicated to the presence of Rookwood pottery - "the largest, longest lasting, and arguably most important American Art Pottery," according to the author - at international expositions. She notes that the American Art Pottery movement began as a result of the perceived inferiority of American ceramics at the Centennial International Exhibition of 1876. The first part of Chapter 4 looks at Rookwood participation at the fairs and the effort to distinguish the ceramics internationally. The second part consists of a case study of objects that were considered to be key examples of "American" art. Includes a bibliography and illustrations.
- Fisher, Felice. West Meets East: China and Japan at the Centennial Exhibition. [Brochure] Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2001.
- Giberti, Bruno. Designing the Centennial: a History of the 1876 International Exhibition in Philadelphia. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2002,
Behind the scenes look at the planning of America's "first important world's fair:" the conflicts between the players - scientists and engineers, planners and politicians demonstrate wider cultural clashes. Investigates the design process by considering the nature of display: what people were looking at, and how they were looking.
- Owen, Nancy Elizabeth. Rookwood and the Industry of Art: Women, Culture, and Commerce, 1880-1913. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2001.
Discusses the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition at length and its influence on the rise of pottery art.
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