Smithsonian Institution Libraries On Display
The Nelson E. Jones Family's Illustrations of the Nests and Eggs of Birds of Ohio
Introduction by Leslie K. Overstreet
Essay by Joy M. Kiser
Explore the illustrations
Learn more about the family
Further reading/bibliography
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Haverstock, Mary Sayre, Artists in Ohio, 1787-1900: A Biographical Dictionary, Kent State University Press, 2000.

Jones, Howard, "Personal Reminiscences." (August 17, 1931), Pickaway Quarterly (Spring 1970): 14-19.

Kiser, Joy, "America's Lady Audubon." Biblio, Volume 3, number 9, September 1998.

Kiser, Joy, "Ohio's Lady Audubon." Timeline, March/April 2000.

Rea, Gene, "Dr. Jones's Incredible Amateurs: Circleville Enthusiasts Produced a Work Rivaling Audubon's." Ohioana Quarterly 4 (Winter 1961-62): 98-100,119.

Rea, Gene, "Two Mysteries Still Remain." Ohioana Quarterly 5, (Spring 1962): 20-23.

Wessen, Ernest J., "Jones' Nests and Eggs of the Birds of Ohio," Publications of the Bibliographic Society of America, 47, 3rd quarter 1953, pages 218-230.